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Everything posted by Dogsfevr

  1. Have you phoned the breeder to ask for advice on the issues ??If they area good breeder they will answer your questions or atleast assist in the things that aren't going right It is great to see the vet but you can become paranoid & see things that aren't there & that will take away the joy of owning a pup
  2. As above & i would consider seeing a Bowen or doggy chiro
  3. Our bitches will spend hrs out at that age put will pop in/out for a quick top up. Infact we love the bitches that aren't obsessed BUT you must make sure there are no issues like mentioned. We have some girls that are velcro mothers & drive you nuts but most of ours are very chilled & still want to play & be part of the normal routine,The box is in the kitchen so they see & interact as normal with TV on etc etc & just get let to the other side when they ask. Are the pups restless?? Are they very fat ??
  4. The packages to advertise are very cheap in the scheme of things. Yes many do it in the hopes to win more ,many others do it because its one of the options to get your kennel name out there world wide as the mags area world wide thing. But as already mentioned chossing the right picture & then putting together a out there but simple ad seems a bigger issue. So many have all the fancy crap,way to much wording & photo's that aren't the best I have taken ads out & also been lucky to win half/full pages as dogshow prizes .
  5. Also remember that has been her routine for 2 yrs & now its not Often laundrys are very hot & airless & boring . If you want to change spots then you need to be patient & not go & yell . You need to be prepared to put up with some noise until she settles BUT you need to make sure the area is comfy in this heat . Have you sat in that room at night the way the dog does?? When she was in the family room did she go to bed whilst you where still up or do you put her in last minute ?? My guys will sleep any where in there crates providing the room is either cool enough or warm enough otherwise the have the choice to move about to suit there needs at that time
  6. Western Australia uses the State class regularly. They normally have State,Aust & Open except at B&A shows(charity/fundraiser show) its just State & open & our Royal is just State & open
  7. You can train both but i always preferred to teach a sound stand . Puppy School may teach him many manners you don't want in the ring but a good trainer should be happy with you wanting a stand but just take into consideration that pup needs to learn that dogs aren't for playing with all the time If you havea table or raised area i would practise standing on there until pup is to big that way its neutrel ground to both & you can gently stack
  8. You can teach yourself but i guess the first question i would ask is how behaved is she when you brush her ?? As she is an oldie they tend to like confident handling so fumbling around at her age could be harder for you & her , To be honest i would say leave her to the groomers at this stage unless they have mentioned she is becoming an issue & wish to no longer do it. Keep in mind you will also need to do the nails & all the other things. Buying the clippers & suitable blades plus scissors won't be cheap so without sounding awful will you be purchasing another hairy dog long term ??
  9. You sure she is running slow ?? Often older dogs set there pace better than they did as youngsters Faster doesn't mean better :) Have you video the dog in the ring to see what exactly she looks like. Many dogs run faster outside the ring but it doesn't mean that gait is what you desire in the ring . Other than that i agree maybe chill out & go back to puppy basics of fun .
  10. Because by your own attitude here Challenging a judge is just poor form & fairly obvious it wouldn't be done in a sporting manner . Most, if not all, experienced breeder/exhibitors are breed experts. To there own interpretation the exact reason we don't see clones in the ring. Your idea of right could be the next person idea of wrong .
  11. The other simple fact is anyone who uses a grooming arm knows to use a quick release attachment or something similar certainly not a choke chain
  12. Very sorry for your loss & you are right it is no way for any dog to pass. No groomer in there right mind leaves a dog on a grooming arm with a choker & above all unattended. I don't use grooming arms & have plenty of friends that do BUT we all now that there a tool that should be used when in attendance only & these are dogs that are trained to stay on tables . To leave the dog unattended on a grooming arm is poor form but to leave it unattended on a table full stop is very poor . Dogs can fall off when not trained for table work & especially older dogs that can be more unstable . What to do is up to you ,you can't get your dog back & i am sure (well i hope ) these people have learnt a BIG lesson . The problem you have is many of the grooming schools & associations recommend grooming arms to be used for safety ,at Grooming comps they are compulsory . The problem is when not used correctly things can go wrong very quickly . http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/agriculture/livestock/animal-welfare/codes/aw-code-8#4--Grooming-and-bathing-facilities. If the salon is a PIAA member you can certainly complain through them aswell. I would get a report from the vet sooner than latter though .
  13. i do now there are people that do go in & do what your asked. They are show people but not sure who they are . Have you asked Eastern Creek for details of any groomers ?? There is a company that you can pay to go walk,run,play & groom not sure on there grooming credentials though http://dogwalks.com.au/meet-the-team/
  14. The slicker will still be useful if the dog isn't brushed often(which is the key) The slicker can be used on the pants & varying areas to fluff out even though its only the top & can be used to fluff out in sections but a good under coat rake is what we use in the salon on like minded breeds often matted . The best slicker is one you can brush your own arm with & not hurt . Doggyman/Lawrence ever gentle & a good pet store will sell some brands that are also mild or a cat one is good .
  15. http://www.dogsvictoria.org.au/Portals/0/assets/gazette/Gazette_Dec12_schedules.pdf http://www.dogsvictoria.org.au/Portals/0/assets/gazette/Gazette_Jan13_schedules.pdf
  16. Local vets can't do it a vet recognized by AQUIS is the only one who can . As far as im aware you need the rabies only providing not returning I think the Approved vet also has to treat for tapeworm I don't hold much faith in dogtainers Perth of late , If you want good sound advice ask other shippers or email Dogtainers Melbourne who will give you the correct info . Generally though most shippers quotes cover all the vet work aswell unless you wish to do it but make sure its done correctly
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