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Tintin Jac

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Everything posted by Tintin Jac

  1. He was so beautiful, Caz. He has a dignified look about him. It's clear that he meant the world to you. He would have known that for sure. Big hugs.
  2. I've just stumbled on this thread. Love it! Its really cool reading about the improvements you've made so far. Are you a trainer or are you using a particular program or just from your own knowledge?
  3. There is a DOL snake catcher but based in Vic. Snake Catcher They haven't been on for a while but their website has contact info. Hopefully snake catchers "network" and he knows someone near you. Good luck!
  4. Not necessarily obvious. Another possibility is that he wasn't fed at all. Given they had no idea about the injury, it seems pretty likely that the dog was given cursory glances, at best. Poor dog. His owners must be feeling awful
  5. I love this thread :) This pic captures our daughter perfectly And this one captures Tintin pretty well. This was taken in the off leash park near us. He is in such a hurry to get around there and find all the smells. Both taken on iP5.
  6. I don't know what to say. How shocking and incredibly sad. Thinking of you.
  7. That's not a fail - that's very funny! It looks like they had a blast :laugh:
  8. Wasn't he a surrender? I thought his most recent owners were known but, to date, his breeder hasn't been found.
  9. Oooooohhhhhh a cocker baby! How exciting. If you get a chance, pop in to the Cocker thread with updates. Not long to go :)
  10. Maybe you need special lawn :laugh: . If I forget to put the rocks in their water, it gets brown patches within a few days.
  11. Yes, they work. The ones I have in their bowl have been there for years. I don't think you really need to change them. But I'm not a scientist. I didn't know about acv. I might give that a go too.
  12. What a horrible way to treat the dog and what a ridiculous lesson to teach the child. What if the next dog isn't so tolerant of that behaviour? I dread to think.
  13. She doesn't need to - the keys are in it :laugh: Funny photo. It really does look like she's looking over her shoulder telling you to get a wriggle on.
  14. Possibly unwise but we let our kids name our pets. We have a Tintin from the books. Until he movie was released in the last year or so hardly anyone got it. Our daughter named our new Cocker. He is Hector, also from a book. Appropriately he is named after Happy Hector in the Tilly and friends series. My fave from this thread has to be Gladys. Gorgeous :D
  15. We recently got a 2yo cocker. He is a great little dog. So happy and chilled most of the time. The only thing I sometimes sort of regret is that we didn't get to see him when he was a puppy. Cockers are up there with the cutest puppies in the world :)
  16. How :eek: I hope you were able to get some sleep last night. I thought the womans voice at the beginning sounded like it would be quite recognisable. It is quite distinctive. It will be interesting to find out what the police say about it. It is quite unnerving knowing that someone has been in your personal space, uninvited. Your poor dogs got a huge scare too
  17. I'm so sorry D. I too wish you knew what you were dealing with. You must be so torn. I can't offer any advice, just lots of :hug:
  18. I'm pretty sure it's not ok to post this. Especially with the link. The dog you linked to isn't ftgh. She wants plenty for it.
  19. I was told over the phone by one of the companies (cant remember which one) that they do cover recurring conditions. I asked her to double check. Good job I did. They don't. The explanation I was given that, effectively, each year you are renewing your policy so the condition is then considered pre existing. Maybe that accounts for the price difference.
  20. As you wouldn't be lying, I don't see why you would choose the more expensive one. Either way it's cheaper than my puppers!
  21. Pet insurance is so confusing! I signed up with Petplan today after comparing several companies. The main reason I decided to go with them s they cover conditions for the life of the pet. I have now just looked at Bow Wow Meow. Their prices are so much lower and they seem to be pretty comprehensive. But I can't see if they cover conditions for life. Does anyone know? I can ring them in the morning but I'm impatient :laugh: ETA Yes,Meea, they are underwritten by Hollard. Is that a bad thing?
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