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Everything posted by Dogsfevr

  1. See i see that as time wasting because you could email that breeder without having a litter advertised to ask all those questions & get a feel for the future & ask what planned litters they have etc etc & pursue from there.
  2. as all above. There is a major difference between phoning about the breed & phoning about a litter . For example i have litter advertised.It states 1 purple( f limited) 1 pink (f show potential) 2 blues with spots(2 boys limited) plus more detail *********** Please dont ring & ask if i have a yellow polka dot or a purple boy on mains regarding that ad. You get people who see pups advertised & think great lets take the kids out to play with the puppies & after you sat there for an hr they tell you ,there not interested we just wanted to see what they look like as pups or similiar. Now obviously the litter advertised doesnt mean it will be the right match & any good breeder understands this BUT one presumes when they make contact about the litter advertised that they are wanting a pup & by contacting you its with the intent that hopefully you have a suitable pup . To me it means ou are wanting to purchase now & are serious about doing the meet & greet & seeing if there is the right pup for you. Actually a couple of years ago we placed an ad on DOL for an older dog.We where very specific about the home we where after * no young kids *retired couple * wouldt sell east or export. So the enquires we had where from the eats,people with young kids & not retired . It is very frustrating when you put as much detail there as to not waste the time of joe public aswell yet they dont bother to take what is written serious & yes that is a time waster
  3. quality of life is exactly that . We board a number of seizure dogs & some dont have a life,they are so heavily dosed they are in La La land & just walked around comatosed .You can see in there eyes they arent't there & for me that isnt life. Should they be put down that again is a personnal choice but as long as the dogs interests come first & not the humans then that is all that matters. That is alot of seizures for a dog on meds so obviously he is at the worse end of the scale BUt you are the only person who can make the choice & if your happy fine,if people make comment then i dont have an issue because there entitled to there opinion as much as we make our choice to keep the dog. I had a dog with major issues & would i do it again ,no. I count my self very lucky that i worked from home & could tend to his needs & ensure his safety but if i worked away then i can honestly say i would have PTS much earlier because in his condition & home alone wouldnt have been fair
  4. I would take the letter to the local council & inform them what has happened the steps you have taken & then let them complain.(neighbours) If they show the video where they are on your property then i would pursue that. I would allow my dogs back on the verandah & video the kids in action. I would inform the council of all the steps you have taken due to there complaints over the time . I am not sure what the legal time for barking is in your area but as they have kisted a time they are stupid
  5. We breed minis & have yet to source a good groomer that side of the river. All our buyers plus others come back to us or another breeder south of the river. We have seen some horrid butcher jobs from that side
  6. I presume your trying to get the angle it was cruel ?? What the issue you have (according to you & the contract ) is a breach of contract that you say you werent told about. If this is the case like Ellz said then you need to pursue it through the civil angle. Having said that the bitch had to be sent to someone who co owned the bitch & the prefix for it to be done here,very easy to find out by viewing litter registrations
  7. When you say heel next to you do you mean that in an obedience way?? When i trialled my show guys heel exercises where never part of show.Obedience was always done on obedience collar with the distinct difference in body language & show was done on show leash with show body langugae & showing was never part of the heel exercise as in the ring i dont want heel i want running out from me or away from my legs not velcro or looking up. I think you need to separate the too aspects otherwise as soon as you go into heel mode that is what the dog nows sit for . You need to now make show mode different where stand is the must & changing the body position to cue
  8. I guess you could also ask this ,i gather your a registered member of your state body so you would have known tail docking was banned in your state so you would have known the dog would have to travel to Perth to get it done. So you could have brought one with a tail or without ?
  9. Do you??? Since when?? And is that at any BP&G?? Rat It has been advertised in the mag for ages I would say the last 2 plus years
  10. There where a couple of vets & the breeder would now where they where they had it done as they would have the paperwork that would have been handed out with each puppy as the paperwork had to be submitted when the pups where registered
  11. Not if you doing it correctly. Yesi have told people to tone it down especially those who feel the need to yell at there dogs . As for squeakies yes i use those too & when appropriate BUT my dogs are a also trained to not react to other people or if i do i deal with it. What people forget is over using any tool(voice,squeakie,food) can become a turn off for many dogs & when you want that special moment it doesnt happen.
  12. size doesnt matter you will be charged on weight. The dog must go in a crate that is adequate for its size . As for the current details for flying dogs look at the AAE site instead
  13. ask the GSD people in WA who import.The Gallagher's(seigen knls) would be the best,they assisted us with the people via Belgium & they where amazing
  14. playing can be done anywhere BUT will your dog be happy to share its quality time that it has enjoyed all to itself. What changes may have to happen when new pup arrives & will the oldie cope. Some dogs love a new mate others hate it & only you now your dog & how it will truly deal with a new friend 24/7
  15. When you return to the judge do you stand in a position like its an auto sit?? Is your body position also confusing her at present with what should be a sit but now you want a stand. Personally i wouldnt practise stands as such,just walk around the house & always use the word when she does it naturally,no treats just stand good dog.you could say that 100 times each day so the dog associates the word with what it is doing instead of the proper exercise & a trained fail routine. When you bait are you holding you hand to high to encourage the sit position?? I have never used the stackers because i have seen the result off dogs that didnt well on them or stand there like scared robots due to thinking they will fall. There good for some dogs but be careful off those that do horribly on them & ruined for life.
  16. Sounds like dog needs to learn some life lessons,if he trashes the house & demands things. We own a breed that is highly food motivated & we feed at varying times but they never dare demand but by the same token we would never have got a dog into a routine off feeding so early in the morning unless truly required. Your dogs feed time isnt varied ,it is simply early am & pm. What outside activities does the dog do?? What time is his night feeds?? What sort of manners does he have at other times??
  17. I can honestly say i havent done anything major but i do train people & the worst mistakes are not listening,presuming what will happen & not being prepared & above all wearing the wrong shoes that aren't safe for the job or the grounds on the day. I think i was lucky & started playing sport before showing & was in the state team so learnt all about paying attention to details early & listening. I have seen some goods stacks though
  18. There are GSD from Germany where the $30 000 mark would be considered cheap
  19. That isn't correct either. You can have a delayed reaction. My cousin got a dog and her husdand and child were fine for a few months. They then both reacted severly (at different times) and had to go to emergency. Both were fine after the dog was responsibly rehomed. Okay, I do apologise for entering into a discussion that I thought I knew but instead knew nothing about. SORRY. We breed a breed known to be more suitable for asthmatics BUT even some people still react to that,it is often the dander that is the issue so the more hair that is shed the bigger the reaction,as cavies do shed alot there would be alot more around. We often get people with children who do have severe asthma looking for a dog & we explain that this breed isnt a guarantee & to consider all aspects carefully because like the situation here it can be heartbreaking for the kids & some people will react to one non shedding breed over another For some it can be a few days,months latter,some can react that day but many dont As a side note i react to 1 breed Shar pei in a chronic rash,i do not react or have issues with any other breed.
  20. There is no approx cost because it depends on age,size,titles etc etc.It can vary from say (our 6kg girl from belgium cost $9000 all up) $6000 to the sky is the limit
  21. Dry or Canned or both? I am curious as to why? I have mine on Hills at the moment (changed about a month ago). My little one has a sensitive tummy. What dry food do you prefer? Susan Its a personal choice, i dont like the ingredients
  22. Friedsn breed newfs & we boarda few & never saw a protective side but havings aid that these dogs where well mannered & my friends are in full control of there dogs. They will certainly bark but i guess its what people interpret protective as
  23. carrot will turn the beards orange in a flash. Hills we never recommend. Do you feed beef??
  24. You now what i am starting to think if these people want to breed & arent prepared to listen then why educate them on the right way to do it if they chose to do so. Maybe its time to let them learn themsleves. I dare say your friend isnt stupid & is quite capable of researching herself but often i think all the info friends give them simply makes it easier for them & a way to make themselves look good to sellers. You have said your bit i would now switch off & let her do everything herself,she knows you will be a source of info if she gets stuck which makes it easy for her. It is hard because it is the dog & pups that suffer but we need to stop making it easy for these people & let them do the hard yards themselves
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