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Everything posted by Dogsfevr

  1. Ingredients are an individual dog thing.Just because you think its better doesnt mean the dog will thrive on it ,it also doesnt mean its always successful for certain breeds
  2. I suggest you have a good look in the backyard. I Washing powders,carpert powder & many of the things we apply can react to dogs. Personally owouldnt bath in baby shampoo as it isnt soothing. If you want to try something then look at selsum blue or heads n shoulders .There are many dogs ones about never have used them. Also consider if the diet is the exact same are you giving any treats(schmackos,pig ears etc etc) There are many natural creams you can use to soooth red/hot areas(baby creams/psoriias creams/exzcmea type creams) Have you applied any spot ons.Wear a flea collar?
  3. I had a look at the wound earlier and they have only taken his testicles, his scrotum is still there - is this normal Some vets do it this way just keep a good eye down there that fluid doesnt build up. Personally we ask for the full job . Frends had there old boy done the same way as yours & it had no end of problems with fluid build up etc etc.
  4. I will say all dogs are suspectable especially those not relaxed in there environment.Added stress & it doesnt take long for the heat or cold to become an issue
  5. We use all sorts(human/dogs) in a single tank & its all about quantity. You really need to dispense a very small amount (like 20cents)
  6. If all you want is an all wormer tablet then buy from the supermarket.Excelpet is perfectly fine. The package of advocate will tell you what worms it does cover & what you need to treat for it
  7. Yep dry & raw here too with no issues what so ever
  8. Yes there are grasses that are far more dog friendly. I cant remember at this moment what we have on the property & the boarding kennel areas but if you contact a Turf farm they will advise you of whats around
  9. We buy the urine containers from the chemist. As for UT & pain .Dogs can often shows very little signs of ill health so you must make your self awar of other occurrences that give you warning signs. I have dog that suffers from infection of the penis .He doesnt show any pain but i am very offay at reading the early signs. His condition does become very serious even when caught early . Even at the worst there dear boy still doesnt show signs of what i would look for as pain but a change in coat texture etc etc does help. As she has only recently been spayed she may have an infection or the start of UTI which can become one very expensive life long problem if not looked after early. If your vet did spay whilst in season they should have told you & it would have cost more with higher risks that you would have been advised off
  10. She only seems to bite me and not anyone else in my family, but she also only listens to commands from me and will follow me around everywhere. Stubborn thing!"" How do you treat her in relation to the other family members.Do you spoil her more ??What do they do different to you??
  11. I think the most important things people forget when they get a beagle is there pack dogs. This doesnt mean you should have 2 off them but they do better with company. There is no guarantee another dog will make him happier /less destructive etc & a second dog should only be considered if all the humans want the responsability of 2 dogs & all the costs associated with it. As for a second dog something of similiar size where ideally they can enjoy each others company. depending on whether your dog is inside or out will also depend on what breed will be suited to the living arrangement.
  12. I would research what ingredients are in scourban & maybe there is an alternative product with an ingredient that does the same. I would consider going to the chemist & buying the tablets for humans with IBS
  13. Sheltie if your brushing him through properly that is what you are doing. Brushing your sheltie means you are stripping out the dog coat & the dead coat is what matts up & builds up. You can use a coat king but a good comb & brush will maintain an excellent shletie coat with no crap coat there
  14. I would encourage the grazing to stop . Food doesnt mean anything special to them as its there when ever they feel like it
  15. Is there any reason you leave the food done all day?? Personally iw ould consider changing brands & feeding a better bulking diet. Our young greys occasionally went through the lean side but we feed alot more than what you did & foods that worked with there zommies etc tec. A thin grey whilst healthy can end up with sores on there bony bits due to no bulk when laying down/sitting
  16. What breed,are looking at handstripping or simply stripping out
  17. Personally i would getting him desexed asap.The point of desexing early is to to minimize the male hormones. i also feel sometimes when pups are overtrained young they will aslo push the boundries latter.
  18. At the kennels he most likely remand more quiet & relaxed. Vaccination doesnt mean they cant get it ,the vacc is like the human vacc stops the influenza but not so much the basic cold. I have had a dog with it for 4 weeks but its a case by case thing, If your concerned go back to the vet .. I have to ask did the kennel board the dog even though it had canine cough??
  19. Forget the vet idea there is no need to make it hard nor make the journey from leaving its litter mates longer than nned be. Go straight home place older dog in house & take pup staright into the yard so it can toilet,sniff around. When you are ready bring pup inside & place in the crate & allow older dog outside to sniff around & then when comfy allow older dog inside so it can look at the pup in the crate. For us we dont do anything special when bringing in new member,we take care but we dont do mutual ground & all that stuff. We simply allow for easy meets & greet with no fuss or totally overwhelming the current dogs. Also remember Weis are very smart dogs that thrive on human company so the main thing is to encourage your pup to be independant & aslo ready pointed out dont trust the puppy pen i would be more inclined to pay the extra & get an enclosed run like the Kramar one especially for a wei
  20. taking him around parks (carried) People need to remember parvo can be transmitted also by humans.You may carry the dog around the park but you can carry it on your shoes & still bring it home. Kids who play sporting event on ovals & the family watch( dogs toilet & if owners dont pick up people tread in it or part of it & the bugs etc etc) -" I even know of a few younger Vets who advise do not take them out until 18wks etc" I see the vets as a catch 22 ,iif they say go out & about before the dog is fully vacc & the pup gets parvo they will be blamed.In this day of liability & people willing to sue no matter what . Personnally for me vic markets isnt the type of place i would be taking a young pup to anyway . Remember even if healthy vacc dogs can come in contact & one must always ask where do the people walk there dogs?? Our older dog got it many years ago & survived & iit started at our sports club(basketball,cricket etc etc & my school oval)
  21. The main key is make any transition slowly,what you are planning sounds fine although i would maybe try breakfast simply because lunch is usually the meal people stop feeding & it gives the dog a day for the food to be in the tummy
  22. With oldies who want to be regulars we insist on them coming regularly( a time frame suitable for the dogs coat & age). Many leave it too long & it just double the time the dog is needed to co operate To be honest with many oldies we no longer strive for perfection as in some cases it just isnt feasable.Making the dog comfy & grooming it to the best of the circumastances is nothing to be embarrassed or ashame off.Grooming elderly dogs isnt easy & it is very hardwork & i would discuss this with the owner . If the dog is struggling now with pain it should be on something for everyday relief. I will be honest it does help having two people for some dogs & there is also nothing wrong with saying "no" to future grooms if you truley feel its all to much.
  23. I would imagine they suggest a tim product thats a vet only brand. Min you we dont feed or recommend pasta. I guess what i would be more worried about is the diet similiar to what the breeder suggested??
  24. we do it at bath time too & the smell is easily elimated this way especailly of the dog. Some dogs express them themselves with there tongue( No who likes kisses from there dogs) or when toileting but we always check ours & the dogs we groom as its very easy & the less there the better
  25. If it was me in your situation i would design a diet now that is compatable for both dog & Jyra .Something she has settled too before you being away that way there will be no worry about what she is being feed or adjusting too it..
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