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Everything posted by Dogsfevr

  1. Where did you buy him? Do you now how he was raised?? Its catch 22 .Make sure the family member isnt over doing the baby sitting,The most important thing is they encourage independences as mush as possible & not to pander to the whinging. Both breeds your little one is made up off can have needy natures so its important to stick with the rules from day i.Poms can be very vocal critters given a chance. When you leave & return make no fuss at all.The more you make off both it instills a routine of OMG im getting fussed there leaving.You need to make both parts calm,quite & low key so your pup doesnt get over stimulted by it. When home dont pander or sook.First & foremost remember its adog & you can love it to death but dogs adjust better when they have there own identity & now where they fit in the dynmaics.A happy dog is an enjoyablke dog a spoilt one is amonster
  2. The first ring to remember is cavies are tough little critters & can play with the big boys well BUT at this age the trainer should be using this experience as a learning tool for all & it sounds like the trainer isnt. Many puppy schools arent run for the betterment of socializing.Personally we dont recommend it UNLESS there is something special about the way the class is held. Most end up a free for all where pups learn that playing is norm,yes they need to play but they also dont teach you how to switch pup off & you then here about the people who have trouble because all there dog thinks is another dog we must play. Make sure your not pandering to your pup or instilling fear into it because your worried.This is often a bigger problem. But like others if you gut says your not been listened too most importantly then dont go back.Instructors should be taking on board all of your concerns & with only 7 dogs it shouldnt be hard too or work with
  3. min of 2 weeks prior BUt it depends if you use nasal spray or vacc. CANINE cough as its called is already around .We havent heard of any cases in our area but now its going around north of the river. April is normally the start of it :rolleyes:
  4. This is something that happens here.All youngsters learn to be independent from the others,us & it snt unfair but setting them up for life. It doesnt sound like you have a monster but a dog who is trying it on at present ,At present she is winning. I would personally not pick her up to sit on lounge at present .If you did i would pick her up sit quietly with her for a short spell & put her down & good dog.She gets the privilege on your terms not hers Do you brush her on your lap on the lounge??? We board some poodles that are the possessive tassie devils from hell with the beds ,Owners where afraid & didnt address it.Charmers in all other aspects but heavon help the owners if they approach the bed,This is not acceptable for us so in the kennels they bed is removed & they will get something neutral & there fine.
  5. Where are you .Some one may be able to suggest a seller of advance if you wish to still feed it .
  6. I I wouldnt suggest it unless you are happy that you will follow through. The methods you need to use are ones with results. Her growling because she wants more room would last 5 secs here. She is being a little brat & back to training means re establishing the the human is above the dog. Do you spoil her???Do both of you follow the same rules??Does she have boundries?? What is she like being brushed??
  7. Training ,training & training from the day pup comes home. When you brush its done on a raised area(table,washing machine etc etc) place a non slip mat done & make your pup stand(no sittiing,laying done) & not allowing jumping off. Its all about reinforcing that word "stand" Stay Its repetition & patience. Do it regularly & it becomes natural to the dog.Dont do it regularly nor put the time in in & you will find your 2 hands are holding the dog leaving nothing for that nice equipment. Out pups go clipped at 8 weeks so they now all about grooming,bath & blow dryer its then up to the owners to persist & stick to the regime.
  8. Do you acknowledge your there or just grab??
  9. I believe its a cocker?? Given his age you didnt do it long enough. He pulls only because you allow it .What the trainer suggested is a good start,using food/toy for distraction & training,using your voice tone to encourage watching skills & listening.There are so many methods you can use & as said the halti would be the last resort. Also realise the halti wont train the dog its just a object of convenience .You will still need to do the hard yards of training to walk once taken off. Your pup is young & at an age that they are craving to learn & listen.they are also at an age to realise if no boundaries or consistency is set they can try harder to rule the roost.
  10. Big time ruling the roost . Confusion can also play a big factor.
  11. We groom alot of that variety of crosses & nearly all have horrid fronts & feet that turn out badly.Not one has had surgery & all have lived very happy lives.
  12. If you select the right breeder they will show what you need.When looking at a breeder talk about wanting to groom & whether they can assist or suggest some one who can help.Whether they will help in making a list of whats needed.If they dont groom there own they will be help to you. Your best beat would be to contact the mini schnauzer club of NSW as they hold fundays & i dare say grooming demos You dont need the 2 speed nor a furminater. You need a combo comb,slicker brush. Clippers should come with a #10 but you will need a #40 & either a #8.5 or #7 .If a really heavy coat a #15 aswell. Blades can be sharpened for many years but if you drop them you can say "good bye" more often than not. Same applies with scissors,Buy a good brand & they will last for years ,again can be sharpened but if dropped also say good bye. To be honest not many owners groom themselves & it really isnt a part of owning the breed .You have to do the weekly brushing & most find it way easier to drop off ,leave for 2 years & take home all bathed & done for the next 8 weeks especially if there not trained & a monster. One wrong move & you can inflict some damage
  13. I now thats what you said & i never mentioned hand stripping The fact is strip or clip the result is the same.You dont groom them different because there not being shown.Very few people hand strip & we dont recommend it to pet owners but the end results is the same thing look I now there has been a weird trend with groomers to ask which clip as apparently there are 3 kinds Think back without any experience if someone plonked a schnauzer on the table how easy it would be with no help. It is easy to learn but without any starting point it can be a horrible experience for both parties . I now of very few owners who just want a okay job.They always want there to look smart & just what they bought. We have taught a number of ours to groom there minis but we emphasise it isnt easy because it isnt & some want to scrimp on the clippers & again that doesnt work. Most that do it themselves come back here twice a year to ensure there still got the right line to follow. As Becks said blacks are hearder especially if you have poor lighting I guesss it would be the same as your Keeshond if everyone just wanted it to look okay & just hacked the coat off or clip off.
  14. Rysup many can clip but grooming a schnauzer to look like one is harder than many give credit, As a breeder of them we see the horrible jobs done by many groomers with experience who simply have no clue what there doing but could use clippers. The ones we groom all want there minis to look like a mini not a badly groomed scottie,lakeland or any other weird creation or even worse the ones who give them owls eyes or trim the beard.. The beard takes years to grow back but many groomers dont seem to know this or seem to own a "grooming book" for All Breeds. Most in the schnauzer forun who are doing it themselves certainly have anew appreciation to "how hard it is" & many have posted photos where we do Mr squiggle & assist with lines to follow or where they have gone wrong . Most are doing it themselves more due to the crappy jobs done by there groomers & that they pay for that crappy job. Giraffe i can gurarantee that even if you only want a pet groom you will still want it to look like a mini because thast what attarcts people to the breed ,the looks & there nature but there high maintenance
  15. It isnt easy & the equipment isnt cheap to buy. When some one can show it it does make it easier to grasp.Grooming is also all about a whole new level of training, To buy clippers,scissors(various sizes for feet,skirt,eye brows,ear pluckers,nail clippers & the blades required budget for anywher between $400-$500.Cheaper could be found but much will vary on the american dollar.These are needed whether pet or show. The equipment will pay for itself long term providing you do all aspects of the grooming. plucking ears,nails. It takes 1.5 to 2 hrs to groom a mini from start to finish.The longer you leave it bewteen grooms the harder it is. We suggest to our buyers to get it done professionally for the first 12 months so it is trained correctly & then you have line to follow. It is time consuming ,dirty & must do but this applies to any breed with coat.
  16. Pag yes .A good breeder will show you how & what equipment to buy,the cheapest place to get it & how to use it . Our pets are groomed just like our showdogs as are our clients unless they want things a tad different.
  17. did the vet tell you that?? Like many breeders many of us use the no frills labels because they work. Most vets have mad it that what they sell is gospel. That you should buy there over priced Drontal tablet because it works better & o fcourse they sell them for mega bucks or only but the all in ones because they work the best. The thing is Drontal/Excelpet are made by the same company.One is vet only the other supermarket etc etc I remember a radio vet who said on his show"the daily tabs where useless"after the phones went crazy he had to admit it wasnt true . We are old fashioned here.We dont use these new fancy products unless a situation arises. We all worm when they need it. We never flea treat because we dont have fleas We heartworm monthly but used daily for years & years & many breeders still do. It isnt hard to forget it is just good marketing that makes people think they will. \Excelpet is drontal/bayer
  18. Made by the same people but the ingredients wont be the same .That is why one is supermarket & The other premiun. We cant feed either as it makes our dogs itch & the optium we couldnt maintain weight . We did use to feed it when it was in the breeders bag size & it was brilliant but pedigree seem to be forever changing the products
  19. We dont recommend the heartworm jab either for many reason. i would not consider it economical what you are thinking Price iit out
  20. The more regular its done the quicker it is. The longer you leave it the more you need to take off & the longer & often the more unsure people come. I have adog who grows them fast so i do it twice weekly because its just easier & takes all of 5 secs to do
  21. \\She isnt agarzer you have just enabled it :p The more you allo wthem to graze the worse they become
  22. I feed eagle pack hollistic giant puppy to my young lad.He ate it well but his coat was awful on it.I have now switched him to my preferred diet after growing. We swapped our little dogs from Euk to eagle pack power formula & they love it & are doing wonders on it. I find with the hollistic they can be prone to getting the runs. They dont do small bags in the power formula though
  23. You must be very busy for bed & couch activities in your house. Our house it makes no difference who gets on first all that matters is the dog listens. Cat it can be done & many do but even though your dog lies on the tiles you need to offer an alternative so that you can train your pup . Saying argh or no doesnt mean alot as it will hear it all the time. But when its no & on your mat/bed & reward pup will soon learn that the couch is a no no & his bed is for him. It will require alot of patience & time & effort.Also use the mat bed as a reward system for special treats & daily activities,. You will also find at present the pup doesnt want the comfy lounge just to be part of the pair off you sitting there . In our house snuggle time is for the dogs on the lounge & but when we have had enough there told to move our go elsewhere & they happily do,although we do have a 9 seater so its easy peasy.
  24. You need to have an alternative bed/mat for him to be sent too.. Off or no means very little without a direction to the right spot. Is he allowed on the bed?? Like this
  25. Probably best not - Cavaliers are supposed to be completely untrimmed for the showring :wink: I'd still trim & have done so on a show cavie.If the coat is growing in all sorts of lengths it will always look moth eating.All your doing is evening up the coat so it regrows at the same length. Very few cavies need this but watching a cavie that looks like edward scissorhands attacked it during a coat drop isnt pleasant
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