Thanks again everyone, this is really helping me.
Spotted Devil - So the crates aren't like cages then? Just sounded awful when I first read it.. But not the way you describe it. I am in QLD, I looked at the shows lists and couldn't find one on soon.. but one will come up no doubt. 2 years! No... the timing would just be all wrong for the dog's life span etc too, but I can wait till May/July if I have to LOL.
Poodle Wrangler, That book looks great, and is cheap LOL, the pictures will help. The triangle program looks very effective, and logical too.
Thanks for explaining 'herding' too - not what I thought at all :rolleyes: . And exercise - its great that there shouldn't be too much too soon! I'm not ready for long walks yet myself!
I am very interested - settrlvr - in what you think... I am going to look into finding a local mini breeder too, to have a talk/look.
About the baby... (he will be 7 months in May, when we are thinking a littler will be ready), I know, it isn't ideal at all, but I think otherwise I won't have the time to dedicate to a puppy. By the time I need to leave the house for a few hours at a time on a regular basis I wanted the dog to be feeling safe at home and be mostly grown, if that makes sense. My daughter is very strict and stern (amazingly so), which I think will for once work in our favour. She will also be starting school in a year, so I want her to have her last year at home full time with a dog here too. I am not a softie - at all - LOL, used to teach, and do youth work, you get good at dishing out the orders in a nuetral but effective way! So I am confident about training. I plan on being the #1 in this pack, as I will be the primary carer it makes sense too.
I would consider a grown dog to side step some of these problems, but other people don't seem so enthusiastic, what is the general opinion on here??
Edit to add: looking at the minis..... so they aren't as dominant? How else do they differ? They might be a better choice for us... I'm trying to get an idea of the size from the pictures... the head comes up as high as your knee? (Sorry to be so clueless, I really want to get this right though).