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Everything posted by luckydog

  1. Just checked the Geocities trial list and found this: Saturday 23/5/09 - HUNGARIAN VIZSLA CV Inc - Open Endurance Test (KCC Park) CANCELLED So its the Dalamation Club now on June 6, unless I am missing something it is the only test left in the Melb metro area....
  2. So I decided to try and get an Endurance title with my 2.5 year old Golden Retriever. I have never jogged in my life but thought I should give it a go. Over the last two months we have jogged every second day, starting with just 400 meters (at which point I was gasping and ready for death) to the point where now I can jog 6km non stop (an achievement I am rather proud of). All the way Suzie (my Golden) just trots alongside showing no sign of discomfort and ALWAYS ready for a play when we are done. Now I am pondering, do we keep jogging 6km every second day? Do people regularly jog with their dogs? Does it have any long term health implications? BTW so far we stick to the grass.
  3. Knox was another Maili day for me. Maili spent the morning heal pattern emulating a drag anchor, while her recall involved giving me a long hard stare. The afternoon session was doing much better, but with the heat she dropped in the sit stay, turning a 92 into a 72.... sigh....
  4. I sense more than one email will be heading Pamelas way! After a few days... you can Google your own dog! How sweet is that? :D She will also post trial results here: http://www.geocities.com/vicobedience/trialresults.htm But clearly someone has to send them to her first, a quick email to trial secretary should achieve that....
  5. Hi Shoemonster, :laugh: ;) Great work! :p Make sure to send an email to Pamela Gelme and she will post your title here: http://www.geocities.com/vicobedience/titleseight.htm Her email address is shown when you click on the dogbone towards the bottom of this page: http://www.geocities.com/vicobedience/index.htm
  6. Group classes were not good for my dog. But the social aspect was great and doing a trial run-through is fantastic way to get feedback plus do group stays. The idea of doing one-on-one training close by so the dog is used to training with dogs near by is a great one.
  7. As a bizarre co-incidence I drove past this place on the way to Berwick trial on Sunday and thought "wow look at the size of that place!" It is one large establishment.
  8. Hi all. Congrats to Kinta and Leopuppy on a pass, well done! BTW Leo, its Luckydog not Goldieboy, but hey I might change my nickname now! Suzie (my Golden) has been going through a real anxiety patch which culminated with her choosing to spend time with the judge rather than me during the heeling at the Morning session at Berwick, and while she was still quite uncertain about whether heeling was something she wanted to be doing in the afternoon session, we managed to scrape through with a pass of 170 (phew). Its been a downhill run, 193 at Ballarat, then 184 at the Vizila trial and now 170 at Berwick, but a pass is a pass! And now she her Novice Title (CD)! Now she gets some downtime to learn to relax and enjoy herself again. I am reading 'Control Unleashed' and I plan to use the strategies there to try and get her tail wagging when heeling. But the highlight???? Getting first prize and seventh prize in the raffle: one of these big feature water fountains plus a bag of dog food and a basketball.
  9. Moorabbin to Ballarat was nearly a 2 hour drive, but worth every minute of it. Would happily do it again, esp as the clubs organization was top quality.
  10. As Maili stares at the clicker and refuses to present ANY action but staring intently.... that would be ONE thought only
  11. My local club also only does Obedience and Agility. It turns out they bought the equipment for Flyball but for reasons I cannot fathom they are not using it!
  12. Go Denny! - is he a StarWars fan? :rolleyes:
  13. Sounds like a truly great day, a great learning opportunity and a great chance to make new friends (both human and canine!). I am jealous! Well done!
  14. Suzie came first today in Novice at the Hungarian Vizala Obedience trial. Thats her second pass in CD and the fourth trial where she has placed first in the ring. She gave me some nervous heeling (still working on building her off-lead confidence) and one missed stand, but her recall and change of position were fantastic. We ended with a final score of 184. We will be at Berwick in two weeks so fingers crossed for her CD title.
  15. I found the two books: http://www.dogwise.com/ItemDetails.cfm?ID=dgt240 http://www.dogwise.com/ItemDetails.cfm?ID=DGT127 But cannot see any book links from the Tracking Club website I went here and found nothing? http://www.trackingclubvic.org.au/links.html I am sure I am blind... As usual, I searched DOL and found a previous thread: http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=69916 I will read that.
  16. Hi All, Anyone recommend any good books about Tracking?
  17. Absolutely true! Thanks for the great and well thought out reply. I totally agree with you!
  18. I am not certain I would do justice by just typing highlights. Sadly Mr Tucker is quite verbose. It appears this whole subject has been done before... http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...=michael+tucker
  19. At the risk of creating a flamewar, I am curious about peoples thoughts of the writings of Michael Tucker in the Dogs Victoria magazine. As someone who has discovered the gentler form of dog obedience I am not a fan of his techniques but I know full well that there are many dog trainers who are. I certainly have no objection to him providing his advice in a column, but I am deeply disturbed by his latest letter on page 8 of the May edition. He refers to criticism as "inappropriate and unacceptable" which I find an astonishing stance given his status. While he is certainly entitled to say "dear letter writer I think your wrong" I actually think the only thing that is 'unacceptable' is his apparent inability to accept that there are those who disagree with his views. If I am going to criticize anything Mr Tucker actually writes (and I speak from the position of someone who writes for a living, as opposed to someone who trains dogs for a living), his articles are far too self congratulatory. In his March 2008 column, the last 3 paragraphs were of little value to dog trainers and could have easily been collapsed or even removed. Surely its time for Dogs Vic to bring an additional columnist onboard to promote alternatives such as clicker and food training?
  20. I have never been able to hear what the Judge told any of the other competitors. However I always listen very carefully to what they tell me! :D
  21. I am 'new' to obedience trials (entered my first one October last year). You can do CCD before you do Novice. CCD used to be called 'encouragement'. Of course you can go straight to Novice(CD) with doing CCD but doing CCD is good to build confidence (well it was for me anyway!). And yes you need 3 passes to get your title, but make sure they are with at least 2 different judges.
  22. If you check out this link you can see what Simon Cowell actually said after wards http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJTU10tp67U Everyone talks about how great the dog is.... they are kinda missing the other half of the act....
  23. For sure in Victoria associates have the same opportunities and work in same rings as pedigree dogs.
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