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Everything posted by Dogsfevr

  1. Dogsfevr


    No your daughter does what the dog enjoys & respects Thats why the dog enjoys her company
  2. Not really but in our sales contract we highly recommend all puppy owners get there pup vet checked within 48 hrs.We also have sections on refunds etc etc. I doubt these people will be in too that .I imagine they want there $300 & thats it. Also agree. Only you can decide.Yes it needs a home & all dogs deserve it BUT your family also deserves to purchase the right dog for life & sometimes saying no is the responsible thing to do. If you go with yes then get a receipt in writing ,vacc cards etc etc
  3. Dogsfevr


    This makes no difference. Some people have a "thing" with dogs,other people can be pushy around there dogs & have certain expectations the dog doesnt deal with .For example owners who insist on touching & cuddling all the time.Some dogs are very put off by this but when around a person who acknowledges then but allows the dogs its space & respects the dog for what it is the dog will feel more comfy around them. I wouldnt stop the treats,just because its your dog doesnt mean you should take away the dogs affection for someone else. Maybe pay more attention to what your daughter does & that you dont. If your worrying about this then your dog will feel the pressure & be put off.Dogs feel our body language & will quickly feel your upset & avoid you. Raising a dog doesnt equate to loyalty.Loyalty is all about the owners & the respect they show the dog..
  4. Be patient & stick with it but i would certainly do it in smaller doses with the gate shut. I would suggest when ever you go in the run always shut the gate even if you sit there for a few minutes.Dogs learn to hear the sound that means something different & some can react quickly to "that noise means im being left here" Feed him in there whilst you go about doing nothing with the gate shut & when opening dont make any fuss at all. Yes his age can be a factor ,i tend to find this age is one of understanding more & also understanding sounds & reactions.If you pander too much they will take you for a ride but you also need to not let them turn it into a habit
  5. our breed is highly pre disposed to this issue & a controlled diet is a must. Like Nekhbet said .i too belive it would have been the final straw diet wise that pushed it over. But yes excess fat can cause this issue & its becoming more & more common with people feeding raw but giving to much fat
  6. I have never meet a dali with skin issues in over 24 yrs & have friends that breed them
  7. I agree with this.I too would making the most of her being under & it being cheaper . Its an opportunity to good to not make use off. I believe in chiro/bowen too but if i had a lame dog & it was going in for surgery i would be doing what i could at the same time
  8. all our minis are bathed in Head n shoulders. Malaseb is too drying. Do you use a flea rinse aswell?
  9. Personally i would never feed Hills or that much beef but diet is an issue you must discuss with your breeder. If you do decide to change make sure its to a brand that is known to be suitable for your breed & do so slowly.Also make sure your breeders guarantee isnt void if you change the diet without talking with them. The eagle pack puppy tin is great.We have also used puppy tin(pedigree naturals) with no issues at all as a variety.Have done so for over 24 years & have wonderful healthy pups. Diet is very personal & everyone will have there own opinion & what is suitable for one breed would be a disaster for another . reading is good but make sure you understand your breed needs & not fall into the trap of one diet suits all.
  10. Bonding only happens where being together is enjoyable.If all the experiences are terrifying then the 2 will never bond & you will have 12 yrs of hell. Doing it slowly & carefully is a must .Patience gets good results.It could take months before you can have a happy household or yoy could be lucky & it works well quickly but we always work on the months plan because its easier to prepare for the worst case scenario & be prepared than under estimate
  11. How many big dogs have you owned??? i would love to see your poodle chair damage compared to a lab Risks outside still apply inside but add eating power cords & electrocuting themselves. heat stress inside if the power goes off & all the windows are shut. The risks are the same either way but you own a dog so small .
  12. we have big & small dogs & they are never left together unsupervised until such time that we are happy. Having said that our small dogs grow up with the big dogs from a very early age where both sides are taught the rules of interaction & no one is scared or overwhelmed .They interact well BUT big is big & small is small & introducing them incorrectly will set up a life long nightmare Given your dog has already shown a lack of confidence around a young lab that it only has to deal with for a few minutes you need to plan the yard & ensure you have a time out/safe area set aside from day one for the little one & then be prepared to put alot of time & effort into the lab baby who will be used to playing roughly & like a typical lab with its litter mates & mum.You will need to teach it "gentle" & also ensure the little one doesnt torment either.Both will have to meet half way. It can be done BUT the work must be put in from day 1 & be very patient & alot of training. Done correctly you will have 2 life long friends .done incorrectly it will be a nightmare. .'I would never recommend this at all. Should also add speak with the breeder.They should already now what dog you have anyway & that ideally there different sexes but your breeder should be able to suggest which pup unless you are wanting a set colour.?? Picking the right pup will be very important so you may need to wait on colour & sex
  13. You do need to talk to your vet about these things. We use goats milk if where diluting on road trips/shows.You can buy long life at most supermarkets. Whilst it seems your dog doesnt has previous issues there are some medical conditions that when a dog doesnt drink it can become very serious. We have actually witnessed a dog that would not drink as it had primary hypo dipesea(sp) Awful disease. Maybe google about your dogs condition & see what it says. I dare say your diet is based around your dogs medical condition
  14. Its simply a case of we have it so much better off with fenced yards .Properties that we can fence & very few predators that can kill our dogs easily. I have many friends in the US whose dogs spend alot of time outside but far more supervised due to wild beers,wild cats & other critters that you cant keep out plus of course winter snow
  15. Personally i say outside & you will most likely find it will benefit his manners . I dare say he is getting very frustrated inside & providing outside is dog safe then start weaning him out
  16. Obviously this isnt acceptable behaviour but often humans create the situation by there actions. Your pup sounds very confused in all aspects . Firstly if your pup is jumping up on people at the beaches its because its not under control.I presume your pup is offleash & doing what it pleases??This means your pup see this behaviour as acceptable as no one is stopping it & he visit the same routine applies,off we go for a free for all with no training,restraints or acceptable behaviour. If your pup is onleash then you need to be in better control. As already said you need to set the greet routine whether that being sitting,standing or what ever .You need to take charge before the guests arrive so place pup onlead.ask it to sit,ask people to walk straight through & ideally ignore pup.Generally when a pup is around everyone dives straight in because its cute & encourage certain behaviour,normally some people are worse than others. Mine are taught that jumping up is acceptable on command,for them been greeted standing is normal & jumping up is a treat. Being pups they will have there moments but aslong as your consistent pup will grasp it quickly but if you make it hard confusing it will take forever. Toilet training unless you dont have a backyard the paper should be an emergency measure. when your home you need to take pup outside often & ideally have access to outside himself.You need to teach him that outside is for toilets . He obviously doesnt understand whats expected at present but nows what area he should pee in.It will also become a habit so you need to introduce outside yourself.your pup wont tell you unless you teach him.Crates are great but you still need to use toilet training.Taken outside etc etc. Growling is a big nono but i would say again pup is confused .As already said you need to offer something higher & use your obedience . In the situation you have describe hubby went to take object but pup won the battle.He then followed it through with you.Pup doesnt understand that is naughty just thats what happened last time & he got a better result. Do you have an obedience club in your area??
  17. go to an agility trial & see all the spayed dogs there in great condition. Dogs(male or female) muscle condition is all about exercise
  18. Dogsfevr

    Puppy Shedule

    We have all worked & the greater population do & dogs survive very well ,your dog will cope well BUT you need to make sure at home time isnt part of her weekly schedule except for sleep time in crate. Your pup needs to learn to be part of the household without her crate so when your home this is your time to teach,touch & chill out. Whippets are very easy going ,i do believe whippets do thrive in pairs BUT at present you need to work with your current scenario. The key with crates/pens is do over use when it isnt required.They are a brilliant tool but can sometimes become to easy to use
  19. Yes she has been spayed about a month ago She needs to go back to the vet asap
  20. Omega pet Flaxseed Granules are better value.Th eoil often ends up more wasted at the bootom.Th egranules the dogs find more palatable & no leaf over waste. Good health foods shop sell.
  21. Like others have said telling off was the worst thing to do. The dog has no idea what you want . If it isnt responding to you when call then you need to consider why. Many dogs hear the same old thing over & over again with no reaction from the owners. To put it bluntly the owners are either so boring that going to them in no fun or they hear so much vocal trash they cant determine what is expected or there told off when they do come back . Your pup needs to be taught & this is an ongoing process for life ,they will go through good & bad stages of listening but you need to praise the final result even if it took longer than you want. Your may nned to be more cheerful when calling ,make yourself more interesting than the object. Use your voice in different tones & when calling come it must sound different than the daily voice thats heard. Yes fixing the fence should be done asap.One day they,ll escape may not be so lucky
  22. She been spayed?? UTI infection otherwise
  23. Dogsfevr

    Puppy Shedule

    There is routine & there is too structured Our puppies are allowed to do way more & have no issues with toilet training.Training is all about allowing & watching.Pups must be allowed to investigate,explore that is how they learn. Weekends shouldnt be spent in the pen,there is no need to unless its a convince for you but the weekend should be the time pup gets to be with the family & your time to teach her to go outside toilets & not rely on the pen.Weekends is about teaching her right from wrong. Over use can lead to a false sense of achievement & lead to disappointment when the results expected arent there. The pen may minimise damage but if she is there 7 days a week she isnt learning right from wrong. Pups will chew things that is part of life,some never stop & do it all through adult life BUT providing your place is puppy proof the damage risk should be very low & the pup wil hurt themselves some worse than others but being out & about teaches them what areas are risky. I also agree that to many dogs are presumed to have sep anxiety when often its just normal behaiour that they grow out off but sometimes its more a case of the routine is so boring they grave for other attention. Like someone said,move the pen around,change the toys.Make it more mentally stimulating >remember it is avery boring sitting there so you need to create an environment that isnt the same everyday. The other thing is your pup will soon learn to either climb out or jump if it gets really bored so depending on how high the pen is be prepared to come home to puppy lose one day Your weekends should be allowing pup to stay outside for long periods or just be able to come in/out as it pleases & training to use the doggy door if you have one or training it to tell you when it needs to go out not confined
  24. We never do puppy vaccs of C4 or higher . Firs vacc is always C3 . Some vets though do the over kill of C6 or C7 & i think there is another after that. Now C7 is right form a small percentage of areas
  25. If she is staying in the laundry all day & then the laundry at night you may find its just all to much & the time in your room gives her & break & different area to be in in. What breed/How much time does pup get outside??
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