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Everything posted by Dogsfevr

  1. congrates you have a typical wei. This is one of the reasons we rarely board weis due to the non stop whinging
  2. Ours have water access 24/7 & we have never had issues whether free access,in the crate or the dog float. Also consider your meal routine.How late is tea & is it a thirsty type of meal
  3. I agree its only been a week you need to have more realistic expectations .
  4. I would say your correct so simply use a new word for treats. All our showdogs are taught "gentle" with food .They get bucket loads of food & when traing for a free stack they cant lunge or go troppo for food so they are taught that good things come to those that wait & have manners. When given the treat we just say "gentle" whether there feral or not. I have never had a snatcher but have shown some dogs that would take your fingers off at any chance
  5. No matter what the ratings if your dog doesn't do well on the food it is crap. Totally agree. I have used Pro Plan salmon for well over 6 yrs now & the dogs thrive on it. In our house we have different brands for the different breeds & some individuals because each dog is different. My dogs suck on BARF so there is no way i would feed it soley. My dogs are healthy,live long lives & are lucky to visit the vets once a year .
  6. The should be informed .Like others have said it would all depend on the whole package & understanding what its acarrier for & if the dog is a good example breed correctly to a clear & all stock tested there will be no issues. I wouldnt be asking the breeder for a refund because you obviously picked a breeder who doesnt DNA test so you new the risks
  7. My mum attended a smaller one a few years back more so for the handstripping.What a joke.It wasnt true handstripping but carding half clil/strip. They showed nothing about how to handstrip a breed correctly. Maybe its changed
  8. Like miranda has said handling them before buying really is a great move.Some of the bent shanks & bigger size are getting heavy or arent comfy & the prices for some are I use Wahl thinners 6.5 small for feet either roseline or wahl. bent shanks we have a variety of curved & straight in varying lengths.The main ones i use are Geib gators which we have had for nearly 20 yrs.They are well serviced & never give up. Then i would suggest a slick n easy block
  9. Easy the cat goes.besides bringing fleas into your yard ,it isnt your pet & shouldnt be your problem. I would be outside with abig broom chasing it away
  10. What are you expecting for your money. It seems many people think puppy pre school is an hr for all hell to break lose & then go home. My view at this age is time to learn that every dog doesnt equate to play especially when you own large breeds who grow quickly & become very powerful in no time. I like Miranda have large boisterous dogs but my dogs arent socialised with every dog that walks past.There is no need to.socialising is about the control you have & whetehr you can switch your dog on/off. Yesterday i went to weigh my young gordie boy,a lady with a beagle came rushing over to play. I politely told her he isnt allowed to play because hes learning that play is on my terms & also the area was not safe nor suitable.buy did she crack the sh*ts. I have a young lad who is 36kgs & loves other dogs ,he would play till the cows come home but there is atime & place for play & this wasnt it. My boy is allowed to play interacts with our mini babies who at 12 weeks weigh 3kg but its fully supervised & his learning process is little dogs means the "gentle" rules applies & you lie down.All my setters are taught this,he is also taught that agrp of dogs playing means you can sit calmly & watch, all massive educational training aspects. My boy also has a odd play technique where he launches in the air & wips his butt in a full 360 if i allowed him to play with the wrong dog he could do damage just on sheer power & weight alone,Its my responsibility to ensure he grows into a dog of pleasure. So your training class is small but you have so many things you can practise & learn instead of believing the more dogs the merrier. When your lab is 7 months he will be a substanial dog & this when most lab owners hit a frustrade wall because they didnt address the simple tasks early The most important thing is youmust understand your dog & understand its body language,.When your aware of your own dog then you will find socialising to be very simple. In all my years of showing dogs mine rarely interact like people on here want or think is noraml.Infact most of the showdogs dont & they have very few dog issues. Socialising isnt a must & having the right manners when socialising is far more important & that comes back to "control" all the most important aspects you can do at puppy class. A class of 2/3 i would consider reat value for money if the trainer was good & the classes where educational . With that many there all those dogs should be star pupils & all the owners should be asking lots of questions & making the most of it.
  11. I had adog who suffered from it for 14 yrs. She would have major/minor attacks .When bad she went on tribacterial when minor we let her system deal with it. We would give her a pro biotic at that time . Her diet was very simple & plain & she thrived .If she was given anything fancy or rich there would be an attack. We did find the best thing for her was "apples".It seems apples help with the acid build up & it worked a treat for her & she was apple obsessed anyway
  12. Our minis rejoice when it rains & do the "im not coming back in till so wet it isnt funny" Even the minis we board love getting wet LOL Whilst its early days dont fully pander to your pup.winter hasnt set in fully so you really need to do more of the tough love now then stringing it along. AS already said stick to a routine & also shut the door.Your routine can also hit the stage where pup says great outside ,so are you . Your not outside okay this isnt the routine. With doggy doors, make sure he can see the other side.also if its dark & scary the dog will be unsure. We have heavy clear plastic on ours & the light is above.The dogs /puppies can always see the other side. If hes food crazy then feed his meals using the doggy door.Make the doggy door fun aswell
  13. It affects Melb & perth ,adelaide.I booked dogs today luckily not a weekend
  14. Everyone should make themselves aware of the new rules applying to those travelling with dogs, ************************************************************ ******************************************* Australian air Express has adjusted its weekend operating hours which has affected the flights we can receive animals for. During the week we are opened from 4am to midnight Monday to Friday so we can accept animals for all Qantas and Skywest (or which ever is your local airline)flights. On Saturday we are opening at 5am and closing at 3pm. This means any flight departing before 6.30 am or after 5pm we will not be accepting animals for. On Sunday we are opening at 7am and closing at 3pm. This means any flight departing before 8.30 am or after 5pm we will not be accepting animals for. These new hours came into effect about two weeks ago and are the same around the country.
  15. We have an oldfield stand dryer & it melts the hose every time i use it so it sits there at present.I also find it too powerful for the setter coats. I still use the Liberty & have done so for nearly 20 plus yrs although it really comes down to the breed & the type of drying. We have the oldfield cattle dryer for the kennels which is super but the stand not as happy,they may have change things since our model
  16. What brand of Vaccine do your dogs get right now willis08??? I'll only use vaccines made in oz. Which ones are made in oz??
  17. I would use a belly band. Does he do it at any set time more?? Anyone due in season?? Is he a pee pot in his crate at shows or is it more at home only??
  18. Sounds like you little lad is battling to be the boss. Go back to basics ,re start training to establish leadership & maybe (depending on size) use a belly band during the teaching process. Is he spayed or going to be??
  19. goodluck i hope she eats it.Most dogs hate the HIlls vet range. Does she have to be on it or is that what the vet suggested?? Personally unless the reason for feeding Hills is a must i would be looking at a more palatable diet that suits her situation & add the powder
  20. Yep just like all the breeders of these breeds will continue to pluck because it has to be done, I often wonder with vets where they gain there research knowledge & what breeds they have trialled it on.
  21. If hes 3 months i would scrap puppy pre school & head straight to an obedience club where the class will be more constructive for your needs
  22. I have never known a vet to do such a thing. They'd have to be pretty sadistic to actually want pets to come back unwell. Why do you think they say no plucking??The only way to fix a severe ear infection on a breed like the one in question is two remove the major build up of hair,Vets wont pluck unless knocked out.You cant stick drops down ears that are so impacted with hair. We boarded a dog years ago & also groomed whilst here,We had never done this mini before,We started & something was very odd with the ear,we thought it had a stick stuck there.Straight to the vet who was also puzzled,The dog had to be knocked out.The ears had never been plucked & it ad infections.During this time the crap had set amongst the hair & ended up like a stick.It couldnt be snapped it was so hard. Big vet bill & a very happy dog these owners now also pluck after realising what was cheaper & easier for the dog. Plucking done correctly on the right dogs that need it doesnt cause ear infections. I say ask your vet if they will pluck ears & most say no.Most vets & nurses have no clue how to pluck ears unless knocked out ,just like many wont cut dogs nails because they have no clue. Our vet always said they could never do ears like we can & atleast they where honest. It takes all of 2 mins to pluck,easy peasy. We deal with it with our clients . The most resent is a labradoodle.Vet blamed previous groomer for ear infection ,we have groomed the dog twice in 15 months.They ask us not to pluck ears because there vet said dont do it BUT the vet said it must come to them twice a year to be knocked out & ears plucked Hmm. Another client with 3 schnauzers vet told them the same .All ended up with big ear issues,2/3 had to be knocked out ears plucked .They now come to us every 6 weeks to get the ears done no issues. Vets say it & are also very aware of what the outcome will be ,if they arent aware then there vet skills suck because some breeds do need there ears plucked to minimise issues
  23. Yep using Forceps blunt end & pluck clean.We only pluck when we clip the ears,We use a #30/40 . Did the breeder pluck its ears when it left??
  24. Epi otic i wouldnt use & your vet doesnt want you to pluck so they can get good vet bills. Schnauzers need there ears plucked & if you dont there is no point filling them with liquid.The liquid wont get down & it will build up leaving the ear moist & there is the infection. I would ask your vet what they would do if your dog gets a bad ear infection.I dare say the answer will be knock it out & pluck.Hear it all the time . We dont flush our dogs ears out.They are plucked every time we groom & flsuhed out then but we dont do unnecessary ear cleaning & dont use epi otic,it leaves the ears to moist . Discuss this with your breeder
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