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Everything posted by Dogsfevr

  1. If i read agilty dog right i am gathering he is saying why do people equate dog to must play with it?? I get what agilty is saying that so many people just presume that if it has 4 legs it must play with theres . Our dog socialize BUT only when i say so,my dogs dont presume that every dog that walks past means play,They are trained not to rely on others dogs for amusement . I see people every day with there dogs & will admit that many just presume they can walk there dogs up to the fence & let there dog interact,it seems many people in my opinion dont tend to think why does there dog have to meet everyone that walks past,sees or os standing still. Its like when at the vets people dont seem to think the dogs there may be sick but instead a small group see it as a social meet & greet & i dont get that side of things . For me there is a time & place & my dogs dont dictate what happens at that moment. I remember at a shop last year with my young dog this lady just walks over & lets here dog bound up. My dog doenst have an issue but for starters that is plain rude,my dog wa slearning to settle in a highly excitable situation & i dont allow play unless i now the dogs & owners & the floor surface was unsuitable for play. I told the lady politely that my dog wasnt interacting today & the reasons listed but she looked at me like i was from mars,she had no concept of common sense dog manners. Her dog was pulling her to come over & she let the dog set the rules not her as the handler.
  2. oooh I have that one on video!! - you're just lucky I dont have the technology to get it onto the pooter!! ;) Also on video I have me showing a dog circa 1985 in too small yellow t-shirt and too big "bubblegum" jeans - Fortunately no photos but it is quite the look But then I was a dorky 11yo and showing was a lot more relaxed in those days!! Wearing a suit would have made you look out of place Argh but i have us all on video in junior handlers
  3. I really only pick him up to go up and down the stairs, they are tiled and too high for him to climb up and down....yes he's really THAT small!!! Dont allow strangers to pick the dog up either, The little needs time & patience to bring it to a level off tolerating or enjoying.Give it time. I agree sit on the floor or a seat & allow pup to make the first move even if that means feet up wanting cuddles just dont pick but make a fuss of the first step 7 do tjis for awhile. If you have tp pick up dont feel guilty just do so with confidience & respect
  4. The shipping agent they use will have all the advice they need on the Babesi testing & time frame ,permits etcetc
  5. I here all the whinging about revenue raising so lets look at it this way those fees go back into the pound. Tomorrow there are no pounds because they cost to much to man ???The dogs are running lose so who will pick them up?? Seriously people want there cake & eat it too. Also people CAN make themselves aware of local dog laws either from there website or heading down to there council office or attending there local monthly meetings & asking questions.
  6. Also ask the dogs breeder they should be there to give any advice freely when they sell there pups
  7. Hey Becks the mini handler of BOB did she wear a similiar poker dot thing last year with a giant???
  8. i cant believe how many vets ignore this disease for diagnosis & piss fart about. Our breed is predisposed to it & have had one dog with it ,it was chronic & no issues as our vet was more on the ball. What where you feeding the little one??
  9. Doesnt worry me what they do & having shown dogs low to the ground it is often commom practise to get down & truly see that movement.
  10. yes it can be confusing because pup would have shown signs of wanting too go & they werent noticed. Also the pup may not feel comfy there . Your pup isnt toilet trained at that age & each encounter brings a new challenge ,you & your friends need to be more awre of the pup when out
  11. i have never played with my dogs food nor recoomend it nor feel there is any need if the correct mutual respect is given. The first & most obvious thing i would do with this dog is feed it where it cant run. We run boarding kennels in over 19 years never had adog that for any reason has guarded its bowl or treats So make sure your not adding to an issue instead of correcting an issue. I would never suggest feeding from the hand if you arent a confidient person . In all reality the simple things solve these issues without having to disturb there eating time each day
  12. I think it was fascinating to see i believe all 4 colours awarded cc/rcc BOBmale black/silver RCC male white BCC bitch black Rcc ?bitch ?salt/pepper
  13. we have one in WA for sale but impossible to post. There was one listed on DOL for sale in NSw a few weeks back
  14. i would make an effort to pick up ,it may end up as road kill if its friendly enough to be caught & take to the vets
  15. why would you want them to stop spinning?? Some brands have internal doors you turn to stop the flow through but it doesnt stop them spinning outside
  16. the canine dog shop open tonight & tomorrow night
  17. there is nothing to see in Whyalla . I will be entering & hope to get there .
  18. yep we dont speed either & we have 3 humans on average 6/7 dogs trailer.shit load of gear. car is on speed control because with the trailer we cant do 110 only 100 but still not 10 hrs
  19. just pay to watch reruns it is so cheap Yeah, just did, but I can't see where any of that pay-to-view video is. Okay so you have paid?? Theyw ill appear in the box that says so me more video & you have an assortment of options. i will go check if if terriers are up Day 2 arent up yet ,when it is just press day 2 & the option will appear
  20. http://crufts.fossedata.co.uk/ its on the main page in big letters
  21. I agree!! I love doing geraldton!! and yes, its about a 10 hour round trip! you must drive slowly
  22. just pay to watch reruns it is so cheap
  23. i paid to watch the group judging so much easier
  24. i would simply answer i am not familiar with that breed & have the ANKC list of officials breeds handy to check
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