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  1. Thanks guys. You're right, I think I'll ask the groomer next time we pop in. I was thinking they may not want to help me too much in fear of loosing my business, however I'll see how I go! I've also heard good things about dermcare products but have never used them myself...?
  2. This might sound silly but being a person that is big on smells (yes I always buy my shampoo based on what it smells like), I absolutely love the way my dog smells after she's been to the groomer - almost to the point where I just want to bury my face in her when I give her a cuddle. I get her groomed regularly over the hotter months however give her in-between baths when required. I'm just about to run out of the Rufus & Coco 2 in 1 wash I've been using and need to buy some more which has prompted me to try and find out what products other people use that make their dog smell divine? Of course I am looking for a product that is best for the dog and her skin/ coat but surely there are products out there available on the retail market that also smell nice to us humans?! Lol. I also use conditioning/ deodorising sprays however no matter what I ever use, she never smells as good as when she's visited the groomer. Does anyone know where I'm coming from and can you recommend any particular products?
  3. Thanks for the info - so if Advocate is used on a puppy that is under 6 months old, a diagnostic test is not required?
  4. Hi I'm a little confused with the whole worming/flea/tick control treatment for my Mini Schnauzer pup Zali. Since I got her at 8 weeks, she has had her All wormer at 10 and 12 weeks. I now believe she needs to be wormed once every 3 months, however I have also read that pupies should be wormed monthly until they reach 6 months, and then every three months thereafter. Which is correct? My other questions relates to flea control and heartworm. I have an Advocate sample to use for puppies, but haven't done so as I was going to wait until I needed to (in terms of when her intestinal worming was due). But, although she doesn't have fleas, I would like to use a preventative treatment ASAP (not to mentioned heartworm treatment). So, if I give her the Advocate now, will it matter that she only had her Allwormer tablet 3 weeks ago? I guess what I am asking is if I should get a different product other than Advocate that only treats fleas, and that way I wouldn't be "overlapping" on treatments. Does it matter if you overlap? My vet nurse also mentioned something about giving a treatment to puppies at 5 months for heartworm - which made me think I didn't need to be giving Zali any heartworm treatments in the meantime. Now that I have been looking into the Advocate info, it sounds like I should be giving her preventative heartworm treatment which has me worried! Sorry if this is a little confusing, however I am very confused! Help!
  5. Thanks for your replies - sorry it has taken so long for me to get back on here and reply! It has been a very busy past couple of weeks. Yes, Zali has her nice comfy bedding placed in her crate at bed time. Over the pass couple of weeks we have slowly moved her away from us overnight, and now she sleeps in her crate in the laundry. She still cries a little when she is first left alone, however I don't think this has anything to do with her crate, as she cries regardless of if she is in there or not, if we walk away and leave her alone. She still doesn't seem too keen about going in her crate but I think this is due to the fact that she associates this with being left alone (as she goes in there for bed time and when I can't keep an eye on her). We have now started to leave her home alone for longer periods during the day - confined to the laundry area with plenty of toys and access to her crate. Still some crying/screaming when we leave, however I' hoping this will improve over time.
  6. Thanks for your advice. Yes, I am very much so discouraging the rock eating. We will be laying pavers down soon, so I am hoping to have a very rock-free garden soon. I only hope she will grow out of the habit, otherwise taking her out when she is older could be interesting! Our back lawn area is surrounded by raised garden beds which she cannot reach, and we do not have any toxic plants dropping their leaves/flowers/pods etc that she can get to. Every time I put her in the crate, the environment is very quiet and I generally potter around the bedroom while she is in there. She's not really too excited about going in the crate, however if I am in the room with her (reading a book a metre away on the bed) then she is fine. It is when I get up and leave the room that she starts crying/screaming. Night time is fine as I place her in there, she is sleepy, and we go to bed at the same time, so she is content in having us in the room with her. I can't reward her for being quiet in the crate because she's not noisy when I am around - only when I am out of the room. Not sure what to do - or if I need to be doing anything to help this. I would like to get her feeling comfortable about being on her own as she will have to be on her own at times eventually (there has always been someone with her since she came home almost two weeks ago). Thanks, I will have a chat to the breeder and see what she says. I will also be taking the puppy to the vet soon for her second vaccination, so I will ask there too. And yes, patience seems to be the primary virtue, as I have learnt over the past couple of weeks. My only concern is that I am setting her up for stressful situations when I place her in the crate and leave the room, resulting in her becoming rather distressed. I am just wondering if I should persevere and continue to put her in there and ignore her crying (hoping that over time it will improve), or if I should be taking a different approach. I really don't want to make the crate something she associates with unpleasant encounters.
  7. Name: Zali (Polish meaning "Princess") Sex: Female Date of birth: 5 January 2008 Age: 9 1/2 weeks old Colour: Salt & Pepper Breed: Miniature Schnauzer Hobbies: Chewing or sleeping in Havaianas thongs - only when they're not on my feet. Loves: Squeaky toys, her puppy blanket, sleeping under the lounge where it is nice and cool. Hates: The heat, not being allowed to eat rocks, seperation, water (not too keen on wading in a couple of cm's of water)! Here are some pics: Zali on her favourite puppy blanket Sleeping in my Havaianas
  8. Yes, it is so exhausting, however rewarding at the same time. I just have to keep telling myself that when she has just done a wee on the floor, or like you said, carying on in her crate like she is about to be murdered! Mine is asleep under the lounge here at the moment, so I luckily don't have her screaming and carrying on in her crate. It's not so much that she is acting this way, it is more so to do with the fact that I feel like we have got somewhere and then the next day we seem to be back at square one - I am a little confused, but if I'm confused, I can only imagine that she is too.
  9. hails83

    Food Issues

    Hi Louise I also have a 9 week old Mini Schnauzer at home, and I must say that she has gone off her food also. It was only yesterday that she really showed any interest in eating up her meal, so hopefully this is a sign that her appetite is slowly improving. I have heard that it is very common for a new puppy to go off of its food when it goes to its new home, as has already been said, I would put this down to the new overwhelming environment and the fact that he/she does not need to compete for food now against its litter mates. For this reason, I leave her bowl of food down for 5 to 15 minutes. If she leaves food behind, I make sure I take it away, and she doesn't get any food until her next meal time (aside from small healthy treats here and there). I was advised that this would enforce the fact that she will need to eat food when it is given to her otherwise she will loose her chance - curbing fussy eating. If they get used to the idea that food will be readily available throughout the day, they will become fussy and selective, not to mention that the food will soil and attract ants and other nasty critters. I have also been advised that a dog should eat after its human companions to reinforce the hierarchy. As you said though, it is a little hard with varying schedules so if we all cannot eat a meal first, I sit down near her and eat a small snack like a dry biscuit before I give her a meal (I am the only one who feeds her). Not sure if this is effective, I guess this is down to personal opinion. Good luck with it all.
  10. Hi all We collected our Mini Schnauzer puppy a week and a half ago, and she is now 9 1/2 weeks old. I have been home with her 24/7, and have also been crate training her. She is fantastic, a real little character, however I have a few concerns (training issues on my part, I'm sure). First of all, I have her crate set up beside the bed in our bedroom. Over the first few nights she would wake and cry several times a night (ie. generally every hour and a half) so I would take her out for a potty break, however this has dropped off rapidly. She now only wakes me when she stirs (not crying to get let out) and this has only been happening at about 4am every morning. Even though she was not crying to get let out, I would take her out for a potty trip anyway. Now she is not waking at all throughout the night, and I am only taking her out at 7.30 in the morning. Is this normal? I guess every puppy is different, however I am concerned that because she is only 9 1/2 weeks old, she should need to go more regularly. Should I be waking her up to take her out for a potty break regardless if she is awake and showing signs that she wants to go? Secondly, she eats a lot of grass and rocks! Whenever I take her out for a toilet break, she is constantly eating grass. Just earlier, I took her out for a toilet break, she dug up and chewed on grass for 10 minutes or so, so I took her in. She had been inside for 30 seconds, and then she did a wee on the tiles. I am unsure of what to do as she seems too preoccupied with the grass to take notice that she needs to do a wee, despite me calling her command that I use when she is doing her business. This has also happened on another 2 occasions. I have cordoned off half of the backyard as it had too many rocks and she was getting distracted and I really don't want her to be eating and swallowing them. Although I watch her like a hawk, there are some rocks that just go straight in her mouth and I can't fish them out again (not to mention her gnawing on the edge of pavers and bricks). Lastly, she doesn't seem to be taking to her crate as well as I would have hoped. Overnight is generally not too bad as she is generally sleepy and knows that is her sleeping spot - however if I put her in there for 5 minutes during the day, she's not very happy. I leave toys in there, and leave some treats as well, however I cannot leave the room without her going into a whining/crying fit. She also never goes to her crate on her own accord, I have to really really entice her in with her toys and treats. Any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong? Sorry for all the questions, however I would really appreciate some advice. I am unsure if I am worrying too much, or expecting too much from her. Thanks.
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