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Everything posted by Dogsfevr

  1. The dog will cope with those working hours but toy poodles can be very one person orientated & with hubby away during the early ages the dog may take longer to adapt to him.
  2. FB facebook http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?stor...e=1&theater Not sure if this will work
  3. Typical male behaviour around a bitch in heat, Somemales are easy but most will do what yours is doing,the time frame depends on her cycle ,(could go crazy for 1 week or more) Some people will send there male to kennels if really bad but otherwise with an entire bitch its all about managing this time best
  4. I think there on tomorrow or sunday
  5. Well i don't normally post brags in here but today i am. My precious Gordon Setter Zinger just won Best of Breed at the Sydney Royal Show. Zinger is on holidays in the east for a few weeks or months
  6. Having show dogs they are crate trained for that,flying,car,over night vets,emergency evacuations (fire,bad storms),workmen,monster children visiting We have assisted in fire evacuations with our crates for dogs that have been removed for safety.One fire we had over 15 crates/c pens. The best tool ever because one day they do come in handy
  7. I can appreciate the barking aspect but i think you need to add to the equation the added stress of a dog that knows its wrong to toilet inside & gets stressed.This can also increase the incidence of the runs . I think you need to start letting pup be more off a dog with outside access before winter hits & allow him to have some normality Why is the pup barking ?? Does pup go for walks??
  8. Go back to basics & take the paper away. At present you are confusing the pup in what you want,you want him to go but the paper is there if he prefer especially when your home. If the paper is a method you wish to use put it outside as it will have some familiarity to the pup . Depending on the doggy door many dogs dont like the door flap as its either to heavy or solid & blocks there view of outside, We havea plastic strip on ours & the pups use it from 6 weeks as they can see the other side .
  9. We run kennels & the staff should have noticed something,even if they didnt see how it happened . I will say we board a number of Bullies that head butt the fencing,there beds basically use there head to move,bash or pound Haven't had a fence eating one yet but as sais many kennels no longer take Bullies,SBT,AM Staffs because of the damage they can do or do to themselves whilst boarding. I would certainly call the owner because the staff should have noted it on the sheet & certainly informed you Nearly all the Bullies we board have strong war wounds over there heads & face from there antics at home ,most are alos chronic eaters of beds
  10. http://www.sydneyroyal.com.au/2011_Dog_Jud...able_230211.pdf
  11. Most breeders are probably in Sydney for the royal & they had there Curly champ show on the weekend.
  12. Std Schnauzers SHOULD have good temps the problem is most owners who get them are the wrong owners. They believe they are getting a mini but a larger version & there not. Stds are true working dogs,smarter than most breeds infact there pitfall is there too smart & need total mind games to be happy & owners who are dedicated to training early on & being active there after . There aren't for the lazy owner . I handled Stds for many years & we are involved in Minis . We always say to people to own a Std is to own a Rotti./GSD if these breeds are beyond people then they will end up with a nightmare Std
  13. What to consider Everyone needs to decide what they expect to get out of owning a dog specific a Lab Why a Lab is the chosen one & weighing up the good & bad of the breed Everyone needs to decide what commitment they wish to put in ,whether it be walking,playing,training,brushing.bathing.and hanging outside in all weather conditions for many years to come You say your at uni will the dog be yours or the families,if you move out of home will the dog stay with parents & will they be happy to be the Labs main source of mental stimulation The shedding of coat will happen all over the yard.on your clothes so if this is an issue it can often factor into car trips as no one wants hair in the car or on them I would suggest everyone makes list of what there idea of the perfect dog is & whether the Lab meets it
  14. My question to you would be how much time do you plan to spend outside with the dog ?? How much time do you plan to spend giving it mental stimulation whether it be very hot summer or pouring down with rain winter?? The reason i ask is Labs are great dogs BUT often there destructive issues area result of not getting enough time spent especially if outside only . Either sex can be dirty if not trained ,bitches are also very capable of cocking there leg
  15. You will find it near impossible to get someone to hand strip a Schnauzer for you(depending on the size) If you have a Std Schnauzer there coats are generally easier to roll & if you happy to put in the hours each week the coat can look great. Minis are alot harder to roll so to hand strip successfully is done over 6 weeks . It doesn't come cheap either Most terriers have a fairly easy coat to roll/maintain . There are 2/3 Schnauzer breeders that do groom the breed as they should look
  16. i would be phoning the clinic & getting info from them so you are aware of some of the basics before you get there. I would asking basic cost what the first consult will cover
  17. The simple reality is it doesn' t matter now with the Australian rules one plans to buy from over seas . I prefer docked but we now breed with tails just the way it is now. What do i say to people nothing ,if they bring it up i don't respond it is an area that i prefer to agree to disagree
  18. Mine wont touch yogurt LOL but will do the ice cream . I generally do Neapolitan due to the 3 flavours . As you say at present no great celebrations but we are getting there in small steps which is always encouraging .
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