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Everything posted by Cat

  1. Great news! Hamish has a bunch of fatty lumps but I always a worry when a new one appears.
  2. 10/52 Happiness is a new ball
  3. wow what an amazing sunrise. such a cute conure. parrots are such characters. forest looks lovely. shame about the graffiti...though I can't say I have ever seen it on a tree before.
  4. nice colours. Ive probably asked this already but is your camera full framed? beautiful colours in your photos Teekay struggled this week to get something 9/52
  5. Squeeeeeeee! Gorgeous!!!! ????????????????
  6. Didi beautiful! such emotion in her eyes. Love the sea lion! I didn't know hedgehogs were in NZ! I Love them - think they are sooooo cute. lol now I wanna goooo GapVic, love yours. Been wanting to do night photography for a few weeks but the only clear night I discovered my remote had died. So many beautiful pics! 7/52 Stink Eye
  7. Wow Snook, that is amazing. I had been planning on trying out the stars this weekend but I'm not expecting anything so impressive! Sars, sorry you have been so unwell.
  8. Thanks. No, this is one of my boys - Wil.
  9. great photos! Roova, they are so cute. love how you've captured the different colours Snook, very interesting gapvic, love the colours and depth of field.
  10. I don't know about hearts but I had that the last time I bought chicken frames. I ended up having to throw them away. They stunk up the kitchen even from the freezer. From now on I am going to be the weird lady in the grocery sniffing all the meat before I buy it.
  11. Thanks for that! Google was surprisingly unhelpful.
  12. Aw she is so cute. I think your shot is very nice, snook. Looks very moody. Yeah, the koala has his legs crossed and arm dangling with only the other one hanging on to the tree. Didn't look very comfy.
  13. sorry I seem to having a blank today and been having such a hard time finding frames lately I've forgotten. Do I need to freeze raw turkey and chicken before giving to the dogs? If so, for how long. I seem to recall you have to freeze red meat for two weeks to kill parasites but not sure about white meat. Thanks in advance.
  14. He is an Airedale. Thanks all
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