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Sugar & Spice

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Everything posted by Sugar & Spice

  1. I love this site there are so many different and adorable puppies here!!!!! :rolleyes:
  2. Thanks guys!!! She's amazing!! We didn't at first, realise how special and unusual she was!!! We were lucky enough to find her. She has an amazing personality to top her looks off; she's gentle and loving to the max!!! She's our little our fourth child!! We're totally addicted to staffies now!!! :rolleyes:
  3. Stormie I love your signature, you have a really great looking dog!!
  4. Name: Jetta Sex: Female Age: 20+weeks Colour: Black & Tan Breed: Staffordshire Bull Terrier Hobbies: Chewing Loves: Cuddles, cuddles, cuddles Hates: The wet grass in the morning
  5. I'm new here guys!! I totally love the signatures with the pics of puppies in them, could someone tell me how I can do one!! They are sooo awsome. What a great website, soooo many great looking dogz
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