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Everything posted by aussiebull

  1. Thanks for all your replies. I have bought a harness that can be used as a car restraint. It is adjustable so can be made quite small and Floyd is a pretty chunky boy. I think i'll phone my vet tomorrow to see what they think. I will be taking a blanket to rub on his mother to make the journey and his 1st night easier. $25 sounds really good for a pet carrier so I will definately check that out.
  2. This thread is interesting to me as I am getting my 8 week puppy this weekend. I had my last puppy about 9 years ago and we were in England. Either times have changed or things are just different over here because I don't remember having to wait so long before taking my last pup out. Do you really have to keep them in until they're 18 weeks? Sorry to sound so ill informed , but do friends who have dogs need to stay away also? I guess what I'm aiming at is an understanding of how parvo etc are spread so that I can do the right thing by my puppy but still socialise him if possible.
  3. Thanks for this. I will have a look now
  4. Hi! I'm new to this forum. We are picking our Aussie Bulldog puppy up on Saturday when he is 8 weeks old and I need some advice about the best way to get him home in the car. The journey is around an hour and a half. When we brought our last dog home I just had him on my lap whilst my husband drove, but that was a long time ago and in the U.K. where this was allowed. We wanted to crate train our puppy, but had planned on getting a large crate and partitioning it so that it could continue to be his bed when he grows up. This crate would be too large to fit in our car. Our car is quite small so I worry about how I would get any crate in, but what are the alternatives? Is an 8 week old puppy old enough to have a doggy seatbelt? He is quite a chunky puppy (he’s a gorgeous fat lump very much like a British Bulldog,maybe a touch bigger). Any advice is appreciated.
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