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Everything posted by Dogsfevr

  1. Yep bombers going crazy this morning,all our am clients stuck in the detours & i hope the wind goes not just for the fires because i have had enough wind,leaves,refixing things
  2. Yes because the simple reality is either style can be our breed standard I don't see anything wrong with using varying dogs from around the world providing it is done in a constructive manner . Many trainees often ask questions & sometimes it is easier to have pictures to show & explain why after all they are there to learn . The breed standard fits many dogs ,many people see the breed standard as something different . Breed lectures are very tricky
  3. Atleast these judges also generally turn up,there plenty that many clubs have added to the don't bother list as they have a rep for pulling out last minute,some of the Europeans insist on first class travel & the list goes on . If there doing different groups i see no drama if there doing the same groups then yes that would be an issue
  4. Maybe use the "wizard of Oz" style dog ,most people would have no clue what a Cairn is so preaching to the public is often easier to use something that they can relate to
  5. To have heating & air con the building would have to be totally enclosed . This doesn't meet most councils guidelines for starters & doesn't allow air flow ,quality light all year round. I owuldn't want my dogs in a enclosed kennel with no natural airflow & evap air cons the heat would be horrific . Heating can be an issue & over heat dogs ,give them dry throats & increase the risk of disease . Our kennels the dogs in winter are shut in so its like a laundry set up,the kennel is fully roofed so out of the weather & draft free as possible .There sleeping area is in a nook & the all kennel doors arent opposite each other .This means the draft doesn't just blow from one side to another . The yards outside we havea combo of grass & paved,After thousands of dollars damage done yearly & water restrictions ended up paving for the garden killers & its also better in winter for the coated & aged dogs as they don't get so wet . The grass ones are wire under the grass one side to other incase someone tries to escape . Dividing walls between runs is a must ,many people think its great for social outings but they don't consider there is no off switch available for dogs that pace back & forth all day ,In 40 plus degrees you want all dogs to be quiet & calm . As for grooming charge for over the top coats ,i am a full time groomer & have all the gear & experience in brushing coats BUT some full coated breeds can be a 3/4 hr task each week ,winter takes longer due to the blow drying time & the coat getting damp . For hosing if the dogs aren't outside & one has to factor the winter we can shut ours in there sleeping area where we then hose the run,scrape dry & the dog is in a dry run not getting wet or slipping. Pick the grade slope wisely ,most don't select one step enough for hosing we wish we had thought of that more when we built ours . The decide on your insurance company & see what they will cover you for.No point saying you will walk the dogs if the insurance/liability doesn't really cover that most cover what happens in the set areas. My advice think of the wors case scenarios & build a kennel that can survive that . We originally had wooden internal doors that we used for shutting them in at night,after a few large breeds eating the doors off we have security doors (solid) . This also comes in handy feeding 2 dogs as you shut 1 in/1 out .Some use tie hooks but we don't feel safe using that unknown dogs .
  6. Would also suggest building a puppy run as it will be impossible to leave all unattended . You don't want your pup to learn bad manners early on . Are your plans to have all as inside dogs or will the BC be outside . I agree getting more help will be your best friend when the pup arrives . I wouldn't rush with introducing the pup so depending on your work situation (not sure if your at honme during the day ) i would be having time off work to allow the new pup to settle more than the established dogs as the pups routine will be the one that will have to work around the 2 current dogs
  7. Are you simply looking after these 2 small dogs or are they yours full time ??
  8. Crate next to bed & put fingers through if required ,never failed here & dogs don't get there own way . You need to decide what is the best habit at present ,with our pups we would sooner start close to us & allow fingers in thecrate & teach them to sleep through than have crate further away & cry which becomes a habit you wake up its a reward . Once you understand which cries are legite or not then it does become easier .
  9. Suggest the go to a dog show & look around . There could be a number of breeds that could be suitable but it really comes down to how they wish to interact. You can walk some dogs for hrs but without mental exercise not be the best pet & others that prefer a balanced in between. Maybe suggest they go through the breed pages on DOL & see what breeds take there fancy . I could think of some but it may not be there type or how much they want to pay
  10. Yes showing tonight & bringing new baby for an outing ,my not bring boy boths will see how the day progresses
  11. A contract will stand up in court if done correctly & we will take any of our buyers to court if they don't abide by what they sign & agree to prior to purchase . We don't do it for temp issues as it has no bearing but we no longer trust average joe not to do right with our pups no matter how good an owner they are. We havea breed highly sort after by puppy mills & DD breeders & exporters . Many breeders within our breed have been caught out by shonky people. Many of our pet people have commented on being approached for stud duties & sadly some people see the easy $$$ with no thought about what they are producing & taking short cuts . We may consider a vasectomy but will not budge on spaying & to be honest the one reason we hear is the "man hood " excuse which is purely to make the owners feel good not the dog . Funny thing is the ones who want the dogs manhood to stay are the ones who make the gross comments when we ask them how often they will inspect there dogs manhood & feel for abnormalities . As dog groomers we check any entire dog we groom & often have to inform owners of changes or suspicious issues because they don't check ,we also check spayed animals for any lumps & bumps bitches nipples etc etc its normal practise with our own dogs . As far as cost go that would be yours , we refund a set amount & have an age it must be done by unless there is an issue we have been informed about ,we don't do them prior to leaving as yet & have a 100% success rate but we would have no qualms spaying prior to leaving . So costs would come down to what your vet charges .All you can do is ask the breeders but generally those who don't want to spay generally send alarmed bells off also i believe a reversal can be attempted no guarantees
  12. http://www.dogsvictoria.org.au/Portals/0/assets/members/guide%20to%20completing%20entry%20form.pdf This is on the VCA page
  13. if it was me i wouldn't be doing X rays simply to decide if it has HD or not at present especially whilst saw. I would do X rays for injury elimination. I head to my Bowen/chiro first . If the dog has put back out before could easily have done similiar again which means extension will not happen especially if in pain . The shoulder may be sore but the actual point of injury could be mid back depending on the muscles. Last week i took my boy to bowen who showed signs of sorenezs in shoulders but i new the pain issues was mid back/tail . My other boy 3 weeks ago pulled a groin muscle that actually stopped him from standing up the pain is so bad,trip to bowen walking the next day with quiet time & follow up .
  14. It is doable but if its windy it will blow everywhere,if you knell down to stack chances are you will stand on it getting up . Running should be easy with the flare out but if your a bouncy style runner it can swish in a odd manner
  15. That is why i gave up being a sec many moons ago. People make mistakes but would no longer tolerate the abuse,the pre show day phone calls all day & night wanting to now who they entered & the list goes on
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