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Everything posted by Dogsfevr

  1. Im surprised that a vet agreed to do it for behavioural reasons. Desexing a 13yo dog will not achieve anything but cease its ability to reproduce (if that was still functional). I guess many vets do things these days that you wonder about.
  2. I wouldnt be desexing a 13 yr old at his age now unless for medical reasons. Unfortunately when you have a bitch in season it can cause all sorts of abnormal behaviour . Not only the fact the girls are in season there home has also suddenly gone from 2 company to more of a crowd & are more than likely not impressed with there new friends especially the old dog who has had to put up with the most changes. Agree with others that a better management plan needs to be addressed when the bitch comes in heat again. You need to hose the yard & be prepared for a second round of squabbles when she comes home
  3. my guys are bathed weekly plus pee feathers daily & in human shampoo. You will also find half the dog show world uses human shampoos BUT it is using a product that suits that one dog . The main things to consider diet(does she feed coloured biscuits & the likes,products used (shampoo, even the perfumed flea rinses etc etc). How often it is groomed,whether its over grown & not being dried correctly( a coat not dried thoroughly on crappy skin can fester) Westies are a breed that needs a diet in high essential fatty acids(not fat),depending on what it is crossed with will also determine the needs of that breed & then feeding accordingly. It really comes up to her but if she isnt willing to try it is rather selfish
  4. I wouldnt have someone stay with a toddler scared of dogs I guess what you need to decide is it isnt just the sleeping issue is the day time aswell. You now what your dog is used too & how much you would need to change the routine around having a toddler there.
  5. Very simple tell house mate that this is a dual dog household now & he needs to step up to the plate. You have enabled his laziness so now its time for reality. The dog shouldnt suffer but he is the dogs owner & need sto pull his finger out. Maybe go walkies when he is sleeping so Yap Yap Yaps
  6. Plus i think people forget that cavaliers are sporting spaniels as such should havea sporting spaniel nature which means active
  7. If the westie has correct coat it is easier to strip the coat & maintain it than clip.A good breeder will show you how to do this.
  8. I would consider a westie to fit into this area,nearly all the ones we board are like this but then for me this is a good aspect because any dog should be able to amuse itself without humans all the time
  9. Agree with above,do you want indoor/outdoor. Which coat would you prefer to deal with ?? Westies are terriers & can have that spunky terrier nature that one must be prepared for
  10. showdog, thanks for the reply, Marlin is a pet, I was using a slicker, but she hates it, and have a couple of combs, one a combination and one wider teeth that turn, the christensen is a 27mm pin brush, that she is ok with. She does wear a collar, i changed it out recently for a narrow one hoping it might make a difference, my OH is against me removing it alltogether which would be my preference when she is at home I was kinda hoping someone would be able to give me some hands on tips, being remote it can be difficult to get advice. Unless your slicker brush is too hard & scratchy your dog doesnt get to choice which brush it likes. The brush she does like will not do the job so the knots will get worse. You have the right comb so use that to the fulliest for behind the ears.as for the collar she can wear it BUT make sure you remove & brush,we groom fulltime & the number of dogs whose coat is attached to there collar as its not removed & brushed is countless,also picking a collar that is suitable makes a massive difference,some collars whilst look pretty for the humans are totally impractical for the dog & coat. It really is like brushing your hair do it regularly & thoroughly from the top through to the skin. Training the dog is amust & it doesnt get to pick & choose
  11. Beg to differ nothing worse than a mal that hasnt been bathed .they stink something chronic. I remember in the show ring many moons ago a few select mal exhibitors who didnt bath & the dogs where sent out & those unlucky to be set up next to them having to put up with ahorrid smell. We boarded a Mal that hadnt been bathed & smelt like undried dirty washing ,awful smell. Show mals are bathed weekly so the oils part has nothing to do with it BUT often there is alot of dog & people dont wish to dry them especially in winter so they get wet & stay damp stinkies
  12. set up time on a friday is 3pm so i would suggest if there is a grp of ez y ups getting someone to go early for a spot because many of us who are loning our ezy ups are heading down at 3pm to put them up for the people Really? It says in the catalogue that gates open at 5pm My boss is letting me leave at 4.30, so hopefully I can be at K9 by 5.30. The gates wont be shut as its a working day But they have to put a gate time in the journal. There is a governing council rule that allows for set ups on at 3pm before an event. If your not sure check with the office if the normal set up arrangement will apply on the thursday as its should & has in the past
  13. set up time on a friday is 3pm so i would suggest if there is a grp of ez y ups getting someone to go early for a spot because many of us who are loning our ezy ups are heading down at 3pm to put them up for the people
  14. Is this a show dog or pet?? At this stage i would say our equipment is wrong. You need a combo comb to brush behind the ears,good slicker brush(lawrence ever gentle,doogyman)great again for behind the ears to fluff out the coat before combing through The christensen brush depending on which one you brought is more a finishing brush. With her neck does she wear a collar??
  15. If this is an important aspect for your chosen dog then you need to look at where you wish to take it & again would the chosen breed truly fit into that aspect. One has to be realistic about what you wish & what is feasible. I have large breeds & small & certainly there are things easier to do with either size,smaller being obviously more easier. I would suggest the best shows to go view danes plus the other breeds would be either the 8 or 9 May.These are 1 day shows where all the breeds are shown on the one day,they have interstate judges so the turn out will be agood one. Its free & you can see what is out there & whether they are for you. If you got there at 9am you will see all the A breeds through alpha wise What show is this? where is it etc? Do they have every registered breed in Australia? 2 days seems like a short time to get thru all... one day shows are very normal ,no state has every registered breed shown
  16. If this is an important aspect for your chosen dog then you need to look at where you wish to take it & again would the chosen breed truly fit into that aspect. One has to be realistic about what you wish & what is feasible. I have large breeds & small & certainly there are things easier to do with either size,smaller being obviously more easier. I would suggest the best shows to go view danes plus the other breeds would be either the 8 or 9 May.These are 1 day shows where all the breeds are shown on the one day,they have interstate judges so the turn out will be agood one. Its free & you can see what is out there & whether they are for you. If you got there at 9am you will see all the A breeds through alpha wise
  17. This will be the same issue with the other breeder so it really comes down to what is holding you back.
  18. They can be prone to cysts. Infact there are a number of blue breeds that skin isnt an issue but it is known in staffies to be a major issue
  19. You havent said once what your partner likes ,does he like any of the breeds you have listed ?? I do agree with others your list really goes against all that want for many of those breeds so not sure if you researched those breeds fully or if its a looks thing. Bloat will happen with everyone of those breeds you have listed so if bloat is an issue steer clear of any large breed. Go to dog shows & see what is there . I love males too but in some of those breeds the males can be more toey & its important to consider this in your choice & in relation to how much work you are truly are willing to put in. If training will be sorta part time then a bitch may very well be the best option but in all honesty when we sell our pups we encourgae people to not always factor the sex but pay attention to the breeders suggestion of the right pup for what you want & expect.
  20. Would the brindling decrease the risk of skin issues associated with the blues??
  21. I have the giant Liberty table & find it great,just high enough,nice length & light considering its size
  22. It was common in the US but many are no longer heading done this path. I would never do it
  23. From WA we suggest Roellan pet transport there prices are far better than any of the normal companies & there paperwork is so spot on
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