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Everything posted by Dogsfevr

  1. http://www.ingenue.fi/main/index.php?lang=...1199350816_669# They have some nice dogs & stunning blue that went to the US
  2. I would enjoy your dog now & what & see what his future holds. What until you have started showing & with to truly pursue this aspect. Importing is very expensive & there is alot to consider in what direction you wish to head,what you would mate that litter too in the future. I would be more inclined to not consider what will i import but what would be the 10 yr plane of any import & what you would expect to achieve in that time.
  3. Mumsy would be referring to the white boxer they got
  4. exactly... there is no excuse.... if you have another dog to get for the next class then you get someone else to hold the dog in the ring being critiqued... I have done that on many occasions. I have always found when a critique must be done they have been very patient with exhibitors in the next class. Some dogs you can hand off & others you cant & if the photo,s havent been done then i want to be the stacker
  5. no favs ,to many excellent examples to pick one only & all having different merits that make them special
  6. Also remember not all states have equal votes,some states have 2 votes & the smaller ones 1
  7. She wont eat the pro plan puppy?? I feed Pro Plan Salmon(my dogs dont have issues but find it super for coats especially on my showdogs)It also puts weight on BUT not all dogs like it
  8. Ofcourse they can eat it, it's what many owners can only afford but I thought that pups weaned on raw/barf and are then switched to a commercial diet end up with itchy skin etc. Like their systems just can't cope with the wheat and such. Not true at all. raw has been feed since they cows came home,now its like everything else because it has a flashy label/name everyone thinks its a miracle. What do you mean by this??
  9. Yep it wouldnt worry me if a judge didnt mouth a baby & generally speaking i find most dont or they run there finger quickly for a feel like most flat faced are judged. Its a baby with baby mouth ,often no teeth & things change,once in CC line up then yes. That happen to me once many moons ago so i left the ring.Judge was watching there breed in the ring next door. Sat outside ,after awhile the penny dropped & the judge realised he hadnt finished judging me or awarded me. I didnt bother going back in as i didnt see the point but a very embarrassed judge & hopefully a lesson learnt .
  10. Try hair house warehouse & they likes,They sell them as do many of the dog vans
  11. come visit most rural or country town clinics !! fifi All big city ones too
  12. I agree, but you don't know they are offlead until they come barrelling through through the door !!! And in a single nurse practice, you are often busy in another area, and go straight to reception when you hear the door, giving the loose dog a few seconds head start !! we are trying to educate our clients :-)) most a wonderful though. fifi But it seems in this case the nurse new the situation & did bugger all. Willow you keeped quiet longer than i would have . We get clients who turn up to the kennels with no lead & they get a lecture big time. No lead no entry until we have brought one to them. Its the height of rudeness to attend such a place with no leash but we all know about the people who dont have the same rules or common sense as the rest of us. We no longer go in with dogs but leave them in the car. When we use to attend or vet they werent savvy in ensuring clients would have ALL pets under control . We occasionally got a comment from a staff member we are waiting for you , It was always greeted with if you ensured the waiting animals where under control you wouldnt have too & loud enough for all to hear.
  13. Angels Rest or Blu Ice catteries both in Canning Vale
  14. Lure coursing is commonly a sighthound sport although any breed can compete. The dogs on a course chase a fake lure & compete for titles
  15. I stewarded alot in my younger years & i reckon it turned me old quickly :p Im sorry to say the toy people are :p 10 dogs.1 lead. Asking if its betty or bill needed ,(open bitch) I never had anything inappropriate said i just think after a day i needed a padded room to explode in We dont get paid here
  16. Vic has a very different laws there so anything is possible
  17. Agreed. IMO get it over and done with as quickly as possible - the less stuffing about the better. If you get some ointment on his fur or outside the eye don't fret but aim for the inside of the lower eyelid. Use one hand to pull the eyelid slightly down and the other to quickly apply the ointment. If you're clever you can do it all with one hand. So agree with this ,people make it harder on them selves,Put him on a lead ,take control & whack it in,easy peasy.
  18. When i did agility the barking dogs drove me mad.You had to yell so hard for the dogs to hear I will add it was only a small handful & generally the collie people .the others whose dogs where much more successful dogs where calmly sitting in there crates or car set ups. It is the same at flyball on occasions & again usually the collie family Im all for excitement but there is a limit.
  19. We use Liberty all the time & they are quieter than the oldfield. No good dryer will be quiet & we have never had a dog freak with teh dryer with an y clients. We also have the oldfield cylinder
  20. The problem is also the judges that dont want to disturb that great grooming LOL Like the grooming has intimidated them
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