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aurora :)

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Everything posted by aurora :)

  1. cute staffy! im getting a staffy soon too my second one dont do crate training.. its cruel (in my opinion) it will take a while to train it to be comfortable in it as it will be scared at first there are pros and cons of both ways; letting it cry: - it will learn that thats what to do whenever it needs to go - it will learn how to let you know when it really needs to go getting up every 3 hours: - it will get used to you doing that so it will be a bit weird when you stop - it will get into a good pattern and will get used to waiting a bit but yeah.. i dont think crate training is a good idea
  2. hmm whereabouts do you live? :S coz i cant recommend a breeder if i dont know.. but i have a staffy (staffordshire-bull terrier) at home, had it since i was 4 months old.. ha im 13.. so its pretty old now just bought another one who is only 3 months so were getting it in january.. tis an xmas pressent XD anyways staffys are very friendly, the one i have at the moment loves cats, little kids, other dogs, pretty much everyone.. theyre friendly and energetic and i think it was easy to train i really cant remember coz i was so young; but everyone i know who also has staffys said they were easy to train theyre biggish, but you can get smaller ones, or the smallest of the litter (2nd smallest is best, usually the smallest is the runt) hope my advice helps
  3. it will help long story short being desexed will make it less horny.
  4. ****you put on the harness/seatbelt clip it in
  5. well i guess youve already brought it home but my suggestion is a doggy seatbealt it doubles as a harness for walks pretty much you put a harness on your dog clip it into the seat belt and it will be safe and wont jump out the window or anything oh and do have a window open or it will throw up might anyways but yehh
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