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Everything posted by LostBoy

  1. Hi Tam! I usually go to South Melbourne Vet just across Petstock. He's a good vet and he's been handling some of my friends' dogs since they were bubs, but I was thinking if I should get a second opinion in regards to the vet's remarks which suggested that Hiro's eyelids would need to undergo surgery but will decide the vet's final prognosis when Hiro's in for his 3rd vacc next month. I have discussed the eye issue with some DOLers & my breeder. Majority of them agree that surgery in most cases is not required especially when the dog is yet to be 1 year old or older. So I'm thinking, perhaps I need to get another professional advice who is familiar with handling shar peis. Nevertheless, I will put Glen Eira Vet into consideration. On another issue, I was reading the notes you gave me the other day. Couldn't find anything about "loading" though. Unless the notes you handed out in class have additional notes than the one you sent to my email perhaps? See you this Saturday. :rolleyes:
  2. Hi guys! Was wondering if you have any knowledge or can suggest me a VET around Melbourne metro area who is familiar with handling shar peis' health? My young Hiro comes from S.A so the breeder couldn't advise me. She did ask around and found one in Pakenham which is too far for me :rolleyes: Thanks heaps!
  3. Is it ok if I split the tablet to say pieces of 4 and mix it in the meal?
  4. I found newspapers seeped to the floor that you would need to mop the floor. I'm not too sure though, I guess each to their own. With toys, I found my boy loves fluffy toys but won't play with the plastic ones or treat balls. Experiences taught me to see how your pup settles down and which toys he likes the best. ETA, fleas & worm treatment products :D I guess other members have pretty much covered it all. Another thing is to perhaps learning how to be patience and not to stress too much :D NN thanks for the tip, I will surely buy my next toys from that shop.
  5. Yay for crate training!!! Although I don't really do crate training (more like a "confined" area) but I have to agree with and thank youse NoodleNut and DOLers for the advice and support. Touche, persistence do give success in return. I still remember clearly how I was so stressed with my new pup making my living room a toilet for his own during his first and second week in my place that I almost gave up. However, after listening to the inputs, Hiro hasn't had any accidents inside the house and would go out to his loo box. Another 3 weeks to go, if he has had 0 accidents in 4 weeks, he's fully toilet trained!!! ;)
  6. Tamara from UnderDog Training will be running puppy class this Saturday 29th , 9:00AM at Glen Eira Vet on North Road, Ormond. I'm going there this Saturday with my pup.
  7. I'm new to this puppy world too, but I think there are some similarities with yours and my issues. When I got Hiro and put in in his pen, he would screamed, cried, pushed the pen, even bit the pen which ended up with a bruise on his nose. IMHO, you might want to put him in his pen most of the time with you in the room (so he won't feel left out/ deserted), ignore the whining and screaming. Again, I'm no expert in this but this is what I did with my pup. With biting, I found a very useful trick I saw from TV. Fill a plastic bottle with pebbles inside and close the lid. Everytime your pup's biting you or trying to chew on something you don't want him to chew, you shake the bottle and say the cue word "leave it". The pebble sound somehow scares the dog and it works like a charm for me For example when we are playing tug war, I would say "leave it" and he would let go of whatever toy he's biting.
  8. I agree, stupid me picked a very bad night to decide to shut the door on the crate for the first time (I am ususally pretty good at planning but did not envisage she would 'go off' to the point of keeping the entire house awake at 11pm!!) ... hence I had to wait until she calmed down to be able to let her out. At least I did that right! She didn't come out until she was quiet of her own accord. I started again last night (Fri) and again different times today - she is in the crate as I type ... started with a yummy chicken neck ... sat happily and ate it all as it was dinner time and then started up .. it is only 6:30pm and she has carried on for 10 minutes and now settled down (we have all completely ignored her!) .. she seems to be happy t the moment even though I don't want to look This is a long weekend so I am hoping by the time we get to Monday night we will have turned the corner .... fingers crossed. How's Noodle going so far? I know how you feel when it's late at night and you just feel like doing anything to keep the pup quiet and not getting your neighbour pissed. I was in that situation too when Hiro first got here last week and had to confine him and it was made worse since I live in apartment. Luckily my neighbours are very nice people. Besides, I've never complained when their put their home theatre on at 2:00 AM in the morning
  9. Copy pasted from Shar Pei thread Goooooood morning everyone How's everyone (including peis) doing? Going to be another hot day here in Melbourne. I've been having enough sleep for the last two nights Hiro's been behaving well and is having less and less accidents inside the house. He nows pee on the balcony and only if he's done his job that I would let him in the living room. Last night I had the balcony door opened - there's a door that connects the hallway/Hiro's pen to the balcony -. When I woke up to the loo, Hiro went outside to the balcony and wee there. It was quite windy and as I don't like cold weather, I closed the balcony door. 10 minutes later I heard him whining and I was Turns out he was still outside When I take him downstairs, he knows what to do and I do the same (pat, praise,treat ). Funny thing is, I notice when he doesn't feel like going to the toilet downstairs, he keeps pulling me towards the apt's entrance or as soon as he finishes his job, he'd pull me there.On the way back to the house (passing main entrance, in the lift and before I open the door), I would ask him to sit and he would obey such an obedient pup I've got a silly questions to you all. What do you actually do with your peis daily? I mean, apart from training, meeting other dogs (friends' dogs and their vaccinations are up to date) making silly faces, sounds and do silly movements, what else do you do with your peis? (especially as a pup, I can't take him for a walk in the park yet). Then you would have your own activities, such as your job, house cleaning and what have we. Hiro usually ends up sleeping on his doggy mat or chewing his toys as he spends his puppy stage. Living as a dog must be boring hey?
  10. Some updates: Copy pasted from Shar Pei thread. 7.42AM Hiro slept through the night probably because the trip we had to my friend's house. All I did was waking every couple of hours to see if he's asleep and he was. I took him out from the crate and put his leash on. While waiting for the lift, he peed :shock: As soon as we got downstairs, he peed again. I praised him and give him a small treat. I've just given him breakky and will take him downstairs in about 5 minutes time. BB - Which one do you think is better? The sand/dirt or the fake grass? I'm going to the hardware store today and probably get some. I think it's a good idea if it works because it will save time to wait for the lift, walk him out the building,etc. Off to do another session with Hiro now Ciao 8:05AM Yayyy....he pooed!!!!! It took him about 10 minutes sniffing here and there. At times, he was squatting and somehow he changed his mind. This time he pooed on the pavement. As usual, I pat him, gave heaps of praise and a small treat. One thing though, perhaps next time I should wait longer after he peed because when I was checking my mailbox, he weed on the floor. Wierd pup He's just finished playing now and sleeping in his pen area on a bean bag. Time for me to shower, chuck the rugs in the washing machine then off to Bunnings. BB - My apologies, I missed the part when you mentioned to carry him out. Will carry him down from now on. I agree with the poo size, I've been thinking about it and my colleagues also mentioned that. I can't imagine having chunky beef sausages and champagne drips on my carpet when he grows up:eek:
  11. 10:00 PM update Hiro woke up and I put him in the bathroom. As usual....nothing. I took him out and was preparing myself to go downstairs (leash,plastic bag,etc). He then squat on the rug and wee there I then took him downstairs and after walking around sniffing for a fair 10 minutes....I was near desperate and was walking him back to the apartment. Then Hiro did his squat He did a big one too!!!! I've just finished playing with him and he looks happy as well as I am. One step further to success (hopefully). Will take him back again tonight at 12.30 before I go to bed and I'll put him in his pen. I just can't get over it, I mean how come an 8 weeks old pup can hold not eliminating for 12 hours :shock: One Shar pei breeder said some shar peis are like this. Jigsaw - I've just bought Urine Off today. I will wash the rugs, clean the carpet tomorrow and will spray some of Urine Off to the base carpet. Thanks heaps everyone. Will keep you updated
  12. OMG....no success so far...I took him back to his crate and what did he do???? He bloody sleeps in the bathroom!!! Now he's sleeping in his pen area.
  13. Hi Gomez, thank you for the info. It makes me feel better now that I'm not the only one. Well, I'm back to my apartment now and nightmare's back hauting me. This arvo after feeding Hiro, I took him downstairs to the tiny grassy/gravel area. He peed but did not do his number 2. I spent about 15 minutes to no avail. Went back upstairs and an hour later took him back down. Same thing happend. Did peed but no numero 2. By the way, he was on leash. 7 hours have passed and he has yet to do his number 2. I've just fed him dinner and put him in my toilet with newspapers lying around. Still no luck tho..Now he's whining When I was at my friends' place, he had one tiny accident. Apart from that incident, every 2 hours or so, everytime he woke up, every meal, I took him out and he would either peed or pooed outside on sandy backyard under a tree without leash. Getting desperate again now... I will confine/crate train him as of tonight on a hallway blocked by a gate with his crate, water bowl and toys. Will bring him out every 2 hours to the bathroom and see how he'll react. But at the moment it's looking bleak as Hiro's just whining in the toilet without poo :p Edit, piccies are here : http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...829&st=2040
  14. Thanks for the input NoodleNut. Tonight will be my baby's third night at my friend's place. So far he had only one accident which was my fault because once we woke up, I went to the toilet first instead of taking him to the backyard. I have found that my Hiro likes to eliminate on grass area and wont pee in the pads if he's really forced to. I will be coming back to my apartment tomorow and a bit confused. I think the only way is to regularly bring him out to the ground floor in the tiny grassy area on lead and hopefully he'll want to eliminate there. Will let you guys know how it goes tomorrow. Cheers
  15. Yes please. I have emailed you about puppy class update as well before I read your post. Roughly counting, I'd say there's about 10 in my apartment. Not many dogs walk around the neighbourhood either . As I have probably mentioned in my earlier post, I'm likely to stay at my friends' place with a large backyard on most days except Monday and Tuesday so I guess there problem (prior to 2nd vacc) would be when I'm in the apartment on Monday and Tuesday. I'm thinking, the solution is perhaps to take him to the basement carpark to eliminate or a small grass area just outside the apartment. I'm still new to all this puppy raising issues so please accept my apology if I may have written stupid comments or inappropriate ideas.
  16. A bit of update. Hiro was in the bedroom with me through the night. He woke up around 6AM about 7 hours after we went to the bedroom. He didn't whine, but when I saw him awake I thought I'd bring him to eliminate. I opened the door to the backyard and the cold wind just put his fire down. He rushed straight to the toilet and peed in the pad. Then rushed back to his crate and back to sleep. (the toilet door was open and there were some pads on the floor). Around 7:30AM, I woke up, took him to the backyardbut he didn't want to go out and peed on the floormat (my mistake, I should've brought him to the backyard not wait until he walks out the door but I was half asleep/awake and it was cold as). An hour later, I fed him then took him to the backyard again. This time he pooed and pee. The only thing I dont understand now is, the pup spends maybe 1/2 of his day sleeping, when I took him out to play he walked a couple of paces then sat down not long after, he would walk up to the door and wanting to come inside All and all, everything looks fine and dandy so I guess the problem lies with me and my apartment living. Poodlefan - My contract ends on 9/10/08 so I guess I would be moving out somewhere early/middle August to a house with a backyard. In the time being, I would be coming back here to my friend's place regularly until Hiro has his 2nd injection. Then I can take him out to eliminate. However, even before I got the pup; my breeder's been telling me to take him for walks straight after I got him as she believes her dogs are very healthy and the chance of getting parvo is the same inside/outside the house. So I think I would do as what she told me to.
  17. Hi guys. I'm a bit happier now. I'm staying over at my friends' place with a big backyard and three of their dogs. Hiro's been eliminating well in the backyard and hasn't pooped or peed in the house. During dinner he didn't eat that much but about 15 minutes later, he peed abit. It has been 3 hours ever since but he hasn't gone for another one. Will take him out to the backyard again before I go to bed. I don't think he likes eliminating inside the house. I'll be staying here for two days, once I got back to my apartment I will give you guys some updates. Thanks
  18. Hi all, I know this topic has been discussed to death proven by the numerous threads about house training and I've read most of them. But I just can't think of a way to housetrain my pup. My apartment's starting to be invested with urines and faeces eventhough I've tried everything I read here (well....almost anyway). Here's my story, I have a 8 weeks old shar pei pup. I'm living in an apartment by the way. Today would be his 4th day in the house. He has been confined in an area approximately 5x4m in the living room part of my apartment. First couple of days, he has been eliminating in a spot where my friend's dog used to vomit so I guess the smell's there. I have been trying to use one of those housetraining pads and have been putting several on the spot where he usually go. I don't mind with this. Lately however, he's been eliminating at every place around his confinement area and the worst part is, he always step on his own poo leaving poo paw marks In terms of peeing however, he's been sticking to the same vicinity. In my housetraining, I tried bringing him straight to his designated area which is the bathroom (I even tried the balcony) but the 'lil guy just wont do his business. I once stayed there for half an hour with him and keep saying "go toilet, toilet" but he ends up sleeping there. I've also noticed that he usually hold it until he fell asleep after each meal which can be about 1 to 2 hours after meal. I also noticed that he won't eliminate when there's people around the house. Last resort I can think of is to crate train him, but I'm still under the impression that shar pei breeds tend to housetrain itself and would eliminate in a place as furthest away from the house as possible. But this doesn't seem to be the case with my shar pei. If I crate him, he would whine and start biting the door so I'm thinking, wouldn't this give negative attitude towards the dog? During the night, he keeps whining every 2-3 hours after he falls asleep. Like justnow, he started whining for half an hour. When he stopped, I opened my bedroom door, walked out and find faeces on the rug Please help DOLers, today is his 4th day but I feel as if my house is starting to feel like a pigsty with faeces and urines. I know I have put washable rugs on top of the base carpet, I know I've picked up the faeces, I know most urines have been abosrbed by the pads but because of the semi dry faeces, some leftovers are still sticking on the rugs and I can't wash them everyday can I?
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