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Everything posted by whitka

  1. Thanks Ososwift, ill tell him to go have a look :) It was unfair how he was let off and he's abit down about it but im hopeing the sooner he gets a new job the better he will feel about himself.
  2. Im not friends with Rach on facebook but I hope she is feeling better! RS I know how you feel, I havent seen my boy in 3 months! Well this has not been a good week for us at all. The settlement of the house we were supposed to move into didnt go through so more waiting around. Not that might matter much as my poor bf lost his job So he will look around here for a couple of weeks and maybe Esperance as well but if nothing comes up then back to Vic. I know I said not long ago that I wasnt copeing but we have both started to settle here and neither of us wanted to leave this way Oh well will just see how the next couple of weeks go.
  3. Im guessing I just clicked onto it to late as I what I wanted isnt there
  4. Oh RV im so sorry Many hugs going out to you
  5. RV im keeping my fingers and toes crossed for Toby that he gets better real soon!
  6. Thanks ososwift. I am working which is ok. Every couple of weeks my bf works a week of nights and I hardly get to see him. That week is always the hardest.
  7. I've grown up in a country town so the size doesn't bother me it's just so different from what I'm used to and a few people tell me it will take me few months to adjust here, also finding it hard meeting people. Yep felt that heat it really took a lot out of me! I'm hoping once we move into this house and I get my dog over here that things will improve. My boyfriend has said we should only need to stay here a year and should have enough to set ourselves up. Also being so far away from my friends and family is hard to.
  8. Thanks for the recommendations but I don't know if it will be needed now. I'm not coping here at all been trying to put on a brave face but this place is just horrible everyone I seem to talk to is looking to get out. If only we didnt need to the money
  9. COngrats to eveyone who did well in Barinsdale I dont know what it is about that place but I always got the best results when I trialed there, wish I was there this weekend then maybe I could have fineally got that last pass for Toby's CD title :laugh:
  10. My lovely mum did some research for me (cause I must be to lazy :laugh: ) and has found out that Quantas (sp?) can fly Toby from Melbourne to Kalgoorlie
  11. Thanks ill look into them. Im really hoping to find someone who will fly straight to Kalgoorlie as its a 6 hour drive to Perth
  12. We got the news that we can move into the house after the 28th of this month So excited I can fineally see my boy soon. Can anyone recommend a company that flies dogs over? Also going to have to get a kiddy pool and looking at getting a cool coat and cool mat for Toby since its going to get so hot here soon. Only bad thing is housemate wants to get a puppy so looks like ill have to keep waiting for that puppy :laugh:
  13. Congrats AP and Trixie I just cant wait to get a puppy and start trialling again. Whenever that happens :laugh:
  14. Hi Anne I love Cavs :D Crazy Cresties good luck with finding a home for him, I hope he gets one soon.
  15. Im sure your breeder would not have let you have this puppy if they didnt think you couldnt handle him :)
  16. I wonder what would happen if you whacked an 'in training' harness on them or similar :laugh: Even if there in a harness it doesnt seem to make a difference. My cousin is legally blind and has a guide dog. It shocks me the amount of times people will try and pat the dog or try and feed her or let there kids run up to the dog. Most times they will just go up without even asking and my cousin cant even see them so has no idea whats happening. She tries and not goes out in public without my uncle now becuase of this.
  17. Hopefully in a couple of years we will have saved enough to move to Perth, only been there once but we really liked it there :D And maybe there I can get my puppy :laugh:
  18. Hi all! Well we might have a house fineally! Have to wait for up to 6 weeks till we could move in but things seem to be looking up :) Also in a couple of weeks we are thinking of going over to Perth, prob wont be able to do anything doggy as the bf and a friend are coming to. I love Tassie. I loved Port Arthur and the ghost tour and cradel mountain. I climbed up the nut never doing that again :laugh: The only thing I didnt like about Tassie was when we went to Straghn ( I hope thats how you spell it ) there were wasps everywhere
  19. Sorry I meant in here in Kalgoolie. Hopefully we have found a place here but wont be able to move in for a few more weeks which is a shame becuase we have to leave the guest house were staying at ( I have a thread about that in off topic ) But in some good dog related news Toby had his 12 week x ray to see how hes going since having surgery and ive been told the vet said he was very happy with him and that Toby can go back to running around again
  20. Yeah I cant uunderstand why anyone likes it here its horriabe! We prob wont be going back till we get a new car which might be a couple of months away! I think Toby would love all the beaches but thats the other problem were having here trying to find a place where we can have him.
  21. Thats ok was worried I was going to kicked out of this thread :laugh: Bf is a truckie by trade and he's worked for a couple of trucking companys since coming back to Aus so he roughly knows how much he would get plus the the companys he worked for screwed him over a bit so he's a bit suss about going back to that line of work but im going to keep working on him. I just want a house of our own and settle somewhere for a while and Kalgoorlie is not somewhere I want to settle. Esperance on the other hand :D
  22. Sure will That last time was abit of a spur of the moment thing. Not doing that again! Our car broke down a couple of times and the bank stuffed up so left us a little cash poor Loved the beaches though :laugh: The bed and brekfest we stayed was so nice had the best views and the owners husband was telling my bf about his trucking bussiness and told the bf if he wanted to apply with him then he would prob get a job there, I got abit excited but the bf would rather stay in Kalgoorlie cause he thinks the money is better where he works Ive prob gone a little off topic now :laugh:
  23. Just a little to far plus I think my mum would be very upset if I came all way the back home just to check out the trials :laugh: I always had the best days at Barinsdale trials.
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