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Everything posted by Dogsfevr

  1. Also some GSD have food absorption issues ,you can feed the best food & without a supplement it will make no difference. Some bitches whom arent spayed can also be pains to maintain weight due to hormones. I had a bitch (showdog) who was such one child & after battling afor over a year decided to spay her & she put weight on instantly. Her seasons where not regular. Does she get the runs ?? When changing her diet do so slow & steady. Also what did her breeder suggest you feed. As you live country im presuming you may use supermarket brands??
  2. Having chi in here i would consider these two name issues hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar
  3. Dogsfevr


    I would get a kiddies night light. We suggest to our puppy owners to either have the pup set up in the bedroom or if this isnt for them then the area set up to leave a low light on for awhile to give the pup a chance to not feel totally left & unsure. Sitting on there own ,dark & no company can be overwhelming. You certainly dont want to pander but by the same token one has to appreciate the pup has gone from company to being on its own
  4. Also consider leg Perthes either way i would get it seen just to now what actions to follow or things to avoid
  5. Depending on your other dog at that time i owuld be more inclined to give bones separate or crate one. Here all can happily eat bones etc etc without hassles but we also dont create an opportunity for something to happen.You must be smart
  6. Very few use the Oster due to the other brands being better. I would suggest getting someone to show you how to use the tools correctly. A #10 blade could give a very nasty clipper rash
  7. Malasab is very drying & not a product i would use. The beef could be the culprit
  8. I wouldnt clip a Bichon with a #10 unless it was so matted didnt have a choice. For there coat you will in honestly make it bald as they dont have a thick coat once clipped. Have to say as a groomer though we get plenty of coats that are knot freed but the coat still dirty & hard to clip.even what some people wash in can make it hard to clip & i find the #10/15 worse for this. Are you using the #10 adding a plastic combo on the blade?
  9. Is where hes eating it a problem?? In our house when bones are dished out the dogs go in there sep ways & eat quietly.If for any reason we need to get it they just hand it over no big deal. It seems maybe your dog is feeling intimidated that everytime he eats something like that your standing there waiting & the dog is moving off to feel more comfy. You need to respect his space & allow him privileges to learn .The more you hover around the more inclined he will be to guard or feel uneasy around food. As said buy a crate if its a big issue or place in the laundry (which will be messy) or simply allow your dog to eat the bone as is happy & content. Dont create issues that arent there
  10. Same here,we never use all those oils & sprays. We will disinfect blades if need be but the rest nope. Full time groomer for 17 yrs & we change blades constantly with no probs We can clip for 20 mins or more with the same blade & not hot at all. It maybe the clippers we use Double K . I would suggest taking the clippers to someone who can see them & now what there looking for
  11. The clippers should work but the blades will make all the difference. The oster normally come with a #10 so which blades did you buy. For Bichons we normally use the clip on combs or a #3,4 or hand scissor Welcome to the world of a groomer where everyone thinks our job is easy,now you have learnt it isnt
  12. What diet did the breeder suggest?? Have you change the diet ?? Was the pup scratchy when you brought it home ?
  13. hanging out on her own is normal ,when you come home you head upstairs to an area that isnt normal to her & the stairs are an area that most likely she has been discouraged to use & again she is following the rules. Hubby also needs to make sure he isnt being oushy & the disappointment is something she is feeling & as such feels happier to be on her own than feel overwhelmed by the expectations he wants & she isnt meeting. Dogs arent stupid & they generally wont gravitate to someone is disappointed in them .
  14. Has he also lost coat(ie balding/sparse coat)??
  15. Your vet should now better than to give the annual vacc & heartworm on the same day, The manufacturers guidelines say atleast 39 days latter the last time i read it. We will never use it. What vacc did they use?? As for the runs do you normally feed hills?? Just continue with his bland diet for 2 weeks & buy some pro botics to realign the good gut bacteria
  16. Dogsfevr

    Bald Spots

    Does she p;ay with other dogs or stick her head into silly places?
  17. I brush my show dogs teeth daily , I use the finger one for the front & a three headed toothbrush for the back. Toothpaste there is varying ones
  18. http://www.k9topcoat.com/product.asp?specific=96 one site
  19. I agree with the above she is a baby . Also understand this part . You say "she does quite well on most commands we've taught her". She obviously doesnt if your having issues & sometimes people teach to much without actually allowing the dog to grasp the simple basics.if she understood she wouldnt be naughty. Without offending it sounds like your either very boring on walks or expect so much that she has switched off & gone into her own world of exploring & doing things pups do & need to do. Maybe lower the expectations & understand that expecting to much can set you up for failure sometimes quicker as they learn more bad habits than good. If every thing else is interesting then it means at present as a handler she isnt respecting what your saying or asking so it may mean your over doing it or she doesnt understand what is expected but is having a good time. She is only 12 weeks & i guess you have had her for maybe 4 weeks ,that isnt a long time to expect so much
  20. I feed my young boy EP simply due to major growing but hated the range,the coat was horrible,soft stools couldnt wait to change. I trialled the pro plan select(won so much at shows)s & great for fussy eaters but made my guys drink WAAY to much. I have stuck with pro plan salmon for years & very happy with it plus the raw.
  21. Depends how much your current dog has interacted with dogs. You would now form many years of ownership how she reacts. If she has had little exposure to ther dogs & never had to share her house & humans then it could be a massive change in her life which will either be for better or worde. Be patient & take baby steps & make sure older dog has its safe area as much as pup has its time out space. In our house we have no issues because the dogs are always around other dogs but when our oldies start to get old they have there special area because they just cant deal with young pups all the time & get overwhelmed
  22. Not really,you have 2 dogs at present that seem to have issues yet want to add a third that will require more skill .
  23. Get tthe older ones involved as much as possible & use time out if the kids dont follow instructions. If they dont play with scout the way you have role modelled then they lose the privileged . We hand this out to our puppy owners with kids as the pictures & concept works well for younger kids http://www.pets.dpi.vic.gov.au/01/main.htm
  24. Should also be noted Op has a cocker that has issues I need to get my Cocker out and interacting with other dogs and was wondering if anyone could maybe meet up at a park nearby with a VERY mellow dog? She is not aggressive but so fearful of strange dogs that she literally ......defecates herself...!! She is fine with our family's other dogs and I have tried taking her to dog training but the club I belong to is pretty intense and serous about training and her screaming, yipping and .....defecating is pretty much un-welcomed!
  25. We sell many siblings to pet homes & in all the years we have never had issues. You will hear about bonding & the likes but it still happens with a years difference. When you have 2 dogs no matter what the age is & go to work & there home for that time common sense says they will enjoy each others company. The greater amjority of our owners who take 2 do so for all the right reasons & the owners arent idiots nor is it a case of us trying to make an easy sell,we have abreed that homing is a giant waiting list. Although i would be addressing the issue with your daughter because she could be sorely disappointed if the dog doesnt take to her due to being possessive ,often dogs finds these people off putting & tend to avoid them as they dont trust them .
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