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Bow Wowy

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  1. I have had the pleasure of meeting the delightful Charlie Brown, and he is a lovely little Man. Good on you for inviting him into your home
  2. R.I.P Mandrake I'm sorry for the loss of your friend Rozzie
  3. RIP beautiful little Bean You did a fantastic job protecting your family, brave little one.
  4. I just wanted to say thank-you :) Thank you for originally adopting an adult dog and giving it a fantastic second chance at life. And now thank-you for giving another rescue dog a chance and not giving up on it when things got rough. I have found this thread really inspiring and heart-warming. Thanks again :D
  5. Coming soon...the next installment - "I hate uteruses" Katherine looks HOT!
  6. We have just started selling it in our Clinic and are yet to get feed back on it. The flea controll is the same as comfortis, so is fast acting and effective. The internal parasite controll apparently only targets one life stage of the worms (unlike Advocate which does all the life stages - as kindly pointed out by the Bayer Rep) Panoramis also does not cover Tapeworm, so ideally this should also be done every 3 months still.
  7. One of the transcriptions used in English to describe a dog's bark - with a "Y" on the end
  8. RIP Dillon - look out for my Zeusy boy there over the bridge (he's the 3-legged rotty)
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