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Everything posted by Dogsfevr

  1. I wouldnt clip because it wont make any difference. TT survive in show coats daily with no issues at all. Panting is how a dog cools it self & many people confuse this with suffering. I have long coat show dogs & even when retired there never clipped off until elderly. TT coats are so easy to maintain & the greater majority off breeders are in QLD where the heat is far more regular than what you experience . There coats arent thick so when clipped it will look funny How short will you clip??
  2. What does your sister in law feed him?? Just think of fthe other option,going through this for the next 12 yrs. Which variety of Tuckertime do you use?? Has all his puppy teeth come out?? I will work from the other point of view,will he eat his normal meal with tin added?? Personally i wouldnt worry if he will eat his normal meal with tin added.if this gets him in a good food routine you can wean him latter on. I would drop the egg,many dogs dont like them & wont eat a meal with it.For fussy eaters we always suggest sticking to simple basics & teaching them to eat than adding to much & going back to square one What is the pet mince you use??Beef,mixture??? Does he like chicken necks,frames?? Also maybe try the raw mutton from better pets or city farmers
  3. With our blind ones all important access areas had carpet runners. This appliex to water bowls most importantly,access doors & a pathway way to beds & essentials. Our found this the easiest & you could tell when they new they werent on the track they would back step. Our biggest issue was summer & making sure they didnt get lost outside or disorientated,We generally shut them up if out.
  4. Mars all over & the ears should make no difference.They will except it . Where do you brush ??table/floor??? Whem we groom pet spaniels all the inside is clipped out tight,clipped down to normal show length & then you can leave fluffy ears(clip off with a #5, Clip a belly strip & depending on how much belly coat scissor it shorter. All my retired setters still sport there show coat but in pet length once a certain age BUT you can easily maintain the look with ease. Whilst you can certainly clip all over a good top coat is so easy to maintain & way easier than having to clip. Some spribgers dont get heavily coated so scissoring back is very easy. You can clip the feet out for ease
  5. You will encourage the under coat to grow back thicker if clipped & long term it will be harder work than simply racking the dead coat,the grass seeds will also stick more as its the fuzzy crappy coat that re grows
  6. We have always known them as Bent shank , I couldnt live without mine
  7. I dont like the Hills diets anyway due to them using Ethoxyquin
  8. Seen plenty of butchered coats with stripping knifes .All must be used correctly & that means hand placement aswell. The problem is people think you go do it all in one hit & all these items are designed for maintenance, Although my personal choice is an old blade works better than all
  9. The coat king shouldnt cut if used correctly. You can use a flea comb or just hand pluck or use a heros stone(slick n easy)
  10. You need to understand not every dog will alert you so you need to either use a doggy door or leave one open so she can get the concept quickly or be very observant All our pups when sold are trained to use a doggy door from 6 weeks
  11. You need to go back to basics,she is missing a process that you have presumed she has mastered. Weeing inside is normal for her . If you where relying on her to alert you & you didnt always let her out she has considered her current training to be normal. You now need to train her using the door & do the process from start. I dare say she hadnt figured out what you expected when the door was shut so as per her puppy stage when you got to go you go. In all reality at 4 months yes you could expect more BUT that is solely reliant on the training she has had & it seems she is confused
  12. I too would look at what she currently eats & see if you can adapt to something suitable. I dont now of any dog that eats the Hills special diets .
  13. I found the eagle pack gave my dog horrid dan druff. For sores on feet9anywhere really) we use 4 % hydrogen peroxide best first aid option to have .just buy for chemist or supermarket.
  14. It really depends on how thick the undercoat is. If you have a #7 or even a #3,4,5 i would try those first. If very thick & they want it short i would use an #8.5 providing the undercoat was there
  15. We have feed it for nearly 25 yrs . I will contact Sue tomorrow for current stockists ,was hoping there maybe some close where i can buy it instead bringing it again but no drama
  16. Does anyone now of a supplier Sunbury side?? I am contacting them direct tomorrow but was just wondering if anyone knows a stockist
  17. I can only see one thing that i wouldnt be doing & will have no meaning to her except making her more hypo at that time She is only 16 weeks & waiting to be feed when your a young pup isnt fair plus she then ends up going to bed with avery full stomach. Her feed times really should be scheduled to her needs not yours & by making her wait wont teach her any form of manners or respect,that is taught in all the other area,s. You say she doesnt try to hump OH but you feel that is because he isnt home,i doubt that is why,i would say your OH is more relaxed around her & she doesnt feel the need to make a battle of pleasing. Dont get confused & make more of something that isnt there,there is a point where you can go overboard & even bad behaviour can result in getting attention that they can thrive on which could be humping.
  18. Dogsfevr


    I have never heard of many ending up in shelters BUT the problem is some people will not accept that the 3 sizes dont have the same temp & will buy a standard even though its the wrong dog for them. Std & giants are workings dog & thrive on doing jobs & super thinkers. not socialised & left in the yard they will often go loopy.They are also great guard dogs & will protect there family till the end. They are used as police dogs in Europe & the stds are used in the US as cancer sniffer dogs . They are great dogs but there not mini schnauzers . We breed the minis & will get alot of people trying to decide between the 2 sizes & want the std as there bigger but it takes a great deal of effort to make them understand its not one size fits all but one breed with 3 very different needs
  19. It works even better with Comfy in it, We have both on hand here.Good horse places will have Arnica with Comfy
  20. I have her rellie here & he is ball obsessed,agile & maybe one day a future star but we have no comps in WA
  21. Well i am simply going to say Goodluck to Miss Lizzie the gordon setter,She is a star
  22. Ina ll the years of bringing new dogs home we have never done the nuetral ground stuff nor do we recommend it. What we do recommend is always in the yard where everyone is safe & you can deal with the events as they happen. We ususally suggest shutting the established odg inside 7 allowing pup to ha ve the yard to sniff,settle & just Get use to things & then we all seems good bring the older dog out for a quick squizz. Whay you do with your older dog is your choice but you need to consider what the exact rules will be for both & then train accordingly
  23. Yep back to the vet also consider a blockage
  24. Our grey had thyroid issues & as a result was very skinny.No matter what we feed you couldnt put weight on so we had to give up ,we always made sure the diet was a good one for feeding his system though. We had a letter from out vet to say the dog was under vet care & treatment if we where ever stopped or queried due to the weight.
  25. Will your current dog follow the same rules of living area only & learning to stay when asked?? If not your pup may find the what are you doing & why cant i confusing especially latter on
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