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Everything posted by Dogsfevr

  1. Just dunk them in white vinegar ,just buy the cheapie stuff dilute & dunk feet. Dogs can also suffer from Tinea lick us because they lick & lick there feet that they stay so moist they pong. Dogs cool from there feet thats why if ther hot they will stand in the water to cool
  2. Given the dog is already showing signs of being being "all male" the stud work will make it worse. Not all males change after stud work BUT we inform qanyone heading down that path to be prepared to deal with a stud dog . Certainly in some breeds once used at stud it can really change everything .
  3. If you are having to clean it then one presumes she has a major issue that needs vet help otherwise bitches dont just sit there licking there fanny all day to keep clean. If you are wiping all the time maybe your creating the issue??
  4. Temperament Blue merle short coat heading sheep Graziers, stockman and dairy farmers across Australia since the days of the earliest settlers to their present day counterparts have typically selected breeds which display the abilities required to meet their working needs. The temperament found in a Koolie is an example of this much sought after ability. The optimal worker possesses a combination of working skills and bonding temperament. There are times when an uninitiated dog owner or a new enthusiast mistakes the Koolie as a shy, reserved or even a timid animal. The Koolies temperament needs to be understood in proper context when one seeks an optimal match of skills and demeanor. The Koolies are intelligent animals and the most experienced handlers know well that they need guidance instead of merely being pushed and given praise instead of assigning blame. A steady and supportive approach will be productive, proving the Koolies adaptability in diverse situations when given time. Such is the hallmark it bears. Owners will be rewarded through the Koolies diligence in varied roles such as in work situations, sporting activities, loyal service or the time honoured role of companionship. Known to be patient, temperate, dedicated, with a strong drive for willingness and devotion, the Koolie is not naturally aggressive but can demonstrate dominance, an untiring enthusiasm to work, and an admirable hardiness when the job or circumstance requires. This may give your more understanding of the nature but still give the pup a chance to settle .Im sure in a week you will see a new pup
  5. Ask your local vet.Some vets do after hours & many dont.If you phoned your own vet do they do after hrs ,refer or work in a syndicate where different clinics stay open. Our vet does after hrs emergencies. For those vets that dont do after hrs care also ask where your dog stays if in for treatment. In Perth for example many vets dont do after hrs so when they shut for the day the dogs are shipped off to Murdoch vet who i wont use in a pink fit
  6. Hate them even when sharpened properly .Never work & too much stuffing around to pursue them
  7. From day one here. Voice tone easily identifies acceptable & not. If all they here is good then they dont get the wrong.removing is fine but they need to understand why. Even at 13 weeks most dogs grasp things very quickly & it becomes less confusing when there older
  8. The best thing is to ignore him/Simply allow him to come to you when hes ready & he will. Just go on like every thing is normal,acknowledge him with your voice eg when walking past good boy turbo & dont stop. It could take a week or more for him to settle but dont worry .the more you worry the more he will worry.
  9. If you dont use flea wash they wont go away. You dont need injections & using some chemicals far out weighs the suffering the dog goes through & the longer you dont treat it quickly the sooner they will set up in your house/yard. What you have used wont work & infcat many dogs react badly to tea tree oil
  10. there are better brands around .Eco roll is far better
  11. I glazed quickly but couldnt see anything that said tite test instead. These articles are just as dangerous by telling people dont vacc & dont do anything.
  12. What breed. Not all breeds are capabale of living outside & regulating there body temp.Not all breeds can be lumped into the same basic especially given the different climates around australia
  13. yep remove the wandering dew or your vet bills will be enormous & the dog will always be in discomfort. Your vet will prescribe little prednil tabs & send you home.(thats for free ) The quicker you get that out of the garden the quicker your dog will stop scratching
  14. This breed is very different to that of a jack Russell & i wouldnt dream of comparing the 2 needs. Companion breed dogs are that for a reason.People select this trait due to wanting a breed to be part of the family . Our breed is breed for companion needs aswell & we wont sell to someone that wants it outside at night because generally it ends up spending so much time outside than inside. As for breed OP has posted topics before
  15. Why are you giving peanut butter?? Sausage what kind?? What treats do you give(schmackos,pigs ears,coloured bones etc etc) Agree that your first phone call should be with the breeder.They now the pup & can discuss any changes you may have made to the diet . Does he scratch at the same spots.all over?? If its just his belly does he rub his belly on the grass??What areas does he lay in & what plants are there. Go investigate your garden & his known areas,make sure your plant smart .
  16. Wash first with green dishwashing detergent. Sunlight soap works well . I personally for hard stains like the animal house whiter but if your stuck bluo works just aswell
  17. doe the breeder now the jap spitz will be living outside??
  18. Yes i have used it but be warned it will dry the coat out.The areas i did it on didnt touch the skin. Make sure you have a good shampoo/con to use. Personally though i would be trying other things before heading done this path on a tenties coat. Bi carb & water ,make into a paste
  19. dogs are just like humans .where not natural swiimmers. Just because a breed is a "water retriever" also doesnt mean it can swim. All shapes & sizes,;ack of fitness formany,obesity & the list goes on that makes swimming just as hard for dogs.
  20. Yep obedience club controlled & constructive. Socialization is so much more than 2 dogs playing,its about the owners reading situations & being able to deal with. It is important for dogs to learn that another dog doesnt mean play,that play is on your terms & your rules.
  21. Pulling the dead hair out is exactly what your doing with the coat king,Stripping the coat.The coat king if used on the head try backwards On the heads i use a "slick n Easy" stone(most use these on horses) But generally the coat is so dead it falls out,better than thinning it & making it grow back worse each time. Doesnt hurt anymore than normal brushing
  22. I dont use double sided anyway.I only use single sided The double & single work differently so depending on what your wanting you may not get
  23. what do you do for the top of the head, and ears? Ears are clipped per the breed,head we hand strip with a stone,The only part the thinners would touch there is simply for blending Springer head
  24. Will add though there is no need to thin there feathers. The only thinning is blending the throat,bum & feet . yep they exist.Ours get used 5 days a week practically all year & hard work. I have found the Wahl,roseline to be a good budget thinner
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