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Everything posted by Dogsfevr

  1. I wouldn't foster until you have personally sorted out your feelings & the dogs . Your coming into good weather in the scheme of things . I would switch off from wanting him inside & maybe making him feel overwhelmed . Is he on pain medication??Has his hearing or eye sight got worse over the last few months ,these can change the routine of dogs immensely even without losing the best friend He may be feeling old age soreness & they can get restless & prefer certain areas as its cooler & quieter .14 is a great age . Maybe do smaller walks & some more gentle mind games where you can see how he is really going . We currently have a 14 yr old who lives with others,she is going through a phase of being more a loner & doing things that is not typical but make her happy .We just play with it unless its not in her best interests .Her vision & hearing has got worse over the last few months so he behaviour has changed nothing concerning for us as we have been through this with many a dog but we know its time for her to find her strange happy place She is know on increased pain meds for some arthritis as the warmer weather & air con made her more unsettled . Getting old sucks,hopefully your golden oldie settles
  2. Keep in mind not all bitches want to live with there own pups & no guarantee it will make her settle any better as the greater amount of time & energy is going to be spent on the puppy unless you work a schedule of time management for both plus a baby that will need the time aswell I would also not recommend a female puppy . Personally with a new born in the home i would just take on the older bitch & give her the quality time to adjust to a new life,a little person & all the other changes in her life .Train her to be a great house pet & then look at adding another family member once you have gauged her true nature in your home Is the rescue BAER testing the puppies for deafness?? If they are potentially selecting the puppy what are they basing the criteria on ??
  3. Feeding 1 large dog raw shouldn't be that expensive at all if your feeding the mixture of meat & veges unless your unable to source cheap meats or not searched .
  4. This isn't about you accepting defeat ,this is about the dog & what is in its best interests .You either need to accept this is the wrong dog for your home or be prepared to change your home routine for the next few years I think realistically when you have the added animals you do living in the house then ensuring the dog you bring home is far more important than taking the risk of we may make it work & it doesn't . Personally i think the sooner you make the decision the better it is for the dog than to go a month or so in your house & be returned when its the higher time for dumping season . Dog already has issues & being moved about again will just add more stress to its life but the right home may be out there waiting so a win win for this mature dog
  5. I would suggest the signs where there when younger . You need to see a vet behaviourist and ideally a year ago would have been better but there is no cheap fix or simple solution.
  6. If you have brought from a good breeder they will be your best resource on the breed itself ,they may also have good suggestions of trainers . I applaud you on sounding very realistic & not mentioning "furbaby" so chances are you will be a great owner who wants to raise a wonderful dog . Like already mentioned don't over think it & don't over research . Ask your breeder about the traits the puppy has shown thus far . Keep it simple & above all "common sense". Training is not hard but so many owners these days read too much & listen to too much & get confused ,as a result the dog ends up even more confused through no fault of its own . For me with my large breed puppies i have to items that are not negotiable at this age .Charging through a door ,car,house,gate & pulling on a lead . I have showdogs so lead training is important to me for the ring BUT very important for life . As puppies they crave to learn when on the lead & we often start our pups before leaving leash manners .Dont fool into the trap of cute puppy if it pulls ,cute puppy grows very quickly to large puppy . I will spend more fun time on the lead that teaching other commands & stand is a command at the end of the day & more useful than sit for vet visits,nail trimming & going over the dog checking for ticks,lumps & bumps .
  7. Have you contacted the person advertising and asked them.?
  8. Very easy too .Infact watched many VERY HEALTHY Novas this weekend. No different than your own chosen breeds when it comes to health issues & dodgy breeders
  9. Looking at your list of choices I think you need to decide more on what the family can live with . You have listed 3 breeds so different to live with plus so added breeds that again have no common breed traits you want to live with . So if the dog you purchase turns out to be a hunting lemon but has drive than you still want to live with what’s your plan . What do you as a family want to live with for the next 12 yrs . When the kids start sport or extra activities what degree or working do you want compared to family pet ,the right family pet adapts the wrong working dog breed from working lines still needs to do activities to keep its brain stable In your research keep in mind the terrain you may have gained your info from .
  10. We board a couple of dogs who have it and yes it’s trial and error . Keeping a diary of what they didn’t do well on and using the steroids with the hopes once finding a solution you can wean them off and only use when having a bad attack . The info your vet has given is very correct . Tin food or hydrolised (sp) is what is often the better outcome but finding the right fit is what it is and that applies to treats etc etc
  11. Good in theory but you need to take a step back & go through a process.A process where you have the dogs respect & the dog has the confidence in you to guide it to the right manners & knowing when to back off for a time out or continue as the right behaviour is being shown in a happy comfortable way Going to over stimulating places with any dog can make or break it when you go with no training plan or behaviour plan . First off the dog doesn't have to accept people ,that is something humans push without keeping a safe wall to the dogs threshold compared to your expectations . He may not have been excited he may have been totally overwhelmed .Dogs can show various behaviour that some think is active but infact is a dog lost in a world of legs,activity & feeling like the little ant being stomped on
  12. We tell our puppy owners no matter what the product or vaccination they decide to use ( we give a list ) to only give in the morning and on the weekend so ideally Saturday,If a reaction occurs vets are open and it’s daylight hrs . Many use the products and head off to work . We use drontal and never had issues but the amount given is correct to wright not just a tablet . We have used other brands with no issues either but reactions can occur with any product that’s a chemical
  13. It’s not cruel but you need to be very prepared too manage these dogs for the next few years whilst doing some serious training with the new addition . The new edition irrespective sounds like it needs to learn some serious life skills it most likely has missed out on due to being solely outside . Your old dog needs to enjoy its life at a time it is feeling vulnerable and old age affecting its confidence so managing the old dogs outside time will be part of the daily deal . Your priority at this point is to respect your first dog and it’s needs . Your second dog needs to be managed for the behaviour and life skills you want it too have when your old dog passes
  14. There are certainly classes run in NSW but it would depend on where your based. If your own facebook join the Australian show groups & you will get the right answers & days .Very few show people use this forum
  15. I would also video the dog in the motions off what it does . Can be easier to show the trainer if not all members are home when they come . He could be reacting to the reaction of the females ,confusion at the reaction but non the less good for you for seeking help sooner than later.
  16. Walking just makes him fitter . You need to do brain games but also start teaching self control / off switch . We board a few working Springers who live in the burbs and do no work they where bred for but there owners create brain games ,if they don’t they go bonkers and no fun to live with ,some are higher drive than others . Hiding eggs,rewardable objects . walks aren’t about getting fitter or wearing them out as it won’t happen,walks are turned into adventures . Many working Cockers compete in agility and do tracking . You just need to be creative
  17. Was the puppy BAER tested by the breeder ??
  18. Dont you believe it & you wont always be there with a hose .2 Females who decide to have it on will not care how cold the hose is . Your girls are young & this is manageable .Chances are its the Kelpie pushing the buttons but if the Wolfhound decides the bear has poked one too many times then the Kelpie wont stand a chance . You own the backyard not the dogs .
  19. I agree with Rebanne , I would simply place pup in the crate in your room & set up a sleeping plan. Keep building the pups self control & independence skills during the day & once more settled wean into the desired area you want the dog to sleep . Keep in mind the more you make the pup reliant on you for all activities the more it needs its human through no fault off its own . The cat is going to have to learn to cope with the pup anyway unless your intention is for the dog to be an outside dog & the cat an inside animal ?? I also wouldn't be feeding dinner so late . Here we do things differently especially with puppies if you want them to sleep away from you . You are creating "its all about me time"from 7/10.30 pm & then its good night into the laundry often a cold,warm & prison like feeling room . The pups moment cut off & finished . The pups here we sleep in the the bedroom or the family room in there crates until they are ready for adult privileges. Pre bedtime if we don't want them in an area they are weaned to switch off,human time now limited . The same applies if crated in the room ,its door shut bedtime . So you need to ask yourself what is the adult plan for sleeping ,its coming into the warmer weather so a good time to readjust & educate before winter next year . Puppy class can be your best friend or your worst enemy .not all are the same or teach you the right life skills to set your pup up . How is puppy walking onleash,Does puppy enjoy being brushed regularly.What involvement do the other family members have? What are your expectations for the long term with your dog & what you want to do /enjoy
  20. Is it worth the risk?? You have a Staffyx leave it there
  21. Classic age for girls to rule the roost & decide the chain of importance ,could also be something else. If your really concerned better to seek a good trainer who can come to your home & watch the pack dynamics so you can learn to manage what is going on correctly or create a safe set up for when not home . Sometimes if a dog is showing other issues checking for thyroid problems in a dog showing changes is a good start to rule anything out there .
  22. It may take time but his whole routine has changed and most likely toileting midday very normal whilst you are home or he had free access to get outside ,now he doesn’t have the access or the person to let him out . It could stress related pooing knowing he can’t get out
  23. Don’t be pushed and it sounds like you need to sort things out sooner than later . If you do decide to take her be very careful on agreeing to any deals such as wanting to visit the dog or take it out for the day and yes people do at times expect you to be the Good Samaritan whilst those involved take advantage
  24. Don’t get suck into the guilt of the pound . Dont be fooled into thinking this person won’t dump the dog . There comes a point where there communication should be regular with you on how things are going so don’t get used . It Sounds like being a 1 dog household is the best fit for you and there is no reason to feel guilty . This dog sounds easily rehomable if that ends up the case the question the owner needs to face up too is are they making the effort or are they using you with no end result . Ideally for the dogs sake if he doesn’t want her back then she needs a home . in which case there are great rescue groups ,if bred by a breeder they will happily help in rehoming ,there is Staffy rescue . The pound will only occur if dumped there .. If you wish to do the rehoming get all the paperwork from him that includes the microchip name change etc I
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