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Everything posted by Dogsfevr

  1. We are different here ,our guys just do what they do everyday,they play,run & do there normal stuff,when it starts to get a tad over the top then there brought in door shut. We dont go out of our way to crate or the likes & fined keeping things normal has worked very well for us & never ever had to use a bucket or get stitches re done or had an infection
  2. Is that from the ANKC rules or a state site Showdog? I'm pretty sure I registered as an associate prior to my girl's desexing - but maybe I'm muddled. ANKC ,this rule governs all states
  3. We did from Germany via Belgium. Dogs need to be a certain age for tests to start,we brought ours out early which meant she had to serve 63 days instead of 30 . During that time you either need the breeder to run on the pup or find a puppy raiser who will plus do the running around. If its an adult more easier as its just going through the test phase. We used a brilliant shipping agent which also makes or breaks the whole process. Not the easiest process but very doable but comes at a price & alot of patience
  4. 6.6 Registration of Associate Dogs – on Associate Register (10/07, 7.11) 6.6.1 As from 1 January 2008, it is compulsory PRIOR to the registration of an Associate Dog on the National Database, that the application to register such dog is accompanied by a Sterilisation Certificate. 6.6.2 The dog to be permanent identified (such as Microchip) and the permanent identified number to be recorded on the Sterilisation Certificate.
  5. Our matings are always supervised & our dogs are taught to be handled during this time. Your bitch may need her rear end propped up(towels) to make it easier for the male to mate. You really need to see what is happening to now where to start, He may need help with direction & the likes which means getting on your hands/knees & assiting or do the mating on a table which ours will do
  6. In WA you either have to be a full member or pay the handlers fee .
  7. I will never use it ,the day i feel the need to report people is the day i will leave DOL. I think there are serial reporters & get a kick out of doing it. I have been reported LOL in a breed specific thread where someone suggested a said dog winning was a set up & i defended them. I see it this way if you dont like a post /topic then dont read it but generally the ones that seem to report read it all & even post & then press the special button :D I guess simply put its like TV if you dont like it switch channels
  8. Mini Schnauzers normally dont pick sides or select people unless never exposed to outside the square they live in. I think dogs can have a affinity with someone but i wouldnt always say its a bond. We breed minis & the reason they are so popular is due to the fact they are an all people breed BUT i also feel that some people even children often feel the need to try & make a dog love them more & it pushes the dog away . So instead of this fa,ily wanting to pick a dog solely for her & not to be disappointed one would need to see the child in action whether her body language actions also are a factor. We have had people out here who just wont let the dogs be & feel being pushy will get more results . Dogs are often good judges of character & having said that she is still only young & as already asked why do they think its more a mummies dog??
  9. place tennis balls in the bowl. Does he do it when your hoovering or when your not?? You can also try feeding up higher at present so hes on his tippie toes
  10. What breed ,what do you want doing (clip off/shape/style??)
  11. My showdogs teeth get brushed 3 times a week, no big deal & easy to inspect all that is going on
  12. There have been alot lately & especially reg breeders .some real doozies who start topics yet vanish, I for one am one of those people that dont piss fart about & will read old posts by posters to figure some aspects out which can be very enlightening when they post topics off there own & not like the responses. I remember the new f thread certainly dont recall anything dramatic there
  13. crikey, what happened to your road then, we live in the next street to you and had no power disruption thankfully. Lots of gum tree branches down though - blasted things they are Donna Where on a different grid & always lose power when you guys dont.its very normal for us The other reason the power was off longer for us was that the transformer on the post outside no 18 had blown up and needed to be replaced... Leigh did try and tell WP on Tues arvo that he thought there was another, more localised problem as they had already fixed the Canning Vale sub-station at that point but they brushed him off when he asked them to send someone out. So when the power was still off at 5am Weds he rang them again! Lo and behold, they send someone out and what do you know - blown transformer :p We should/could have had power back Tues arvo had they listened... Oh well, a few early nights were probably beneficial! That transformer & the one in Accourt often blows & we report it every time the power goes out,often you will see the fuse hanging. The problem was also when they replaced the transformer only one phase would work ,we had power in the house but nothing in the kennels so that is also why it took longer
  14. crikey, what happened to your road then, we live in the next street to you and had no power disruption thankfully. Lots of gum tree branches down though - blasted things they are Donna Where on a different grid & always lose power when you guys dont.its very normal for us
  15. http://www.thornlietreeman.com/ I so feel for his neighbours & especially the old couple who have been abused & had stuff thrown through there windows by supporters & ge sits in his tree & says nothing .
  16. In 24 yrs of owning multi breeds & many many dogs never ever had a skin issue, We groom dogs with skin issues but realistically many are owner created by diet,insistence to give all these junk food treats,perfume sprays & just silly stuff dogs dont need.Poor coat maintanence,unfit dog & not being honest with themselves with what they do & dont give. My show dogs have & are bathed in pantene,are done twice a week & pee feathers nightly never ever had an issue. We have never used flea stuff,worming is never over done .our dogs dont get junk treats ,never feed BARF nor feel its any better . In our breed we did have one breeder who was well known for causing skin issues & thankfully they no longer breed & there lines have just about gone. Generally i think many issues with some planning are easy to avoid but many run to the vet. If i had a dog chewing crazy at one spot & never any where else i would use a doggy chiro or bowen,dogs will chew to ease pain so like the dog chewing at his spin area he may have pinched a nerve or similiar
  17. We run kennels & its inspection by time only. We have nothing to hide but we are responsible for all dogs in our care & refuse to have people coming & going all day. In our care we have various breeds predisposed to bloat,we also board dogs with heart,epilepsy etc etc & all these dogs need to have there quiet time. Also in summer we will not have people out during the heat of the day to inspect & one would think most pet owners would consider this as a factor with there own dogs???? Every time someone visits the dogs get very excited so our opening times for inspection are aimed for when the dogs are all outside & content. When in ITS there quiet time Also if people come all day when do you feed??Feeding & bloat are important factors Obviously everyone has a different idea about what they expect but our care is for all the dogs in
  18. We cant stress to our new puppy owners to not over do it when the pup comes home. I will hazard to guess that everyone is visiting the cute new pup & dive bombing to touch it/pick up?? & basically not allowing the pup to get its baring?? We tell all our puppy owners the first 5 days are the new owners days,a chance for the pup to learn the new humans,smells etc etc & we say no visitors that dont have to be there & go slow & steady. Some dogs obviously can deal better with truckloads of people but not every dog is the one mould fits all require small baby steps instead of massive overload. Min Pins seem to be a breed that requires more patience than most but exposing to things with time & care
  19. The greater percentage of our clients are rescue dogs & they cope fine but as alread mentioned finding akennel this late will be way harder
  20. Our power came back on late this arvo,40 hrs or so without We have no food loss & as we did the ice thing asap
  21. There is no way you can say that .Either the dog has a medical issue or something has happened & given previous posts about wanting to buy a guard dog for walking as the GSD wouldnt do anything except try to run then there is something going on.
  22. It can be done BUT she must learn how to stay home aswell. Remember what you do now is a 14 yr habit so it is always best to teach the dog that both prospects are doable & acceptable because there will be times where the office situation may not work & she needs to stay home that day
  23. personally given the size of giant poo bag carriers people attach to there leads & the likes i doubt a pair a thongs would be a major issues. The number of people who bring there dogs in with heavy poo bag holders attach to the chain part is amazing
  24. yes Matey the Am Staff won which was fantastic,he showed so well & thoroughly deserved his win
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