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Everything posted by Dogsfevr

  1. So how long does he spend in the laundry each day.I gather hes there at night & then there during the day aswell if not home?? How much outside time does he get???
  2. It isnt confusing really.He hasnt had home privileges & now he has it he has been told off for being naughty When outside he makes you happy. Do you still crate him or has he lost his crate??
  3. Totally agree with this & working in the kennel industry we havent had one client bring meds that where out of the foils except for the common ones (prednil,tribacterialetc ) Even ourselves have never had a vet do so & we have used a number of clinics over the years. The only thing we find vet practices arent doing is placing the sticky label from vaccs on the cards or print outs & we are telling our clients to insist the sticker is placed on.
  4. QUESTIONS 1. What is my relationship with the breed? (ie breeder, first time owner etc). Started showing them in Jh in early 80.s. Have since owned & campaigned the breed for 17 yrs but had consistent involvement since 83. 2. Where and why was the breed first developed? http://iscv.org.au This gives the best reading of history .its hard to do a small summary. 3. How common is it in Australia? common 4. What is the average lifespan? 14 5. What is the general temperament/personality? Should be very outgoing & enjoy life 6. How much daily exercise is needed for the average adult? Varying lines can require different needs BUT in general a good walk daily will happily keep them sane.Irish can be great lounge lizards 7. Is it a breed that a first time dog owner could easily cope with? Yes 8. Can solo dogs of this breed easily occupy themselves for long periods? yes if like any breed gets the full complement of family time 9. How much grooming is required? Again can vary on lines & some are heavy coated & some little .For heavier coated it can be time consuming 10. Is it too boisterous for very small children or for infirm people (unless the dog is well trained)? They are big dogs & like any big dog it comes back to training.Trained correctly & they would adapt easily to both options 11. Are there any common hereditary problems a puppy buyer should be aware of? .DNA for CLAD & PRA,thyroid is often done aswell 12. When buying a puppy, what are the things you should ask of the breeder? (eg what health tests have been done (if applicable) and what is an acceptable result to those tests so the buyer has an idea of what the result should be) dogs should be hip scored DNA for PRA/CLAD breeding should be from ideally a clear to clear but a clear to carrier can be done with progeny tested. thyroid is done by some These are the main ones
  5. We use coprice in the kennel.As many dogs arent on a high premiun brand we have found it excellent with those boarders. Of the inexpensive range we have had no issues at all.we at present only use the family dog
  6. If she gets bad ears always treat the feet aswell,especially the back feet because thats what the dog uses to scratch them. If its yeasty & horrid then it goes back n forth from feet to ears
  7. Front feet chewing we find is common with dogs with anal gland issues. Does your dog get bad ears?? Could she be in pain?? Have you tried a doggy chiro/bowen ?? My old boy has arthritis & on his bad days he will lick his front legs as often as possible.It seems to bring relief although undesirable.
  8. Even thoughh its winter dont fall into the trap of not getting the dog groomed. I did a poodle yesterday that took 3 hrs & was a felted mess Just clip her short & start again.a #4 blade should still be able to get through & the dog will be more comfy for it
  9. scrap the tin & milk,she doesnt need it. My crew get dry plus there raw. I dont feed beef mince as it has too many issues with it
  10. Does the dog like all the feet or just the front??
  11. Have you treated the feet with Tinea cream?? Tinea is a common issue with dogs but very few treat it as tinea. Go to the chemist & buy cream & wash the feet in a vinegar solution. as for EPholistic i feed my young lad it simply due to him growing rapidly but as a product didnt like it. We do use the power formula with much better success on some of the dogs
  12. So they get turfed out late at night after being comfy & warm inside. I would suggest if you dont want to change the routine around you need to put them outside earlier so they can adjust to the temp change. I would dare say you dog wouldnt make any security dog if at 2am its scratching to come inside as its cold . No there not children but if there cold then as owners you need to make an effort to ensure they have better warmth otherwise you will have to put up with been woken & i gather when you go out to scold the dog for annoying you your are forgetting that its simply wanting some basic needs of warmth
  13. Where did the boxer sleep before you got him??
  14. Yep they need a routine & then work with it. The reality is if there maintaining weight there eating something so your daughter & any of the household members need to be honest & fess up to the things the pups are given,that being treats,left overs,pig ears,bones etc etc. One its established what they are getting then everyone needs to work together to make there eating habits enjoyable for the future because it wont get better.
  15. Tell your neighbours if they have dogs & anyone you may that may have been in contact with your dog.
  16. Okay i wouldnt feed latter because then they need to toilet earlier,which means wake up early . I would simply start altering there routine . Do they go for walks??? If they have plenty of toys place them in abox & rotate them so toys seem new & interesting not the same old same. Go out & play with them & get them working .
  17. Ours are outside hooning about from 6 am whether it be 1,2,3 degrees. When there finished they just come back inside. I would be letting them go out & play unless it is bucketing down with rain & then yes the chill will be worse but if fine & cold let them be dogs. Mine although spoilt house dogs LOVE running amuck early am in the cold & our current youngsters hoon about in colder temps &weigh about 2 kg. When finished they come in & drop
  18. Let them play outside,unless there noise is going to wake the neighbours they will play until there finished & then return inside. If they have access to come back in they will when finished. In the afternoons put them outside.
  19. So you need to ask yourself what does your partner do that you dont?? The pup sees you as an easy target so you need to teach him what is wrong/right. Pups explore with there mouths & when teething chew like made but normal behaviour is also trainable behaviour. This isnt aggression & maybe the dog is feeling mixed messages from you & you are acting scared around the pup when he mouths . He is only 9 weeks so he is an untrained pup,its up to you to set the rules & start obedience & training
  20. I agree with Miranda.Toilet training doesnt stop till 6 months here even if there perfect early on. You need to go back to basics & this time for exactly what you expect. It could have to do with coming into season & she is letting the other bitch now this.Is she a dominate bitch ?? Having said that our girls dont we inside either Make sure the diet isnt making her so thirsty that she needs to over pee. pay attention to when she goes,often there is a cycle of when they try it & be a step ahead. Does she have a doggy door to use or does she have to wait to go out?? Also if you think she improved on anti biotics i would be taking a urine sample to the vet & getting it tested.She may very well still have a UTI that hasnt cleared yet.
  21. Looking at the photos i would budget for $100 plus. Unless you are happy to pay that money & not get it back i would simply tell your brother that you dont mind house sitting BUT they must be clean & preferably knot free. With the kennels we havea form that the owners sign & it has a section about coat condition & what action/s will/may be taken. Some oodle coats just brush out even though they look a mess,others its a clip off ,either way your brother & his wife need to hear what the groomer says themselves
  22. I find this bizarre.I gather the pup was 8 weeks when you got it & not lead trained so excessive pulling isnt a behaviour but a training issue that would take time.Our pups go use to alead but certainly not trained I dont now any trainer that would insist on coming out the day a pup comes home to assess??Sounds very weird & doesnt allow a pup to settle or even give you a chance to get afeel for your pup I agree with others she needs to meet other humans,if you dont allow it you could end up with a very anti social dog & that is a nightmare . Personally i think your expecting way to much at this age & in such a short time span . Your pup will grasp things BUT it takes time & repetition. If the joggers are more interesting then you need to look at what your doing.you need to make yourself more interesting & that means using various methods that some trainers may not agree with. I have setters & at 10 weeks i simply want them to be comfy in there surroundings,once confident we focus more on whats expected & buy 6 months i hope to have a dog that is controlable in the outside world.Mine are showdogs so they need to deal with alot & its easy to do but i dont want it done to quickly. Most of mine have come for the east so the first month is about getting to now me ,my voice tone & building a trusting relationship.once thats done they listen & crave to learn
  23. It is only 5 days & a poor groomer can butcher the dogs coats. I wouldnt be getting them groomed without your brother knowing & without input to how he wants them to look. We groom many oodles & the owners are very specific in what they want .
  24. Yep a normal pup. What did you expect??
  25. Which terriers are in their development? Lovely little dogs. There are many theories but the one most believe is there crossed with the Std Schnauzer & Affenpinscher. Whilst there vernim hunting aspect places them as a terrier there not terriers & shouldnt act like a Terrier. In Canada & the US there in the terrier grp.FCI the pinscher & *** grp( UK there in the utility like Oz. A few years back they wanted to change the classifications in Australia & place the minis in the terrier grp & the std /giants to the working grp. We where happy to go into the Terrier grp & be amongst similiar coated breeds with judges that often understood this aspect . Many breeders who had all the varieties didnt want them seperated because it was to much hassle to be in two grps.
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