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Everything posted by whitka

  1. I moved away from Gippsland at the wrong time! Would have been nice to meet some Dolers :)
  2. Could be worth a shot, its been a few years since I was there but they had a couple of good instructors when I was there. Good luck. http://www.egdoc.org.au/html/contact_us.html
  3. There is also an obedience club in Sale and Morwell, maybe give them a ring.
  4. I would just like to own a house near the beach with a paddock so I can use that for trianing and playing with the dog/s. It would be in Mornington and still decideing on breeds.
  5. Hi Whitka, I'm in WA too and started the NDTF course this year - had my first block training in Melbourne in Sept. All your assessments are either done via DVD (and they give you the guidelines for these so you know what you have to include in the DVD, how they want it shot and sent etc) or at block 2. I'm not a fan of all the training methods presented in the course, and in my experience the trainers teaching at block training do vary in quality. But saying that I have learnt new things, got some experience working with dogs of different breeds/sizes, made some great contacts and will be a better trainer for the experience. If you want to ask any questions re: places to stay in Melbourne etc please feel free to PM me. Good luck! Thank you :)
  6. So thought I would post this here. I've wanted to become a detection dog handler for a while ( at airports, post offices etc ), its something I really want to do. So im just asking how do I get my foot in the door? Im going to do the NDTF course in Feb to learn more about trianing and behaviour and ill be doing the detection elective unit but what else can I do? Is there website with any information? Hope someone can point me in the right direction :)
  7. How exciting for you Good luck and hope everything goes well :)
  8. What a horriable thing to have happened. I hope poor Riddick recovers fully from this. I also hope this guy doesnt get let off easily, some people should not own dogs My boy was attacked by two dogs when he was young and ever since reacts badly to dogs coming up to him
  9. Wish I got pet insurnace for Toby a few months ago it would of saved us an expensive surgrey. After the surgrey we got pet insurance, were with RSPCA and pay $24 a fortnight. Didnt know if they would cover him becuase of his age ( 9 years old ) Thankfully his age hasnt caused any issues with getting him covered.
  10. Oh ok well that makes it very possiable for me then. Thanks :)
  11. The travelling wouldnt be a problem. I was just reading the info pack they sent me and part of the assement is teaching my dog tricks and things. Just thinking how would they mark that? I wouldnt be taking him to the week blocks with me.
  12. I have a question for anyone thats done the course. Is it just for those in Melbourne, Sydney and Gold Coast? Im in WA and really want to do this course and im hopeing its possiable for me to do it.
  13. Hi all hope everyone has enjoyed there long weekend :) Well we decided not to go the Perth show and since my team wasnt in the grand finel I didnt care about that :laugh: We went to Esperance instead. Cant believe how pretty the beaches are there, I cant wait to go back and hopefully ill have my boy with me :D
  14. She's gorgegous Emery, I love that rottie smile :)
  15. Im not going to the Perth show now We just dont think that the old ute will make it to Perth a second time.
  16. Any chance of you being there at the Perth Royal? :laugh: What a goregous stunning breed I would love to meet one in the flesh What a great idea to get the breed out there :)
  17. Really hope its nothing serious! RS im the same I like to have someone to train with at least so I know if im doing it wrong or right
  18. Well done ST and Lulu What a great effort :)
  19. I also want to go on the Thrusday to check out the working dogs but will know closer to the date.
  20. Just wow. I loved watching that thanks for shareing :)
  21. Came and say hi - I will be there with the red kids on Rally O day I really want to go on the Sunday to see rally o and meet you and your awesome red kids :D and the breed I really want to check out will be on that day but I have a feeling the bf will be working that weekend
  22. Hi Rach, hope everything goes well for Buddy. Cant wait for the royal I want to go to see the agility but also want to check out rally o but there's also a couple of breeds the bf and I want to check out. What to do :laugh:
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