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Everything posted by whitka

  1. So whats the best way to get there? Im coming up on the vline to southern cross, not sure where to go from there
  2. Thanks Tassie she is alot fun and picks up on things so quick :) I'll add those to my ever growing list. I have a feeling agility is going to turn out to be an expensive hobby :laugh: Just got to work things out with the post office so I can get my other dvds that ive been waiting for weeks to get
  3. E&H im the same as you, trying to teach my girl agility when I have no idea what im doing Im to inpatient to wait till club starts again so I orderd a couple of dvds, its been 3 weeks and there still not here
  4. Im coming up from the country, a couple of hours away from Melbourne!
  5. So who's going? Would love to meet some Dolers :)
  6. Im hopeing to get my Border collie girl into agility this year :) Mainly been focusing on getting good focus, stays and recall, hand touchs, circle work and rear end awareness. Im so proud of how she is doing :D Just waiting on my copy of crate games to arrive and i'll be working on that as well.
  7. I must have bought the 40 plus weather with me to Vic. Reminds me of being back in Kalgoorlie :laugh: Hope everyone is keeping cool.
  8. Im also looking at getting into agility even just for something extra to do. Will be adding those dvds and book to my growing list :D Are there any other good books/dvds that others can recommend? Kavik how do you find out about these online trianing programs?
  9. I love reading your updates, it sure is inspiring me to get back into trianing
  10. Ok so since the puppy thing isnt happening I thought I would just stick to doing something with the 3 I have, and I sound so greedy wanting another one :laugh: I think the main thing would be is to just get back into it. Start at the bottom and go on from there and really focusing on well teaching good focus. And also just make sure they enjoy it. And get into agility with Fly It may be pushing it but I would like at least one of them ready for RN sometime this year :D
  11. Thanks Tassie and Pretty Miss Emma Excuse my igonorance but what does LAT mean?
  12. So I have decided to start doing some training with my brother's 18 month old border collie since he does nothing with her First issue she pulls when one the lead so walking her isnt great and I guess being a herding dog this is to be expected but she wants to chase birds, casr and cats, she's always on the lead when out of the house. She can also be abit shy in new situations. I've never had a dog with any of these issues so open to all suggestions on what I should do with her to make her a more behaved confindent dog as I would like to give trailing a go with her :)
  13. Hi all We are back in Vic and its so good to be able to see my boy and rest of the gang :) Now im back ive been thinking about getting back into trianing with my brothers border collie since he does nothing with her I want to get into agility with her but first things first she's not a very confident dog and is shocking to walk on a lead so going to work on those things first. If anyone has any ideas on what I should do im open to suggestions. Anyways I hope everyone had a great christmas and boxing day.
  14. Thanks guys, the bf was called today about a job here in Kalgoorlie but wont start till January so we who knows we could be back :laugh: Ptolomy im keeping my fingers crossed Jaffa is found real soon.
  15. Last week in Kalgoorlie for us, we get on the trian to Perth on Thursday then fly back Vic on Friday. Disapointing that I didnt get to stay long enough to meet everyone but as the bf says who knows where we will end up next :laugh: But I am really looking forward to seeing my boy.
  16. Oh no poor Jaffa, her owners must be so worried Hopefully she is found real soon!
  17. You and me both!! How far are you guys from Perth? ETA I win!! Google maps says 595kms from Perth to Kal, we were 724kms from Perth to Esperance :D Its like 6 hours or so away from here to Perth but who needs Perth anyway :p :laugh: I would love to get to Esperance sometime soon! I miss the beach.
  18. Those talking about liveing far away I think I win with the distance thing :laugh:
  19. That would be great but I have no way of getting to Esperance We might not be here for very long depends on what happens this week if the bf gets a job or not.
  20. Mine is going to be the same as the last couple of years. Get that puppy im still waiting for!!!! :laugh:
  21. Why must you all be so far away! Anyone mentions cocktails and im there :laugh:
  22. Thanks Emery i'll tell him to have a look.
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