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Everything posted by Kynan

  1. Its full on! Have just done the first week and I don't think we can sustain it. We only did two sessions today with three tracks each time. Kynan is coping well but I'm struggling to find the time and I'm on holidays at the moment and we havent even started aging the tracks. From past experience with other training I know Kynan needs his rest days so I think next week we will only go out three times a week and only twice a day.
  2. Have just started some intensive tracking training with Kynan. I have three weeks off work so thought I would try and follow Glen Johnsons method. It is only week one but Kynan is doing really well. It is amazing to watch him work and I think we have finally found something that he will be good at and enjoys. Johnson's method is pretty full on and I don't know how it would be possible to do if having to go to work during the day. Has any one else followed hs method and was it successful? It involves tracking 6 days a week and doing three tracks three times a day so that is 54 tracks a week!
  3. It might work to your advantage to get a prefix first and then get your breeding stock. Other breeders will be more likely to take you seriously and sell you a female as it would show that you don't plan on becoming an unregistered/backyard breeder.
  4. Would love to hear the other side of the story. I would kick an off lead dog in self defence if it was going to attack my on lead dog in order to protect my dog from having to defend itself and be at risk of being put to sleep for seriously injuring or even accidentally killing a smaller dog. I hope the little dog recovers and the owner keeps it leashed and under effective control in future.
  5. Rip Chookies. That is very sad I love chickens and had four as pets when I was a teenager. They all have their own little personalities and I completely understand your grief as they are not just chickens. My last remaining girl lived until she was 14.
  6. Try Pet Sitters Australia Link. I have heard good things about them and I have recently corresponded with the owner Kerry via email and they were very helpful.
  7. Dunder the German Shepherd puppy is a YouTube hit. Video shows him growing from 8 weeks to 1 year in 40 seconds. Link
  8. Still loving those puppies!
  9. Kynan

    Sophie Gsd

    So sorry to hear that dianed. Sophie looked like lovely girl
  10. I have been watching the pups for two days. I am addicted! :D
  11. Congratulations Tassie and Kirra!
  12. You can get just plain psyllium from supermarkets or health food stores. It looks very similar to breadcrumbs in similar plastic packaging.
  13. If EPI is ruled out you could try a pre biotic such as psyllium husks. A teaspoon mixed in water and left to sit for a while before adding to the dog's food will help bind poos together. This was recommended for Kynan by our holistic vet. The psyllium husks can be bought from a supermarket and help with both diahorrea and constipation and works for humans too.
  14. oh really? goodness, well I am feeding her say about 3 cups of food, twice a day? *cringe* oh s**t you're going to tell me Im feeding her too much arent you?? :D Yes! I would start by halving that and see how she goes. Keep an eye on her ribs and waist to make sure she doesn't get too skinny. She should have a nice trim waist that dips in at the sides when viewed from above and you should be able to feel her ribs easily but not see them. Hope that makes sense. Weight guide link Congratulations Leelaa you seem like a very caring person that loves your dogs and is open to learning what's best for them
  15. Royal Canin is good. You are doing the right thing by mixing it with her old food. Over a week gradually increase the amount of RC and decrease the Supercoat. You will most likely find that you will end up feeding less volume of RC to maintain Jenna's weight and get smaller poos compared to the amount of Supercoat you have been feeding.
  16. How much are you feeding and how often? Large sloppy poos can be a sign of over feeding. The feeding guides on the packets seem to recommend too much based on my experience.
  17. I don't agree with this statement. It is often best especially for a large breed to switch to an adult food at 6 months to slow down their growth so they don't reach their full adult height too quickly which can cause joint problems. Leelaa17 you should speak to Jenna's breeder and see what they recommend regarding food type and when to change to adult. Most GSD breeders recommend Royal Canin GSD, Pro Plan, or Artemis.
  18. Attended my first ever tracking trial yesterday I stewarded for three tracks (1, 6, TSD2), did a cross track for a TSD2, and laid a track for a TSD1. Was a great day and I learnt lots.
  19. What kind of tracking harness does everyone use? We have gone back to using our old Black Dog tracking harness which Kynan seems to find more comfortable than his fancy new leather one.
  20. Kynan is Mr Attitude and vocalises a lot with groans, grunts, whines, and sighs. He lets us know by grunting or sighing loudly if we are talking for too long in bed before going to sleep. It is as if he is saying "will you two please stop talking and go to sleep"
  21. Hi Bully Are you and Pele tracking this year?
  22. Awww look at her! Love those ears! I am a newby too with tracking and finding it challanging trying to teach my three year old GSD boy. Wish i had known about tracking when he was a puppy. We are having fun My OH thinks I'm crazy as I chase him around the house with the tongs trying to steal his socks and jocks to use as scented articles.
  23. That's exciting about the puppy! She sounds like a natural. Tell your OH to hurry up and join the thread as i'm desperate to talk tracking as none of my friends or family understand it
  24. We are making steady progress with our tracking. We are taking it quite slow to make sure we get the fundamentals of scent discrimination and article indication perfected. Was having some trouble with Kynan shutting down and i think i have now solved the problem. He must have been finding his fancy leather harness uncomfortable as i switched him back to the old cotton one and he has found his drive again
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