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Everything posted by luvsdogs
Such a terrible accident. I feel so sorry for poor Feather & you. Not an easy thing to go through. How is she t this afternoon? Gentle to Feather I hope she's feeling like her old self pretty soon.
I've been most years. Lots to buy from food to equipment. Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, demos. I went, with Tilba, a couple of years ago with the Dances with Dogs group. It was fun to be on the other side. When it first started it was at Moore Park, went for 4 days & they used to give away lots of free samples.
In that case have you considered one of those artificial grass doggy toilets?
Exciting times ahead Tillydeefa, Sash & ann21. I had considered a Havanese at one stage & Tibetan Terriers are similar aren't they? Had also considered the other Tibbies.
A Follow On Thread For Those Who Now Have Their Puppy
luvsdogs replied to julesluvscavs's topic in Puppy Chat
Glad you & your dogs had a mostly great time camping Steph M, great photos. Laci went to her 1st pet dog class today at my obedience club. She was willing to do things for me for most of the time but soon got bored with her usual kibble as treats. Just as well I know the instructors well, as they gave me yummier treats & we practised heel position & even got her to weave figure 8's around my legs. :) Even though I haven't taught her much basic stuff she was soon doing stand, drop, stand for one piece of kibble and unlike Panda she loves roll over. We hung around until after the break & did some more things with the bigger dogs (as above). There was a little bit of unwanted barking but on the whole she was really good. Now I have one tired puppy. -
I've never used them but my daughter in law uses them with my granddaughter's 2.5 y/o Chihuahua, she's mostly an inside dog due to her small size but will go if outside. Twenty-one years ago before getting April I read a lot about puppies & back then they recommended newspaper training, which I did. You start out with several layers in the enclosed room you intend the pup to sleep. At the same time taking puppy outside regularly during the day. As pup gets better at controlling their bladder you make the newspaper smaller & gradually move it to the door the dog will exit to toilet. So you have a small square of paper & then put a corner under the door, moving further under until pup starts holding on to be let outside. Only did that with April & all pups since then just take them outside regularly plus crate train which helps a lot.
A Follow On Thread For Those Who Now Have Their Puppy
luvsdogs replied to julesluvscavs's topic in Puppy Chat
Thanks dotdashdot it's so pretty up that way. I had an uncle used to live at Bellingen. I was going to a conference at Coffs quite a few years ago now, & spent a few nights at Urunga on the way so we could go up to Bellingen & Dorrigo (the time of the landslides). We stopped to have a look at the Cheese Factory & a man came running up to the car to tell us the river was rising & that they had to evacuate. Took some footage of the raging river & went back to Urunga. We were able to get up to Dorrigo on our way home. Glad to hear that Nixon is ok aliwake. I've heard of others freezing in similar situations, I think I would too. I know if anything unpleasant happens I think of a dozen other things I could have said. -
I used to yell at other dogs that were loose in the streets to keep away when I walked my 1st BC when she was young. She was reactive to a lot of dogs & people & I attributed this to her behaviour. I always had to be alert to what she was thinking of doing. She was also too young when she left her litter to come live with us so I always thought she missed out on learning a lot of doggy behaviours.
I don't know if many dog owners that don't belong to dog clubs, forums, are aware of the new dog laws in NSW. http://www.nsw.gov.au/news/new-dog-laws-boost-community-safety It's not just dogs that physically attack a person or other dog but now a menacing dog that rushes at a person or dog. It would all depend on that persons interpretation of what a menacing dog means.
sorry , I did chuckle .. one whole lamb flap is well over the size of an A4 piece of paper ;) lamb flap pieces are usually about a hand size or similar .... Can see your point, but of course I meant single bones. Pup at the time was only little so I thought small bone pieces. Big mistake. 2 or 3 ribs joined together made her chew them. Forgot to say also that pork is very big on the yahoo group too. I'm still not sure about that although I have fed it occasionally.
Panda is always bringing up hairballs about every 1 - 3 weeks. I never thought they could cause a blockage. He gets his from constantly tugging on Tilba's tail. Does Tatum pull on your other dog's fur?
A Follow On Thread For Those Who Now Have Their Puppy
luvsdogs replied to julesluvscavs's topic in Puppy Chat
It's such a pretty drive though. I've only done a couple of times, once from Urunga to Dorrigo, after a flood & we had to stop numerous times while they were attending to land slides & the other time was at night in the pouring rain, not fun, from Armidale to Urunga. Laci is entered in the Armidale show, not sure if we're going but she will be going with her breeder KatieP. We picked Laci up today after her trip to Brisbane for shows. She came home with ribbons for best baby puppy in a Championship Show & an Open Show. So proud of her. -
I belong to a couple of yahoo raw feeding forums. They are a bit over the top as far as what should be fed. E.g. 80% raw meat, 10% bones which are covered in the raw meat & 10% offal of which 5% is liver. They usually suggest to start a pup on chicken 1/4's with all the meat attached to the bones. My guys mostly get chicken legs, turkey wings & small legs if I can get them - never come across turkey necks. They also get beef pieces, & lamb bones. Some say not to feed chicken necks as they are a choking hazard, I used to feed them many years ago but my son's pup of the time used to swallow them whole & yelp in pain. Used to wonder what happened to them but her stomach juices must have taken care of them. Don't forget raw eggs occasionally. My guys won't eat liver but will eat chicken hearts which are classed as muscle meat. You can also feed chicken feet as a treat, were a bit weary at first but love them now. As to why a dogs droppings are white is because too much bone is fed. If you feed lamb flaps it's best to feed at least 2 or 3 joined together. Same pup above also swallowed a single lamb rib & again yelped. Said bone never appeared as any bone. I don't feed weight bearing bones as mentioned because a previous dog chipped a k9 tooth on them. Here's a link to some of the things that raw feeders feed. I wouldn't feed any beef or buffalo bones though. http://www.rawfeddogs.net/Recipes/
Miah's 1st Australia Day Celebration 2014
luvsdogs replied to julesluvscavs's topic in General Dog Discussion
Miah's very cute wearing the Aussie flag. -
Yep, I've come out to a scene like that. Tilba is such a rubbish stealer. Solution for me, bought a kiddies wheelie bin. :D
A Follow On Thread For Those Who Now Have Their Puppy
luvsdogs replied to julesluvscavs's topic in Puppy Chat
Some good advice given. Do you have her down for Armidale in 2 weeks? -
So exciting RMR. Where is this puppy coming from & are you going to show?
I found this site today after a post on FB had me curious. If you scroll down to page 18 there are all the ear carriages allowed in America. http://www.bordercolliesociety.com/programs/judge/presentation.pdf I tried taping Tilba's ear when she was about 5 mths old when I 1st heard about it, but was a bit too late & besides other members of my family kept taking it off.
A Follow On Thread For Those Who Now Have Their Puppy
luvsdogs replied to julesluvscavs's topic in Puppy Chat
Laci has done really well in her 1st Brisbane show. She got best baby in breed then best baby in group. Only sad that I'm not there to see my little star. Where are you showing dotdashdot? Nala. -
O M G! Calendula Tea Rinse
luvsdogs replied to RiverStar-Aura's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Did I read somewhere that it would stain white dog's coats? Certainly would make bathtime a lot easier if not using shampoo. -
A Follow On Thread For Those Who Now Have Their Puppy
luvsdogs replied to julesluvscavs's topic in Puppy Chat
Laci left this afternoon for a weekend of showing in Brisbane. She will be catching up with her brother Wolf. It'll be interesting to see how they go against each other in sweepstakes. -
A Follow On Thread For Those Who Now Have Their Puppy
luvsdogs replied to julesluvscavs's topic in Puppy Chat
They sure do Sares. Laci is 17 weeks today. I had to write the weeks on the calendar to keep track. :laugh: Mila is very sweet, love her squished on her little bed. :D -
Been very quiet in this thread, no new puppies due? :)
A Follow On Thread For Those Who Now Have Their Puppy
luvsdogs replied to julesluvscavs's topic in Puppy Chat
Laci's still in her original collar but I did have to extend it last week. I haven't been able to keep her in her bunnings pen at all. She climbed up the corner her 2nd day at home. The 3 dogs are having there usual night play. I've put Tilba's crate in the loungeroom for Laci to sleep in to give her more room. Tilba thinks it's been put there for her & has been going into it. While playing she went in a couple of times to escape Laci. The last time she went in, Laci went in with her. Hilarious as Laci was stuck in the back & had trouble getting out. :laugh: Laci has started to teethe too. Picture Tilba in crate with Laci on the outside chewing on the doorway. I can't get any chew toys that she hasn't destroyed. Today she chewed off a corner of the bone on the nylabone frisbee. Forget puppy teething toys, she's chewed bits off all of them. While I've been writing this she's chewed a piece off a kong look a like & the TireBiter & is now working on a ball. Any ideas on what I can give her to chew that is safe when swallowed? I found Panda's Kong Wubba this morning & tonight it has a large hole in the fabric. She knows as soon as I say, what have you got in your mouth, she takes off. -
to Collie, he's only 5 days older than Tilba. Sorry to hear about his eye problem.