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Everything posted by Dogsfevr

  1. Very easy to deal with . A good groomer should have no issues . Very few vet groomers will stuff around they generally knock out anything that will be an issue or even not an issue. It will also cost you $$$ to have it done When groom stacks of cranky flat faced breeds that need muzzling & never been bitten,it all about technique & doing things in stages & when the dog is happy to work with you. We only groomed one sedated dog(acp) done by the owner prior to arrival & it wasn.t pleasant,the dog panicked even more due to the effects sedation causes,it couldnt stand & took way longer than if left. We groomed it again 6 weks latter & a total gem,there vet use to knock it out for what ever reason. The dog would have to be a total monster before we would suggest sedation at the vets
  2. agree although it would be great if the could print the correct version on ANKC. The 50 challenge breed rule i have never seen published until now so you have 2 different qualifying tools listed on one site
  3. It seriously cant be that hard for them to get it right. Will be interesting to see what the correct answer ends up being because i now people who have qualified then on that make up but are lead to believe its 4 . Totally crazy
  4. Well either the nice lady is wrong or the ANKC site is wrong because this is what is listed under Press release & i do believe the lady may be wrong Grand Champion Title 1,000 points including 1 All Breeds Best in Show; or 4 Best in Group; or 4 Certificates of 25 points. (these could be Group, BOB or Challenge) Tracey Barry ANKC Administrator
  5. Have they been to the vet ??because there are medications that can be used
  6. Yep no sooking & when you let her out dont make a fuss either. The reality is depending on the breeders set up most pups are use to being in a run set up at some point whether big or small(puppy pen or day run.) Obviously they had company but they still now it as a safe area. When dog goes in just be confidient & no fussing,just a simple in your run good dog .when let out no fuss & just go do something . Dogs are no different than children,the more you make of it the more they feel your body language & the longer & harder it is for them to adapt . The main key is to have pup out there when raining,cold,windy & the likes because that is the weather she will experience soon & you wont be there to fuss
  7. I would also head to the chemist & buy some inner health or flora max to help re align the good gut bacteria
  8. How does your dog act now in the run?? Seriously some dogs do fine with basic stimulation than going over the top. At present i would be more inclined getting the dog use to the run during all time frames & weather conditions. The more you make it often the more the dog come to expect there treats or start to feel insecure. With Kongs & the likes be careful that any food put in there will not attract bees & ants. Bones we never give unattended. Our dogs only get objects that are safe ,that no tongues can get stuck in,will attract bugs or the likes.
  9. I would say if your asking the question here then the instructors arent helping you ?? One of the probelsm we see with many dogs who have attended puppy pre school is the free for all attitude without nowing when to switch off. I would consider looking for a club where your pup can do more stimulating work than just sitting there learning to play. It sounds like your pup would be better suited around adult dogs who are trained & wont react to your pup & with instructors who are more active in helping you We board a number of staffies that fit your guys description,some got on top of it others didnt see it an issue until 12 months of age. Good for you dealing with it early
  10. Gundog height standard also isnt between those mentioned. The smallest gundog should be 14 inches ideal & some gundog breeds dont have a height standard. Personally stating terriers can be dog aggressive can open a big can of worms BECAUSE the terrier group comes with a variety of personalities. Personally i find it too brief with nothing special as to the diversity of the 2 groups & the breeds . Maybe that is all that ask??
  11. We have never allowed the other dogs to smell the body & in all the years have not found any issue with the dogs not being able too. We normally go to the vets where we have arranged Finowen (WA) to pick the dog up to be cremated.We have found Finowen to be amazing compared to the others & we have tried the others over the years.They have cremated 8 of ours so far. Some vet practises will not do home visits . Mobile or vet is really personal & awful as this sound what is the easiest depending on how bad the dog is & the size,some large breeds when fragile can be hard to deal with on your own unless you have great family support & whether you are happy to have your pet there till the company has picked them up. It really is personal thing Our vet has always been great when the time has come & accommodated our phone call to come in with great compassion. For us we now arrange Finowen to head to the vet at said time,we email what we want placed on pot(or chosen object) & then ring the vet as that is the worst phone call. Its never a nice part of ownership & the age never makes it easier but 15 plus years of wonderful memories is something special
  12. This rule has been in for years . Nope not at all, I travel yearly from Perth with big dogs ,i would love the option of hoping on the ferry & being able to take the car & float but instead i fly,hire cars & the likes.just to fly my 2 dogs is nearly $800 plus car,accom & the list goes on If you cant afford it its unfortunate but many people do head to these shows from many states which have it harder . I now of plenty of national shows held in Tassie that where very well supported by interstaters who didnt think twice same as the royal shows. Also now of many Tassie people who head over for royals & the melb cup carnival & the likes without a second thought. Yes i would be pissed at the no CC points not being printed but if you won grp or BIS that was still available. It is very common in the east & the entries arent cheaper .You are still entitled to all the other awards except cc/bob points
  13. The rules vary state to state
  14. I think I would look like an idiot showing a dog that I couldn't even pronounce the breed (Plus I can barely stack up my own pup yet). I think you will find the more expirenced handlers (ST and Hemi&Roxy) will have issues because they both have end of the alphabet dogs too! There might be some junior handlers more then willing to handle? On the CAWA website they have details for the junior handlers class, maybe contact the instructor and get them to ask some of the older kids. The older kids who attend the classes are still very inexperienced & wouldnt cope .
  15. Dont compare to his brother. Tuckertime is great for weight gain BUT i agree you need to add more BUT some Boxers can be prone to not absorbing there food so no extra may work. I too agree with not leaving the food done,your enabling his lack of interest . Have you had him vet checked?? What diet did the breeder suggest & have you contacted them for advice on there lines?? We have found some picky eaters often have tonsil issues which often isnt considered by many vets or people .
  16. Temps can vary dramactically in that grp. For example some breeds in the ring can be sparred ,others aren't include as they shouldnt react in that matter. You have the King of terriers to the gentle souls . There are terriers who dont display what can be considered terrier traits keeping in mind there job as vermin hunters
  17. For many years your dog has been loyal,loving with no questions asked,you can never repay all the joy a dog brings BUT you can give it the one thing it deserves when the time comes & you have made that decision based on your dogs needs not yours. Yes your heart will be broken but you never ever forget & i have always found comfort in knowing i am doing the right thing when the time comes.
  18. No it isnt normal ,does he hump the same thing,at a set time?? Have you removed his humping item & seen what he does?? When he is humping what do you do to distract him?
  19. That is why the breeder informed you.I gather you where given options ??? Your vet told you the breeder was nob & when infact the vet was a nob. We breed a litter where we ended up with 2 bad bites,never been an issue for us bfore & highly unexpected,we used a new dog who hand t produced in Oz before,the buyers upon the change where informed of what had happened,what the future would be & to think on it. Both cases they took the pup,1 the mouth came good the other didnt & required 2 teeth removed.They where fully aware & both where top lawyers. many vets have less expertise than a good breeder Azian We groomed a dog last week where the vet told them it would grow to be huge. The dog is 13 months,bottom of the height standard & will not grow anymore but will fill out. These people where concerned & ask us first before they where going to call the breeder & say who knows what.
  20. but the bite would have been noticed before. Again on my vet's advice, and I should have been informed then. Sorry but I don't agree! Bites can change very rapidly, infact a friend had a litter and when they were vaccinated/vet checked etc and at the same time the breeder was assessing them herself everything was fine. Under 1 week later the bite had changed so I'm sorry but you're wrong and so is the vet! So agree your vet is wrong & not surprising these days. Many vets seriously have no clue which is very scary
  21. How on earth is that time wasting? Obviously you are not aware of how many things can change from the time pups are born till they are ready to go. Be glad the breeder was honest with you. Allow me to suggest you need to go find the mythical breeders with the perfect puppy tree out in the back yard So agree in some breeds mouths can change so quickly & this breeder phoned you & was honest & upfront. Would you have preferred they didnt tell you ??
  22. Firstly i would feed somewhere that is away from the other dog & see what happens.
  23. No offence but if the dog isnt suitable around certain dogs then it isnt the perfect home. Are they fully aware of what you have said here?? Is its a std schnauzer or mini schnauzer??
  24. See i see that as time wasting because you could email that breeder without having a litter advertised to ask all those questions & get a feel for the future & ask what planned litters they have etc etc & pursue from there. I don't mention the litter apart from maybe a "I saw your litter advertised on....I'm not looking for a pup right now, but I am interested in the breed and would like to know more about your........because your dogs look very healthy" Unless they have a seperate email for litter enquires I don't see how I'm wasting their time I am simply replying to what you wrote & the topic. You didnt mention what you have written now
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