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Everything posted by corrie

  1. After I posted I wondered if that is what had happened. OT but I will be contacting you at some stage to enquire about becoming a ShonkyPaws franchisee.
  2. You should put this in the pinned topic on research studies as well jed so it is easy to find.
  3. Couldn't get your link to work, Golden Rules.
  4. I saw him on the news and thought what a beautiful dog he was. I didn't think about it at the time but should have known he was a DOL dog.
  5. How funny and beautiful is that standard poodle girl (I think she was sable) stretched right out across the lounge in that link?
  6. Yes, "my dog and me" is correct in that instance - LOL. I won't go into the details of subjective case and objective case ;) , but a quick way to work out whether you use "I" or "me" is to take away the other part of the phrase, in this case "my dog and". You wouldn't say: I cannot thank and praise the volunteers at Duthie Park Dog Obedience enough for all the help they have given I..... The sentence can be constructed differently to show where "My dog and I" is correct: My dog and I have become a great team, thanks to the volunteers at Duthie Park Dog Obedience enough for all the help they have given. In the first sentence, objective case; in the second sentence, subjective case. Here endeth the lesson and congratulations for getting published. :p Thanks MM. No doubt about DOL.....always something to learn. ;)
  7. It sure does exist (as does brindle) and historically partis were very common. Good Parti Website Wow....Brindle Poodles. If someone had randomly told me Poodles came in brindle I would have thought they were either misinformed or telling porkies.
  8. Have you ever been to the LDH or is your knowledge of it mainly from DOL?
  9. After I heard one doler (who is a vet nurse) describe the removal of a corn cob as a cobectomy and state that they had done a few cobectomies in recent times (if I remember correctly) I am now another one who puts them in the outside bin.
  10. The benefit of being an oodle breeder is that you have no paper trail, and can disrobe and mingle if accused of something. easier to track registered puppies rather than unregistered, so we won't be seeing any of the puppy farmers prosecuted. Sad thing is the told you so will be hollow when the registered breeders are forced into extinction and people then find that their crossbreds still have health issues and at higher rates as parents aren't health tested. That is why I think it would be good if there was a permanent section on the microchip form for the breeders details and that it was a legal requirement that the breeders details be filled in. Someone suggested this a while ago and seemed to get a fair amount of negative feedback about it but I don't understand why.
  11. Maybe she is a doler. Jokes aside, it must be quite crippling to live with that kind of extreem fear. If she has a regular time that she is out walking I would consider trying to bump in to her without the dogs and see if she is able to understand any english. Maybe even have a note with you, like someone else suggested, to give her so she can take it home and have it translated.
  12. What a traumatic time for you, disorder. So glad his op went well and he is on the road to recovery. Now to get through the next 6 weeks trying to keep him quiet. :D That looks like some hardcore opiates to me. Come on Snot, drugs are bad, mkay.
  13. I am lucky with my local leash free. Occasionally you get the idiots but most are polite, responsible owners with common sense and their dogs are mostly well behaved. I met the loveliest, most well balanced SWF there today that I have ever had the pleasure to meet. My guys towered over him but he was totally up for it and goaded them for a game of chasey and they constantly changed who was it. All got along like old friends, staying close enough to make it fun but giving each other enough space to run. I must admit I pay attention to the body language of the dogs and check in with the other dogs owners but probably wouldn't tend to notice if their dog is entire or not. I probably annoy the crap out of the owners, though, when I call their male dog a she or vice versa.
  14. Wow! Amazing. Thanks Jed. How were those foxes?
  15. If you don't mind saying, who and where are they, Becandcharch?
  16. I also have a question relating to the blue colouring. I have heard of other breeds in the dilute colours having Coat Dilution Alopecia and whilst it stands to reason that this could occur in a dog of any breed with a dilute coat, how common is it with blue Staffords?
  17. Bare rooted ornamental pear trees are fairly reasonably priced and as they lose there leaves in winter would allow in the winter sun.
  18. Sorry to hear about your little puppy. Did the pet shop offer you any help with vet bills or any kind of compensation? As for your other dog I am not much help. Mainly see GSD.
  19. Amazingly, it actually did seem funny to me when I posted it last night but I think I might need to ban myself from attempted humour when it gets late. I had a touch of the stupids.
  20. I'd be asking her how she trained her dog so well. That's one for Deshonko, PF..... Breed stereotypes.
  21. Sometimes I feel the way that you do in your OP, when gongheads do a bad job of securing their dogs on the back of rather flash utility vehicles, the ones with all the added extras, flashing chrome everywhere, but not the brains to know how to secure their tuff dog in the back of the vehicle. I see what you are saying when things seem all for show, but simple safety rules are not followed. I agree with you, Mutta. I saw a young guy in a hotted up v8 ute with his dog unteathered on the back and he was turning the corners excessively sharp, stopping suddenly and his accelerating was so over the top for the traffic conditions (seemingly to get the nice v8 note). His dog was doing well to keep its footing and not go over the edge. He was too cool for school. I could be wrong but my perception of it was that he was doing it all for show. I did call the police and gave his plate number etc. but never followed it up to see if they spoke to him or not. We can all be judgemental and guilty of stereotyping at times but regardless of our perceptions as to the reasons, the real issue is people breaking the law and risking the safety of their dogs and consequently the possible safety of other people and dogs by way of road accident or a scuffle or outright attack ensuing between a leashed and unleashed dog.
  22. Love the Snooza D1000 for durability and comfort. I have bed destroyers here but it has been a very tough bed. The only thing I don't like about this that the dog hair really sticks to it. I vacume over it when ever I vacume the house but you need a good power head on your vacume to get the hair off it.
  23. I wonder if we'd develop the urge to toilet outside? Or lift your leg when you walk past fire hydrants Just as long as we wouldn't start greeting each other like dogs. EEEWWW. I much prefer to shake hands.
  24. Aside from being fit for childrens consumption pet food apparently also tastes ok if you have had too much to drink. My mums OH came home late one night, quite drunk, and decided to make himself a tuna sandwich with the left over tuna in the fridge. The next day I couldn't find the rest of the tin of cat food I had in the fridge. After asking him we realised what had happened but he said it tasted pretty good. :D
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