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Everything posted by Dogsfevr

  1. Infact it is very easy to prove,put your money up but reality is people will bitch,make judgement ,point the finger BUT wont take the matter further . For me making accusations you cant or wont prove is also cheating because it is a big claim to make against another person. I remember a case here where a small minded group of exhibitors accused another person of dying there dog,put in a protest. Hair samples where taken & tested. The dog wasn.t dyed ,funny thing was not one of those trouble makkers had the decency to say "sorry" ,they just went on like it never happened & moved on to the next person to harass I have been accused of dying a dog in the past but the said people where happy to bitch & spread rumours BUT wouldnt put there money up.
  2. Okay from someone who shows dogs & has all crate trained dogs i can safely say we dont piss fart around nor do any of the people i am associated with. most pups have experienced crates before you brought them home,generally for the vet visit or the likes. With ours its very simple ,in crate door is shut,no fuss,no making tired or pandering & in 25 yrs & to many dogs to list never had a dog hate there crate. The more you make of it the harder it is. Std schnausers are generally way smarter than there owners & will take you for a ride given any chance. have been around the breed for 25yrs ,we breed Minis & i use to handle stds.
  3. in WA that is common practise BUT amongst the ethical Am Staff breeders they most certainly sell there pups with limited papers & all the info to ensure the dog has full ID with the council due to BSL
  4. Most drops used are to prevent dry eye during cataracts
  5. Why do you not use solely coprice? In your opinion what makes pro plan better than coprice? It was mentioned in an above post and I had never heard of it so going to look that up now. Would coprice or bonnie be adequate as their only dry food or would it be better mixed with a better quality food? (I do feed raw beef, talking about the dry food only here) I just have no idea how to tell the good from the bad. As I've already mentioned, I used to use price as a guide. All brands seem to brag about how wonderful they are so who do you believe?! My show dogs dont get Coprice because i dont fell it is suitable for there needs. In my opinion the best food is personal & what works for your dog/breed. I dont use all of the Pro plan range & wouldnt use some of there product as i dont like the result but the one i do feed i am very happy with. I cant feed Hills as i have a breed predisposed to wheat intolerance,Hills has wheat I have used Eagle pack Hollistic but found in my dogs the coats where dull,dry & wasnt growing & i couldnt deal with the constant runs this product is known for BUT for someone else it works well. I dont just feed dry . We over the years of having show dogs have tried many foods but the right one is what suits your dog ,there is no right or wrong answer & to be honest if the food is working well for your dog i dont play around with it unless i have a good reason too. I run boarding kennels & i see dogs that live till 16 feed chum & in amazing condition. I see dogs feed premiun that look awful. I see dogs feed BARF that look good & look awful
  6. we feed pro plan & use to use bonnie through the kennels as well. A few years back they changed the product & we no longer use Bonnie,we werent getting the same results & the price increase to the type of product didnt match in our opinion.i still use the pro plan though. Certainly of the 2 you have listed i would feed Bonnie over hills. With the kennels we do need to have a non premium on hand for the dogs that arent feed premium or able to stomach it & have had great results with Coprice
  7. yes a 4yr old american cocker. She lived another 3 yrs blind before she was PTS ,she also lost her sense of smell & hearing
  8. The only water i now that stains is bore water on dogs?? We have breed minis for over 24 yrs & the main stain issue is food/salvia . If the water is an issue then use bottle. Bleaching will not solve the issue at all ,it will be a quick fix but not a solution
  9. More a case of so badly supported when they where offered.All fine & dandy to say its snobbery but where are all these people when they where offered?? In my state the only ones whom seem to enter where people with retired veterans who figured they where going to the show anyway so they entered them.
  10. When i was treasurer i banked 2/3 times a week & daily towards the end. It is amazing how many bounced chqs arrive & no point finding out after the show
  11. You shouldnt have to change class if the instructor was on the ball, The instructor should have taken more control & used the situation as a teaching tool not allow what has happened ,idoes the same trainer teach the other classes?
  12. Would be nice if it was few but sadly you would be very surprised how many entries come in that are wrong.yes i stuffed up but after being a treasurer for 8 yrs & on a club that held big shows you could start to go nuts after awhile & the problem also is the same offenders who stuff there entries are the same ones who abuse you at the show when the dogs are catalogued wrong because it is "our fault" not because there entries are wrong. I gave up after 8 yrs as treasurer & 6 yrs prior as committee because of the abuse & lack of respect you get by a small few
  13. i WILL add one for the sec/treasurer though PLEASE send back the SAE saying entries recieved So many dont & it drives me troppo
  14. dont sticky tape your coins to the front of the entry form
  15. i have no issues & the biggest whingers are those who dont offer there services to be on committee's. Without these volunteers we would have no shows & given how apparently committee members supposedly always win i would think people would be knocking at the door to offer there time but generally not,they prefer to bitch instead. It is great for those clubs that have a dont handle rule BUT i dont see why they should be penalized.
  16. No one is allowed to give treats to my guys either unless i ask. Via the kennels we are seeing so many dogs now that are diabetics . We read on here all the time about dogs who have suffered from Pancreatitis Breeds with issues etc etc. I dont see any reason to feed some else,s dog food . And if they dont do what is asked they get nothing??? My guys dont sit or drop so your demands would be greeted with a dont bother
  17. What exactly do you feed now,what portion size,how much in the treat area (pig ears,left over toast etc etc) how much exercise & how old a dog
  18. I dont think there is any trick,we have dog that will eat it & others that cant. I personally cant eat fish,the smell alone makes me want to vomit so i would gather dogs are no different to the odour
  19. Kennels should be up front if they can not accomadate the 2 in one run,varying councils have different regulations for what size dogs.\ can go in what size runs we certainly can house dogs of that size & would never seperate . The long weekend goes very quickly.
  20. Depends on where you board & the added extras some kennels ask North of the River is way more expensive than South of the river. Different area,s have different council regulations so kennels can vary When getting prices ask what it includes & then go visit & visit all kinds irrespective of price to see what is out there march is also a busy time of the year & still hot so keep that in mind when looking & remember there is a long weekend in March that books fast so if covery the 4/7 March be quick Prices normally go up kennel wise(start of jan) but i would work on $22/23 including food.all exercise & a bath if over the set few days The main thing is you shouldnt have to pay for outside time
  21. yes i have had dogs that when vacc for KC all ended up with flu style issue straight away all the same breed Those said dogs where never given c5 again & no issues.
  22. I would do Bowen over chiro in this case, although as you say all aspects need to be considered
  23. Whilst it sounds good in principal i dont think its the simple. No matter what you have to consider breed specific needs & then train apparently & have a realistic understanding of what that breeds limitations may be & act responsibly . Not all breeds by nature are social butterflies & that must always be remembered . You cant compare apples to oranges
  24. we have showdogs/boarding kennels & grooming salon & we have no fleas & we dont treat our dogs either. I see no point adding chemicals just in case. If am travelling to a show where the risk is high then i will take precautions but otherwise nope never use the stuff BUT i appreciate some people & states have a bigger issue & need to do so for prevention issues
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