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Everything posted by Dogsfevr

  1. If i was to go by the first post my reaction would be to say your not a parent but a dog owner. Dog owners treat the dog as a dog,let them understand the pack order & have a secure pet because it nows what it is . Parents generally have spoilt dogs that dont respect there owners or feel secure in being a dog as the owners give confusing commands reactions. We all luv our dogs but we dont loss sight of the fact there a dog,where a human. You probaly wont like my advice but i agree with others limit the dogs boundries, the dog only chews underwear if left laying around so instead of telling the dog off tell the humans but the most important thing "treat her like a dog" make her secure in what she is & gain her respect back . It sounds like a dog having a toddler tantrum because it is confused
  2. Dogsfevr


    I would get it done 6-8 months. Also in some large breeds they come into season latter on,i have had bitches not come in till 2 yrs plus. Lets face it the larger the dog the more it costs We have never had issues with spayig at that age in over 20 plus yrs & all our pups by contract have to be spayed at 6 months or if in season first then they wait but generally all are done before they come as people dont want the bitch bleeding all through the house or those that have an outside dog only dont want to bring the dog in for the time of the season so keeping it outside can be a risk
  3. Unfortunately this is a common problem when people get to breeds that arent ideal & dont have the facilities to cater for the differences. All our big dogs are taught how to interact with our small dogs & the small dogs are taught the same but we also have the facilities to give each one there time out without crating or having them forgo there daily routine. Was the shletie baby that way before you got it & did you tell the breeder you had a goldie??Just curious as most breders will tplace the right up for the right scenario. Putting the shletie in the crate to yap at the other dog will only create a new set of problems.If you do need to crate do so out of view of the other dog .Allowing it to go offthat way doesnt lessen the problem
  4. It can be a killer & is something that must be taken very seriously by all family members. The genearl cause is diet ,being feed something high in fat & the general start point is BBQ,s where everyone gives the dog the fat but any other continues inappropraite foods can lead to this outcome. For some dogs schmackos & those types of treats can be all too much.
  5. Monster there doesnt need to be any weird circumstances for the tail to break it does happen & very easily & once damage has started the tail is weakend. You may well find in time when your young pup spilits the end of its tail how easy it is to have a problem but hard it is to solve it. Ours greys would dislocate & snap back in the tails tails doing zoomies on the back lawn. The constant hard banging is often the starting point for injuries to occur,teh tail gets more bruised ,gair starts to thin out & all of a sudden you get tail damage. Swank i believe Steves photo is what happened when the tail suffered damaged on apreviously dog dog & there for surgery had to be done
  6. I would be getting it removed,we have had a dog with partial removal & also now of many dogs that have required amputations(weis,cockers,yanks,GSP)some dogs can suffer phanton tail but in the end the dogs Where much happier. The vets who performed these had no qualms at all about ,paperwork .If your vet isnt willing to give you the person paying honest vet advice then i would be looking elsewhere & would certainly ask the breeder who they use or would recommend.
  7. I would suggest you get the hair cut done ASAP & get it done regular,6 months if it hasnt beened trimmed is leaving it late. What breed exactly??
  8. personally the eating from the bowl stuff is just useless. You have giving the dog the command "sit" the dog has done this so what reward does she get,you stand there pretending to eat her food by which time her moment of listening & focus has gone & you have lost the crucial moment for reward.The dog starts to perform ,jumps up so breaks the command,i doubt she is growling as such but is humgry for her food.The end result hasnt listened to anything you have said because you took so long to reward a PUP . I think you have missed the whole point of the exercise & are so focused on leadership that your creating a monster by confusion. The pup is being a pup & i think you want perfection at a young age,Sammies are spitz breeds & like to push the boundries but over training with out rewarding at the moment leads the dog not to listen & not to respect exactly what is happening with the food.The dog has done whats asked but whilst you stood there pretending to eat the dog has lost the point of the exercise & performed for its food ,natural for a pup that is hungry.
  9. I agree be a pooper scooper freak.You can train but it ups to you to be diligent from day 1 & it isnt going to happen over night it will take time to train but you certainly cant be negative.Dogs are only as good as the training
  10. Ask any peke breeder out there how many dogs they have in full quotes all the ones i now clip them off & also encourgae there pet owners to clip.Yes there not clipped when they leave but in adult coat there is no reason why they should be in full coat. We also board many pekes which are clipped off & they are dogs to the fulliest. Peke breeders who have dogs in full show coat generally band the coats around the face & tail to keep tidy & the dags from clinging. People who have pekes as pets are very aware of the heat issue but pekes make great pets & clipped off are true dogs & live a great life rollicking about.Commonsense tells you that pekes arent the norm being so low to the ground & they collect everything in there coats even on the best manicured lawns. I have been associated with many BIS pekes who on retirement had a haircut party FruFru dpending on the coat we use either the clip ons or a 4.The heads we leave full but balance to the body.If the body is done regular you can maintain the dog in a good fluffy clip which is practical but still gives you that classy peke look.
  11. We clip alot of pekes off & our friends who bred pekes clip any retirees or non showing dogs off from day 1. Its one breed that i as a groomer would have no issues clipping off .Done correctly they look very cute clipped off
  12. Poocow there is no way i would be grooming them for free. With our kennels dogs are expected to come in clean & in good coat condition if not they sign that the dogs coat is so bad it needs to be groomed at set price or the dog leaves the same free,all they achieve is a free groom & some will board the dog for a few days as it works out cheaper
  13. Feeding wise we dont worry ,everyone goes to there place & waits. As to your daughter i would simply tell her its time to train ,dogs are the families responsability & its obvious the dog has no respect for her at this time & it wont change until she takes a more active part in training. Remember things dont always get better,your daughter must be able to control the dog latter on & this age is crucial for trust,respect & involvement I can roll around the floor with my dogs but the minute i say the "word" they all back off & the game is ended & all go off happily ever after
  14. The pup is being a pup but its up to you to set the boundries. I dare say in your daughters case it was a game at first but as your daughter was on the ground it was in the dogs domain,the play was ruff & tumble that s what you got.Putting on the lead would have achieved nothing. She should have stood up straight away & if the dog is learning sit said sit straight away or wlaked away with no fuss ending the game.Instead the discilpline meant nothing so the dog didnt respect what was being asked. The antics sound very typical of a sheltie,wanting to please all the time,active,wanting a job to do etc etc. Increase your training 20 mins a week isnt that much but also ensure your daughter has some part of training. I would also ask your obedience trainer for advice as they see the dog & they way it interacts with you.
  15. Some of the worse offenders are hairdressers.
  16. As a breeder we do give a fact sheet ,we also show them how to brush & supply the right tools with the pup. As a groomer we do the exact same thing but generally the matted ones come back in the same condition year after year with excuse after excuse Personally you dont have to be to bright to realize dogs with coat need to be brushed just like our own hair. These same people generally have the dogs in the house & feel the condition day in/out but they dont want to pay out for regular grooms & any advice goes out deaf ears. We keep the matted coat & if we feel unsure about the owners attitude will take photos or video but it has never come to the point of needing that. Some take the advice with open arms but the ones that dont are just lazy as theres no other excuse for not brushing. Sadly nov/dec brings out the 2 a year clip offs,you get a few days off hot weather & the phone goes mad,we are booked out for 7 weeks & then you get the abuse because you cant fit them in.
  17. yep its tough love. Feeding variety at present hasnt achieved anything & nor will it,you will just get more frustrated & the dog feels that . Never leave food down,its the worse habit in the world Dont feed the same time every day Dont make food a big deal. Forget the scrapes. Greys can get the runs very quickly so be careful given to much. All our greys bar 1 ate like horses,the 1 that didnt had thyroid issues. I would go back to simple basics dry,raw mutton flaps,chicken necks, If he doesnt eat it gets picked up & given the next day. Zorro will do the same thing day in/day if allowed so you need to set the food boundries thats 10 mins to eat or its gone & no treats given if he doesnt eat. There are things you can give to encourage appetite but i wouldnt try them until you have set a feeding pattern
  18. Well i think the first thing you need to realize is she isnt trained to eat on command,scavenging for food means she happily will eat without that "OK" I agree if the dog wont recall then its onlead,dogs that dont come when called learn nothing but also are a menace to other dogs whether she be friendly or not,your responsability for having a dog offlead is control. I say go back to basics & maybe focus on the simple stuff,often many people go over the top for training the dog losses the plot. Simple commands,not reading more into it that is required works so well.If she isnt responding then you need to ask why.Maybe training has become boring,repeatative,she is lacking the instructions from you or she is allowed to do somethings & then gets confused
  19. Check here privates with atissue but for health reasons take her to the vet. She could be in season but she also could have a UTI . Personally i wouldnt spay a bitch in season,there are more risks,it costs more & i believe hormolly its harder on the bitch. If she is in season she could very well bring the other one in so you can either wait or get her spayed depending on what the vet visit results in. Go to the vets & it will be all sorted ,they can do a swab & now straight away
  20. yep i pee feather wash every night rain,hail or shine. If you want an inbetween fix buy some potatoe flourBaby powder if desperate but potatoe is better) ,sprinkle a little & brush it through but still use a face wash/wet ones to wipe. As gross as it is a gunked up twinkle can become infected & be a right pain. The plush puppy coat reviver is also great for brushing through that area & freshen things up. The clipping wont do an awful lot except get other areas dirty
  21. iI feed a good diet is feed but i prefer to use a product where i now the daily intake is working.
  22. A large breed should never mean large vet bills. If the breeder is breeding from sound stock,is health tested then your vet bills shouldnt be anything but the basics. Personnally i wouldnt support the RSPCA in anything
  23. I have to agree with others i would sooner put money away than waste it on insurance because no matter what there will always be an interpreation issue. We have 18 dogs & the only vet bills we have are vaccs .On the odd occasion we have had a larger bill it was still nothing compared to paying insurance & having to prove your claim.
  24. research carefully.Many have so many clauses either breed specific or dont cover certain things that it can be a waste of money
  25. I have large breeds & have never soaked it,i now there has been much research done on the benefits of soaking food due to bloat but there are added risks if done wrong.If i can find the info i will send it
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