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Everything posted by Dogsfevr

  1. Dog shop wont be open saturday night. It will be sunday
  2. As horrible as its sounds did they get photos of the injuries?? Did a vet have to PTS Milo?? Get reports from all parties,vet,police,ranger etc . A dreadful way for animal to depart this world
  3. The coloured shampoos CAN leave some coats very dry so try getting a test sample. Depending on how old the dog is natural coat colour change will occur with a red tinge but basically keeping out of the sun as much as possible is best. As for the PP range i do use the reviva coat & swear by that
  4. Wouldnt do it irrespective of the new laws UNLESS it was a test mating where the outcome would benefit the future. I now plenty of breeders who have done such matings in conjunction with the uni or similiar to get test markers & the likes understood.
  5. No issues here at that age,its like the pigs eating. Occasionally the 7 months stage with teething can be an issue but 2 occasions in 20 odd years. In some breeds though it seems bad tonsils are becoming more common & plays havoc with eating habits
  6. I have used pantene for 20 plus years on all my dogs & no issues. I have tried the OMG & it was awful on my guys coats so its trial & error BUT any products ia as good as they way its used.
  7. Should also add we board alot of Labs & never had an obese one BUT lots of varying body shape . Some very leggy,some more stocky built & even though not fat would look fat .
  8. If its had no training i dare say it has had very little grooming either,that type of coat is high maintenance . having said that your friend lives with this person so she needs to pull her finger out & help. They may pet your pet thing doesnt cut it,Animals in the house are for all members & if she isnt making any effort to be part of the training then she cant complain either
  9. Dog owners are dog owners,show people/dog sports or the likes doesnt equate to a better owner BUT working in the dog industry the # of fat dogs at shows is very small,i deal with obese dogs daily .
  10. Here is another ,one for the poodle people
  11. Easy to judge people BUT you dont now the facts . Do you now what survival rate was given with the surgery?? Do you what condition the dog was in when at the vets?? Do you now what long term damage may be there & what the future may hold for the dog?? What did it eat that was there fault? Im sorry but people say they will beg,borrow or what ever BUT i doubt everyone would without truly understanding the dogs situation at the time. I would guarantee most people on DOL would have trouble putting money together like this,are they all bad owners?? Dogs should never be disposable BUT i can appropriate that everyone has there own limits & the fact these people took the dog to the vet doesnt exactly equate to being heartless. After owning 2 dogs that we did everything for i have now decided there is a right thing & wrong thing & the dogs best interest comes first . Also having a dog that ate something & no money spared & dying 2 days latter haemorrhaging to an awful death i would never judge anyone without the facts
  12. Im sorry but i dont need to now someone to understand what was said & done is totally unacceptable. I have shown under him twice & found him very pleasant BUT you wish to play dirty than pay the price.
  13. not many congratulations unfortunately Are you serious,how many congrates would you expect?? When people post about there wins how many times do you post congratulations?? This dog is special too you it doesnt mean everyone else has to place him any higher than normal Joe . Reading about ones success doesnt mean you have to post & i dare say most people would be thrilled with so many views reading about the dogs success
  14. should also add that Yogis BIS at Crufts post started by SparkyTansy had 920 views
  15. just sad everyone finds it so interesting and yet didn't give a hoot when Yogi won Pardon ,that comment is based on what ?? There was a sole thread on Yogi plus many other lists where great excitement was shown. Maybe you didnt read it??? or expected more to comment???
  16. I actually think you have made this post more than it should have by your own comments. The judge/handler/person felt the need to have foot in mouth disease & he should pay the price .The same would apply if it was the Queen of England,Yogi is no more special than any other dog nor does it give any owner/handler more rights to treat a judge in such a fashion My opinion I applaud the judge who had the guts to speak up
  17. All white showdogs here are belly bathed nightly
  18. Those on FB i suggest you join the grp "dog show fashion police"
  19. Just treat her like normal,she isnt broken. Remember dogs will learn very quickly that the new privileges this week will be wanted the following & so on.just go about things normal so the dogs feels comfy & not overwhelmed why things have suddenly changed.
  20. The reality is its breed by breed & case by case ,Not set simple answer because one has to weigh up all the scenrios in the situation aswell Our guarantee is also based on the new owners signing there puppy paperwork to follow there side of the deal too so boths sides need to be weighed up & assessed from there.
  21. Tough for those with 2 grps,its a long walk to the grassed areas,i did it last year multi times & very tiring after awhile
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