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Everything posted by whitka

  1. Hi everyone Just wondering what are some good things to do to get ready for Agility? My little guy has just started beginners obedience and I can go into agility after we pass but I want to start teaching him things now to prepare him :)
  2. Thanks Nekhbet and Skip lots of good advise. I'll keep updating as we progress. Still in beginner obedience class so still have a little bit to go till we start agility but I am looking at things we can do till then.
  3. Im getting excited for the Maffra dog show next weekend. Its the only local show near me. I cant wait to see all the different breeds that I wouldn't normally see :D So who is going this year?
  4. I think Noah will love these! Staffyluv im still going to see if there's any food that he will work for. At class yesterday there were people using squeaky toys which he just loves so of course after that I just struggled to get his attention back on me
  5. Thanks Meagn and Huski i'll have look at these. Don't think my bank account will like this but the little guy sure will :laugh:
  6. Sorry if I missed this Whitka, what breed/size is the dog? He's a Maltese x Shih Tzu, just a little guy at 2 years old. I'll also add were just starting at beginning with him but later down the track I want to do agility with him
  7. Thanks guys for the advise! So another question is what toys are good to use in training especially for little dogs? What are the types of toys you like to use in training?
  8. What's the best way to teach him to bring the toy back to me and give me back the toy? I'm just at the very early stages of training with him.
  9. Thanks LBD and Ness that as given me a better idea. I think I did ok today using a toy, someone was nice enough at class to lend me a toy to use with Noah as I was really struggling with him with the food and trying to get his attention (first day of class for us ) and as soon as he saw the toy he had a much better focus and I was able to use the toy as a lure as well as a reward. I really want to get into agility with Noah and I always see more people in agility use toys more so then food.
  10. Huski I want to use both for a bit of verity. He loves to fetch and play with tug toys.
  11. As the title says and I hope this isn't a silly question. I have never had a dog who wasn't keen on food so have always used food more in training. Now I have a dog who is so toy motivated he would rather play then eat, today at class he would hardly touch the treats I bought for him.. So how do I use this in training? Especially when he gets over excited or silly about the toy?
  12. What sort of bone would be good for a dog who is on a low fat diet?
  13. Im out Were going to be back and forth between here and Melbourne the next couple of months which is not going to be cheap!
  14. Poor Dog I'll admit I have been a little slack with his nails this year ( have been away a lot this year ) But the last few times he's been at the groomers she has done them and Toby just stands there for her and lets her do it. He gets walked everyday and that helps a little but I really need to invest in a dremmel. Toby would let me cut his nails but im just to scared to that I might nick him Good thing there has been a new Bunnings opened in town :D
  15. I have to gotten an app at the vets tomorrow so will see what they say. I hope it's nothing to serious, all I seem to do is worry about my boy these days as he's getting older.
  16. I wont be able to get him into the vets till next week but last time they said it might have been something that was upsetting his stomach so they gave me some different food ( cant remember what it was called ) and he seemed ok after that but is now back to runny poos.
  17. The last couple of months my 9 year old Golden Retriever has had constant diarrhea. I try to change his diet as little as possible. Apart from that he's normal, is wormed regularly and there's no blood in his poos. What could be causing this and what can I do to firm his poos up?
  18. I have a cream and he can be hard keep clean but I can brush dirt out of his coat. And yes mine does have that doggy smell then I am slack when it comes to bathing him I think I just dont notice the smell anymore :laugh:
  19. Ness I am so sorry this is happening to you and Kenzi I really do hope that there will be good outcome. You and Kenz will be in my thoughts
  20. Im from the country all your Melbourne roads are the same to me Well if you see someone at the seminar who looks just a bit stressed and a poor stressed golden then I made it :laugh:
  21. Last time I was on the citylink there was a few choice words used
  22. Don't me nervous - the rooms are only about 500m from the Springvale Rd Eastlink exit. Just follow your nose! :laugh: That eastlink is still scary, crazy drivers everywere But after this morning thats the least of my worries. Now I just need a car that actaully works :laugh: Got to love cars (when they work) Sorry about the car! All fixed :D Cant wait for this seminar. Been looking at things my old boy can do and this looks like alot of fun
  23. Don't me nervous - the rooms are only about 500m from the Springvale Rd Eastlink exit. Just follow your nose! :laugh: That eastlink is still scary, crazy drivers everywere But after this morning thats the least of my worries. Now I just need a car that actaully works :laugh:
  24. If anyone knows of anyone in Gippsland who would like to go it would be good to have a driving buddy. Im a little bit of a nervous driver when it comes to driving around Melbourne :laugh:
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