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Everything posted by Dogsfevr

  1. Do you feed kangaroo??Beef can aslo do the same I found this sent my english orange all over the place.It took about 4 months for it to get out of his coat. You may also find saliva.Do the other dogs mouth in those areas?? "Try bicarbonate of soda, mix it with enough water to form a paste and leave on the affected coat for 15 minutes" It does work BUT it can dry the coat so if you use this method do so mid week & make sure you usea GOOD shampo/conditioner afterwards.
  2. "It is still purposely doing wees everywhere throughout the house." At 10 weeks it isnt doing it on purpose,it simply isnt toilet trained which means the method your using isnt working or your alloiwing it more opportunties than its age is ready for. I truley dont now what you expected but you seen to be expecting alot from a puppy thats 10 weeks old & you have most likely had for 2 weeks. What its doing is perfectly normal EXCEPT you need tos et the boundries.Toys & chews will not stop your pup from being boistrous & enthusiastic which is all the normal traits of a staffy.You need to start training pup whats acceptable & what isnt & the pup shouldnt have that much access to a young child to be able to scratch,play bite. What sort of training are you doing with pup(sitting,lead training???) What behaviour where you expecting from a staffy pup that your not getting?? How much time is spent with pup playing outside?? Have you talk to your breeder regarding the issues you are having.Have you considered sending the pup back to the breeder?? Your pug & staffy are worlds apart in needs & excitement & your staffy will never be like your pug BUT staffies are great dogs but need training from day 1. He doesnt think he owns the place .The pup doesnt have a leader to follow & its doing what it pleases.
  3. eukanuba has done the breeder bags(20 kg) for many more years than advance
  4. Hes an entire male who thinks his the king of the castle.Placea belly band on him
  5. How fit is keeda.I wouldnt be hiking or using a pack on a dog thats fitness hadnt been built up to cope with it. A soft back due to poor exercise/lack of condition or even obesity would steer me away from using the pack until the dog is in good hiking condition.If your dog is fit then all should be fine. Although i would consider getting the dog use to it first off.Some dogs hate them with apassion & your nice outing may end up being the nature trek from hell with you doing more carrying
  6. Yep need to feed more bulky food.Lean is great but they still need fat to be healthy .Increase there meat diet ,what there getting really isnt enough
  7. How many dayas in heat is she befor eyou get her?? Personally i wouldnt do it
  8. Does he only get feed meat roll?? If this is the case its an awful diet.What did the breede suggest
  9. "Unfortunately this trainer was TERRIBLE! He told all the other class attendants to stay away from our dog and would only suggest to keep walking Turbo away from other dogs (at any signs of aggressive behaviour) and keep reapproaching and keep repeating." I see nothing wrong with a trainer informing other people to stay away(safe) around your dog.Other peoples dogs shouldnt be used as a tool to improve yours if he is showing clear signs of aggression after all you dont want the other peoples dog to learn your dogs behaviour. Obedience is about you being able to control your boy around other dogs & at this stage it would seem teaching your boy to relax whilst at a distance is a starting point & until achieved he will not be calm amongst dogs. I think though if you read wha ta your instructor has told you about walking away & what you had said here "as he can keep running away and reapproaching when he feels it safe to do so" Is the exact same advice the difference being onleash. Often the owners technique & body language on the leash transmitts to the dog & the problem is increased because the dog feels tied to one stop & reacts over the top. The idea o walk away calmly & re approach takes the focus of the incidient that is occuring there & then. Some dog will never get over it & that is reality BUT it may seem you need more help than just the trainer you have. Im sure someone will come along with better advice
  10. scores are no guarantee but they are a tool for giving the best chance for progeny. Personally i would be phoning the breeder & asking them what they fell but i would also be making sure the vet knows what there talking about .Where the xrays sent away to be read??
  11. we have 14 minis that play like that everyday of the year. That is most defiantely not aggression.Just make sure you allow time out for pup & if you feel your mini is getting a tad bositrous just calmly say"gentle" Feeding time means place them away in different rooms.one inside /other outside but dont enable bad habits. minis are very social dogs & will share the food bowls but every dog should be able to eats its own food in peace. Westies on the other hand can be a true terrier so its important to make sure you are the boss & not the dogs.There is no pack structure in our house everyone is equal & no one is the boss.
  12. our dog didnt have the condition but had the same surgery & there was absolutely no ill effects at all.The very occasional slight limp . Google the condition & alot of info will come up.
  13. All cavies here are groomed as the breed is suppose to be unless the owners ask for something different. As cavies area non trimmed breed normally its a good thorough strip through,nails & bath.Nothing gets taken off unless asked for
  14. I agree i would be worried buying those meds from overseas without prescription.All the sites i have googled require script or vet OK. I think i would be checking with the right authorities Brubas google vetmedin & then suppliers.There are plenty of sites that sell the product But you need to meet guidelines for selling.
  15. I have found this product to be too harsh on white coats & no matter what dilution rate leaves them blue. It may be better suited to a Bichon coat though
  16. Very few salons will let you stay & watch.Watching doesnt teach you how to use the equipment correctly. I could do a basic bichon clip in an hour or so & you would learn nothing in that time. Also most salons dont have the time for the basic fee to teach someone plus other dogs are being groomed at the same time & some have issues so a worksafe environment is very important If you want to do it yourself you will need to seek someone who is happy to teach you how to clip safely plus ofcourse buy the equipment, Ring a few groomers in your area.The more regular a client you are the cheaper it will be
  17. When you pick her up what is your intention??Do you do the same as your husband,just a nice sit there & be patted or are you wanting more?? Not every dog is a cuddler but often it is what the humans want during the cuddle that can feel intimidating to any dog no matter what the size & there reluctance to be picked up or especially by certain people.
  18. If your breeder feeds it & the pup is guaranteed by them on that diet then discuss any changes with them. Maybe PM Labs on this list regarding the diet they use or any dietary issues with labradors Euk is a good product BUT some breeds as with any food can have not so good results. We feed Euk to one of our breeds but not the other. We dont feed barf here & personally the dogs i do now feed dont look any better than mine.I have been suing the barf patties but mine get dry,raw mutton,necks,patties,tuna,yoghurt etc etc .
  19. S/D diet is not meant to be continued as a regular diet after the stone has been dissolved; Hills recommends not feeding S/D diet any longer than 6 months. Aside from the long treatment time, an important disadvantage of this approach is the possibility of urinary tract obstruction as the stone gets smaller and an unsuccessful attempt to pass the stone occurs. This is potentially a life-threatening hazard for male dogs as they possess the narrow urethra. S/D diet is very high in fat and high in salt. It should not be fed to patients at risk for pancreatitis, patients with heart disease, kidney insufficiency, or high blood pressure.(this has caused major issues in my breed)
  20. I would suggest googling Dalmations.This breed is highly prone to what your vet is talking about. Minis can be very prone to stones BUT red meat is one of the biggest factors & to much protein. It should also be noted that the diet suggested has been known to increase pancreatitis in my breed if all the factors havent been weighed up & many vets are not informed of what the pros/cons of the hills diet is. There are maunfacter warnings for certain scenarios. Most of the people i now who have used the hills diet havent had any success but did make up there own diets after much research . There is some goo dinfo on the stones if you google
  21. The good old hills diet yeah right crap stuff. What exactly did the vet diagnose . I would ask your vet for a the basic laymens terms diagnosis in writting so you can undertsand exactly what you are dealing with.
  22. As said your breeder would be your best person to contact.When picking your pup up they should also show you HOW to correctly brush the dog & with which tools. You could eithera sk your breeder to buy you the best basics or ask them which ones they recommend & then go purchase them.
  23. Diesel what diet did your breeder suggest?? It is very well knowm amongst the Lab folk regarding Euk & growing but many vets will sell the product or pet stockists will promote a product that whilst good isnt suitable for all breeds. The only time i have known some lab breeders to use it is if the grwoth plates are slow to open & they will feed it on a very monitored basis but otherwise they avoid . The lab breeders i now all use advance(i dont use this product as it doesnt suit my breed) . Im not aware of many that use the royal canin product. I would suggest talikng with your breeder,they should be able to assist you in all your questions if they havent covered in there puppy packs.
  24. Many Lab breeders actually avoid Euk as it has caused major growth issues . I have no issues with the product as we use it BUT do have friends who are breeders of Labs & its the one product they do avoid especially during the growing stage
  25. IF its ear mites dust some flea powder around the outer edge(never in the ear) as many will run out ,wait for ear to dry & head back in.Th eflea powder kills those smart buggers
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