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Everything posted by Dogsfevr

  1. Now you're being nasty! The question was only asked with the intention of causing trouble, and to find a reason for another dol slaughtering. I can understand why Bub chose not to answer. I dont think so,for many of us who have followed Bubs post over the years we all new that the second dog they had was Bubette,now there is no Bubette but a Bit bit so i gather like many one is curious whether something tragic happened or if Bit bit was Bubette with a name change? No conspiracy there. But as Bit bit is only about 8 months it is now obvious there not the same dogs
  2. What did you use before they reacted?? What are you using now??
  3. The guides mean nothing when budgeting,each food varies on each dog & what works for one may be to little or much for another. Here we simply feed what works
  4. http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/QldSchn...yguid=333118548
  5. It would be extremely rare to have schnauzer bumps,it isnt a problem seen in Australai but well known in the US. Do you feed Beef?? What diet do you feed. We breed minis & groom alot & see this problem often with a poor diet
  6. The is a mini schnauzer club in QLD & many of the breeders do groom.There is also a Yahoo list called schnauzers australia you can join & talk all things mins. They have schnauzers picnicsup there
  7. .Although it would nice if many actually owned books ;) far to many groomers dont even own grooming books that would still give them good basics.They groom with no knowledge or even reference. As a schnauzer breeder they certainly have to be one of the most butchered breeds around & the reality is they shouldnt.it isnt that hard yet groomers seem to make it very hard. The worst is those that insist on giving owl eyes & trimming the beards,they have no idea how hard it is to grow it back.Those 2 areas just dont grow like the rest & can take years to grow back to what was trimmed off
  8. totally agree. Remember you not the only good dog owner around & spoiling them or over humanising creates issues. The dog we board love to come because for a short time they get to be dogs & they enjoy every minute of it
  9. yes phone the breeder,the breeder will most likely ask what sort of tests have been done to confirm parvo or whether there treating it as parvo without testing at present? was it a breeder or pet shop??
  10. Contact your breeder & ask if they now anyone who grooms minis,sadly this breed is constantly butchered by groomers who have no clue. Does your breeder do grooming?? Our minis go fully groomed at 8 weeks so no it isnt to young.Most of our puppy owners come back to us our we now a handful that can groom a mini well & pass there names on.
  11. All our pups are walk onleash at the same age.offleash is great BUT not every dog can or is able to have this option. Also for some people there yards are fairly small so getting out is a must.It is also excellent socializing to the outside world. One km isnt far providing you arent over doing it & he is walking on soft surface aswell.If at any point he looks tired then dont keep going.remember metal games & teching tricks(shake hands etc etc) are also great concentration games & fun between both parties
  12. The with doors is the door itself,many are very heavy & solid & many dogs dont like this. Ours is soft/clear vinyl & no issues at all for all age stages & when someone gets wacked it doesnt hurt or frighten them. When we did havea solid door we occy strapped it up until the dogs had the idea & then introduced the door
  13. Training clubs dont usually restart until the first week of Feb .Southern River Obedience club restarts 1 Feb & there normally the first. Bunbury sat BIS Peke RUIS Whippet Sun Std Poodle Soft Coated Wheaten
  14. Our mini schnauzer pups are trained to use a doggy door at 6 weeks,this door is also designed for dogs of 40 kg,you dont need a ramp . We encourage all our puppy owners to continue with this if possible as it has established a good toilet training routine here
  15. each product can work different on each dog but you need to figure out where the fleas are coming from . If they are in your house you need to flea bomb the house,wash all the bedding ,ideally spray outside & get on top of the problem before they breed & get worse
  16. I think the most important thing to remember is your pup is being normal & no amount of frustration will help the cause,infact the more frustrated you feel the more it will show through your body language & the quicker the pup knows it. It is no different than toddlers grabbing everything of the shelves,shoving it in there mouths.It drives you crazy but its a stage they go through & with guidance they learn good/bad It is all part of touch,texture,smell. I gather your pup is an outside dog??? if so when going outside it will cause great excitement after all its left its mum & litter mates to having nothing at all.You are now its means of teaching,fun & life experience. Pup doesnt now that what it does hurts it just knows its normal for the way it interacts with its mates. We board alot of dogs where people use various noises & it can be quite comical to watch. I believe these days raising a pup has become so technical with various books that people forget to use simple common sense which works wonders but instead make it harder. Your pup will listen,no dog is untrainable but each dog has its triggers & each dog has its thing it will work for. Everyone must be consistent. Training schools or a good trainer are a great starting point because people often dont realise what there body does when trying to teach a dog to listen. I now from teaching people show training many have no idea that the things they are doing whilst ever so small is the breaking point of the dog not listen or not being able to do whats asked. If you have avideo camera get someone to video so you can see how you react,what your arms,voice & body language is telling the dog.Whether you say to much & have averbal conversation instead of a simple "sit"stay" no.
  17. We only had a hole when it festered but we still drained it daily with peroxide because it still attacks the bacteria & brings it to a head & above ensured it stayed clean as it was on the foot
  18. I wouldnt presume a vet nurse is any more skilled being a vet nusre & being a good groomer with handling skills is 2 different things,a good groomer has a better skills on how to handle a dog for grooming than most vet nurses, We groom plenty with bad backs but if the dog has an issue you need to get it groomed more regular so it is easier on the dog. We did two today with chronic back issue,most dogs groomed come in with various issues so your dog isnt unique but at this time of year its simply crazy. You can get mobile but some dogs react worse when there owners are there which makes the job harder & more stressful for the dog,they try to jump,pull or play up which means the handling is more excessive than without the owner
  19. training of any means is owner reliant.Toilet training is up to you & mini schnauzers are a very quick breed to toilet train. We have breed minis for over 25 yrs & they arent an outside breed. There is no easy option with owning a pup or a dog,Dogs make a mess & you have to train/clean & do all sorts of things. The same will apply to when you brush & checking his bottom for poop that has stuck to it. dogs dont toilet train themselves but you are training it to not be clean & that will mean pup outside for ever & it isnt a life for a mini schnauzer. Your breeder will have discussed this fully with you??
  20. i had a dog with similar issues this year but without the lameness.It has taken 7 months to totally knock it off. Meds & we flushed daily(twice) with Hydrogen peroxide (4% from supermarket medical section) it eats the bacteria & was the best thing out. His toe would be very red & inflammed & sore but like you we had to weigh up the pros/cons & whilst the healing was slow we did see improvement so opted for the less invasive for as long as possible. The final time it re festered & popped so much crap came out & that was the turning point. The area now is completely healed & the hair has regrown
  21. Most still bring them back no different. Most whether oodle or not a very aware of what they should do they just dont do it & we see a big number of pedigree dogs from well known breeders who still come matted . The percentage of pet shop,DD & good breeders is very even with owners who dont bother to brush even after the best knowledge. We have groomed some of our own that came back matted. Our pups go with te h correct tools,they are shown how to brush,the technique varying from bub to adult but the owners who chose not to brush isnt due to no knowledge just due to cant be bothered
  22. I wish it applied to just DD but it doesnt. I personally dont believe people are so stupid to not realise a growing coat needs maintenance,i agree some people arent explained fully about some dogs needs but in most cases people are aware & try to give every excuse for there lack of dedication to grooming or getting it done when needed. I have been a groomer for many years now & our clients are shown & explained techniques & tools 7 you still get the same group that bring there dogs back matted time after time
  23. Double K are the most powerful of those suggested but it depends on how many dogs you plan to groom & the types
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