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Everything posted by Dogsfevr

  1. It doesn't make any difference whether the coat is thick or thin with the combs . THe #10 blade is useless for that good though. Also depends on which size comb your using . Also whilst your dog may be clean some people bath there dogs in stuff that is just hopeless when it comes to clipping coats & the blades/combs won't go through it no matter what But yes the coat must be knot free ,brushed through thoroughly & better still blow dried out . Combs are fine but the blades are easier
  2. What about a cat ?? Is his vege garden on the ground or raised ?? We actually get lots of calls for exactly your scenario & we suggest people think long & hard before encouraging something that is a life change . We also ask the family if the dog doesn't work out what is the plan ?? For some losing another thing in there life is very heartbreaking ,some family members are all for the dog but don't want to now about it when it goes pear shape . All family members need to also discuss what role they will play . Does he want a grooming breed or wash & wear . Keeping in mind whilst your dad is certainly still young not all want to be brushing a dog in there 70's We have placed dogs out in this exact scenario.the last person we didn't have one but friends did,she was a 9 yr old bitch that whilst many will say OMG how could you at 9 this gentleman is 92 yrs old,still drives & his family support him 100% & will take the dog if anything happens. This is his 3 dog & 2 after his wife passed suddenly . The breeder will aslo take her back. He wanted something that was slow & steady & made him active each day & they area perfect fit . If Tibetan Spaniel is a breed of interest i do have friends who breed /show them & may have an older dog but they do shed coat . Does he want hair everywhere ??
  3. There is always a new fad they move on too . Whilts its worrying that vets do this it always shocks me how many pet owmers don't ask questions,research & get there vet to give both sides & in detail. We had a scenario with a different clinic that offered a service that best suited our older dog. The vet told us the biggest load of **** . We acted dumb & said we needed to discuss it at home & then phoned the next day asking if the vet could put what he recommended in writing so we could better understand the issue ,choices & why the dog needed it, Vet refused so we went in to speak to said vet who soon realised he wasn't speaking to some idiot that would jump at his claim . Some poor person in our shows would have either PTS the dog or went ahead with surgery that wasn't required at all. What i think will be interesting is if people have this procedure & owners decide to make claims against the breeder in small claims court where things will stand .
  4. I rarely keep show trophies because there off no use. We will generally donate them to another small breed/group club ,i wouldn't sell them unless maybe a crate or trolley that was not required but all the fiddly things just find a new home other wise we would need a new shed just for all the things we have won & would never use I just wish all clubs gave cash prizes atleast it is usable
  5. I feed raised stands because the eat calmer than chasing a bowl around the floor gulping place they have to splay there fronts to get down. I have breeds highly predisposed to bloat & whilst i am careful about play i do not lock them up,restrict water before or after eating. I have never been paranoid about bloat but we are extremely careful with our dogs & the boarding kennel dogs. I carry degas but if i have any doubt its to the vets with bloat every second counts .
  6. Bedlington the worlds greatest hot water bottles, We have owned 2 & there great dogs,clean,easy coat within the non shedding family tree,happy for walks but happy to be a couch poato & if the spoodle/oodle look is her thing they fit in well .
  7. Agree you need to ask the breeder what they feed ( we send our diet sheet out prior to picking up pups) . Changing the diet suddenly could end up being your worst nightmare. I feed Proplan for years but never there puppy food,never liked it & since the product is made in Australia it just isn't the same. Crate training is purely up to you & whilst we have showdogs that are crate trained early i do believe it can be one of the best things to train a dog to enjoy. How often you use it is another thing but it can be a blessing to now if anything happens you can just stick them in & all is good
  8. The key is go slow & steady ,trim & brush ,don't go crazy or you will butcher,better to trim alittle than regret it
  9. I would call your breeder first off & discuss it with them after all they now the pups,the breed & any tips. Your vet whilst helpful may suggest another brand of food or something very different that your breeder may not feed for good reasons. The obvious questions is are you feeding what the breeder suggested ??
  10. There will be no right or wrong answer & i will be honest & would love my boy to get his Supreme ,he has won over 50 big & countless BIS . But then i look at other dogs before the Grand or Supreme was brought in that are just as worthy . I just feel we should embrace the new titles for what they are & not lower the quality or the wins of dogs before these titles where brought in. I certainly now in my breed back in the 90's the numbers where massive & the classes where full of outstanding dogs,to win a CC was something special & i will never forget that ,good dogs from the past are just as special & should never be forgotten because they don't have GRD/Sup at the front .
  11. Clip on combs don't stop the risk of cutting the dog any of the blades/tools can cut the dog if used incorrectly . Clip on combs are great for some coats but not all & clip ons require the coat to be matt free,you can occasionally skim over the matts & go from there but this is rare. Clip on are an additional purchase & depending on what people are grooming a blade of similiar length will be better value as the clip ons require buying a set & they don't last for ever like blades Blade wise #50 is a poodle #40 is surgical or we use it on schnauzer ears Then you have blades like #10,15 that do short cuts #8.5,9 ,7 is a tad longer # 4 are longer & then you have ones after that. What is used depends on the coat ,whether the dog has a good undercoat or very little Also whether the coat is matted also determines in the end what blades will even go through the coat
  12. Not sure how much weight she needs to loss & what size she is but i am gathering she is a bigger dog & would say she is hungry on that alone. Diet isn't about starving but feeding the right amount full stop & that combo would be very light on the tummy especially in winter , What was she feed before her diet ?? Did she get lots of treats ??
  13. Clippers are personal & comes down to how they feel in your hands weight & shape wise. Remember though clippers will be the basics,you will also need scissors,nail clippers,pluck ears & depending on how the face is either clip or scissor . You need to set an area that will be non slip & easy for you to clip at . If your dog is naughty to clip then be prepared to also battle with manners & handling,dogs that are naughty aren't so easy to clip infact many of our people who started out planning to do it or do it latter gave up because it wasn't as easy as they thought . For a novice i would never recommend the clip on combs until they have a feel for basic clipping . I would keep it simple & low cost at present,you could spend a fortune on buying many things that you may never use & the cost can suddenly add up especially if you buy from some places. To get the clip on combs means to buy a blade that will be useless in any other area. If your getting it done every 4 weeks now then the oat is ether growing very fast or the groomer isn't taking much off. The most important things is keeping the coat mat free ,if your a novice clipping a matted coat can be extremely painful & time consuming as you need to make sure what you are clipping is matts not skin especially in many oodles with fragile skins. As others have said a #7 could be fine or a tad short,# 5 is a good option . Your #10 blade will be handy for arm pits (clipped with great care) tummy etc etc. The #10 blade may be to short for its bum ,we generally use a #8.5 for bums
  14. There are often Vari crates advertised in the for sale section(rarely the members section) There is one there now in QLD for a large Large vari Kennel (size 5) $150 Airline approved used to import dogs from the USA. Location : Burbank QLD Contact : Ann on 0414 419890 After that cheapest i have seen them is in Melbourne at High four pet supplies but i would place a wanted ad ,people are often getting rid of Varis & the prices are very good & always accepted on airlines . Otherwise if just for flying consider hiring as varis area pain in the arse at the other end
  15. The most important thing is grooming to your dog faults. Stripping toplines & tail sets is individual & you need to now what the good & bad are of your dogs as to how much to strip or save. Just like stripping shoulders & clipping down.you need to look at the neck,shoulders & decide how much bib to leave & how to shape the shoulders ,you can be very creative & haide alot or create something that isn't there
  16. Op shops are another great place for Jackets & even pants I wear white & its easy to stay clean but its just as easy to wear your daggies to the show due to setting up .walking & prep time then pack up time . Generally speaking you would only consider showing in black with a black dog to hide something & that sign tends to go off for judges. You don't have to wear black though cream,beige plenty of other colour pants out there
  17. I had a dog who was a bad suffered badly. We found apples helped & for bad attacks tribacterial tablets from the vet . We also accepted that was part of his life & that the more stress & change in his food the worse it was . We didn't feed any bones or raw foods . We stuck to simple food items. Your choices up there will be limited or very expensive . I would also go to the chemist & buy a pro biotic to help gut bacteria / Our dog was feed tuckerime Garlic roll & dry plus apple ,his attacks would last 2/3 days & would hit the blood stage , We never had weight issues though . Worming on an already sensitive tummy could cause issues & not something i would have done unless there was a worm issue. I would be doing chicken/pumpkin or sweet potato for as long as possible
  18. The dog shop in WAells wahl one sided at a good price & they should last for ever provided you take care .They also sell the small straight for feet . Both cost around the $ 70 . We buy those from there & our big time scissors from the US . The Stone you can also buy from the dog shop "slick n easy " about $6 this is used on the head,i also use it to strip the legs,feet & shoulder area ,stripping the kneck & can be used over the body . The stone is great & i would suggest at present all you need. Even in the US they will clip the necks but you need to blend the throat & i do a combo of thinners & stone on the Setters Stripping knifes are like how long is a piece of string & how much do you want to spend . We have hundreds of dollars worth of stripping tools & each have there use for coats & sections . If you want some help at the show with gear i am happy to assist ,i show every weekend in Perth .
  19. If she chews her feet i would treat it with tinea cream,often the chewing leaves them moist they become itchy ,chew again so Tinea is an issue,you can just dunk in cheap vinegar aswell. Personally if i had a dog that chewed i would also consider bowen or a chiro as the dog may aslo be sore & chewing for relief . Most allergy suggest Roo first off ,i feed roo to one of my show dogs who didn't havea an issue just liked it but it turned him orange . Turkey can be very rich so either it agrees or it doesn't (more the runs than anything else)
  20. You may be limited in choice,next weekend is the start of school holidays but alot of people leave before that. We are booked out for next week so i would suggest you also phone as many as you can & see who has a spot as well
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