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Everything posted by tunagirll
Look as someone who wants to adopt, I totally understand and appreciate that it's important to get a dog that's been dumped once before, into a suitable and stable home with someone who is going to look after it properly and for the long term. I just don't appreciate being left hanging. I've been looking at this dog for literally months (while its home wanted ad gets renewed every few days), filled out forms. called and finally spoken to the rescue place. And now once again a week later I am left hanging with nothing more than a 'if we find something we think might be suitable we'll call you'. And in the meantime some other dog somewhere goes begging for a home while this drags out. I've spoke to my partner and he is a bit put off by it all now same as me. I know we WILL get another rescue but now we need to decide what we want to look at again. Just to cheer things up a little, here's a video I made the other day of our adopted grey. While we planned to go through GAP again (who are awesome!) this guy just kinda popped up, and we just kinda ended up taking him home :) http://youtu.be/fusDOd17_aI
I'm not sure what we are doing now, my boyfriend knows I had my heart set on this particular dog - I have to talk to him about it and see where we go to from here. I am still keen to rehome another dog but it will be up to what he wants as well. Here's a snap of the men of the house :) Sadly we lost Milo kitty to snakebite over Christmas
See, that's the thing - I would have thought we offered a reasonable home. Sure both my partner and I work full time, but when we are home the dogs live with us. They are our furkids. The thing that really stuck with me was the passing judgement feeling, asking questions I am fine with but the answers were being met with an attitude of 'well that is adequate BUT'. For example both our dogs are well adjusted and friendly boys and quite sedentary, happy to greet people, kids and visiting dogs. They have the run of 2 acres to themselves 24/7 and come with me when I feed the horses. Yet I was told, not asked, why I wasn't walking them and they need to be walked to be socialised. Then there was stuff like our grey not being desexed yet, again I was expecting that question, which was because it was on the list, but we had vet bills to clear first from a spate of horse vet calls. Again told I needed to desex him or he would get cancer. Then she wondered aloud what we would do for vet bills for an older dog? I pointed out we'd spent $4000 on our pom for a broken leg, our grey had pannus and was treated 3x a day and had doggles for his outside trips in the sun, I had a horse with insulin resistance and another showing signs of cushings. Then it was onto being told our grey would wander (he doesn't) and so on you get the idea. It's just... I don't know! I just was told my hay isn't being delivered today and we are out, so I have to get my irresponsible self over to the neighbours to borrow some hay... lol. sorry it's coming out like a whingefest but it's how I feel about it right now.
One of the suspects is Hendra, let's hope that isn't the case
Finally spoke to someone there, they said they had called but left no message. The dog I wanted was on trial, and although we had a lovely long chat, left me feeling like our entire lifestyle was under judgement. I realise that screening is important and applies to everyone not just everyone 'else' but yeah, feeling put off right now to be honest. Lola I tried to message you, is your inbox full? You can send me your number instead if you like and I will give you a buzz.
We aren't looking for anything specific just wanting to give an opportunity for a larger/older dog to be rehomed. We're looking more for a girl as we already have two boys (a grey and a pom). I'm going to give them a call today and see if I can catch them! Ok , do you have a 3rd dog licence or are you on large acreage .........there is a strict 2 dog limit in WA We're on a large acreage, allowed to have 4 dogs here
Wouldn't you guys be concerned picking up stuff in a shop that allowed dogs? Unvaccinated dogs, dogs with fleas, communal water bowls etc?
We aren't looking for anything specific just wanting to give an opportunity for a larger/older dog to be rehomed. We're looking more for a girl as we already have two boys (a grey and a pom). I'm going to give them a call today and see if I can catch them!
They keep bumping her on petrescue so either she is still available, or they are bumping it for exposure? I don't mind being persistent after all they must be very busy, but I work in sales full time and even on my busiest days can squeeze in a quick 1 minute call at least to let someone know I will be back to them ASAP. Kajtek very cute puppy! Lots of awwwwwing from me :D I wouldn't mind a puppy but trying to pick up something that might not be so easy to find a foster home for; ie older dogs/needing large spaces to keep. We are priveleged to have acreage so it's nice to use it to give something back.
Sorry no, I am in WA
I would love to go meet her if they actually got back to me. It was love at first (web)sight and now it feels a bit disappointing tbh. Thanks for your message too will respond shortly
After much thought, my partner and I decided to adopt another rescue dog, and as we have a large property I decided we would go for one of the larger breeds that perhaps otherwise wouldn't be easy to home. I found a gorgeous older dog and gave the rescue place a call; the lady I spoke to asked me to fill in an online form. The link was on the dog's page. So I filled in this form and sent it off; no response after a month. I filled it in a second time and send it; again it has been a month with no response. I've called again and left a message but still waiting for a return call. Feeling frustrated! Aren't rescues keen on homing their dogs? I would have thought that even for some reason we did not suit their requirements, we would have received at least a courtesy email or call.
Which Breed Makes The Cutest Puppies?
tunagirll replied to Henrietta's topic in General Dog Discussion
Poms are cute not to mention fluffy! -
The asthma situation has been closely monitored and managed for a long time. It's actually as a result of her carefulness that this happened. She is sad about it but I think if she could go back and do it again she'd still make the same choice. In regards to the home pet, she's already done the homework. She adored this dog and the breed was a perfect fit. She isn't obsessed over colour, just doesn't want to feel like she is 'replacing' the last one or confusing the kids (they are all under 5).
She has had multiple dogs during her life without asthma problems, hence she didn't feel it would be a risk to get this puppy. It was a really unfortunate bad luck to get such an unrelated condition with similar pre-asthma feeling/symptom. She was upset to return the puppy and more upset to find it was an unrelated issue/not able to get the puppy back, but she was pretty gracious about it and accepted it - she will get another puppy once she finds another breeder she is happy to deal with again, although she said she may look at getting a different colour so it doesn't remind her of the original one.
And then you even quoted it again! lol @ job. Don't you hate it when someone quotes your furphy. So back on topic, she had pedigree dogs before, a pug who she spent thousands on due to cancer and a beagle who had bad allergies. She did all the right things for this new puppy, did her research (including here on dogz), visited dog shows to talk to breeders, etc. It was her doctor that diagnosed the inflammation which has since settled down with treatment. I'm not sure to what level one needs to go to keep the trust of a breeder these days, it seems if you make a mistake that is it.
That's what I was just about to say. One is a condition of the airways and the other the gastric tract. I'd have thought they'd also give very different symptoms.. All sounds very strange. I probably didn't write it very well. She has had asthma since she was a child. We have had dogs without incident (as has she) however as a matter of course when she was discussing her situation with the breeder prior to putting her name down, she did say she had asthma in the past. The breeder was great in saying that if that became a problem, she would arrange something mutually beneficial. The puppy has been great at home with her and the children, without any problems for several months. But a couple of weeks ago she started to suffer some shortness of breath/wheezing and this had been to her the same as when she was starting to have asthma attacks. She was very concerned as one of her toddlers was also prone to asthma and had had breathing problems in the past that nearly killed him, so she decided to contact the breeder. The breeder told her that it could be because the adult coat was coming through. My sister then decided to accept her offer to return the puppy - not because she didn't want the puppy any more, but because she was worried that there was going to be a problem with both her own asthma and possibly with her youngest. Needless to say after the puppy was returned, the symptoms remained - she went to see the doctor a few days later, who diagnosed an inflammation that was causing the symptoms. She contacted the breeder immediately to let her know what had happened, but only to find that the breeder was not interested in returning the puppy, as she had matured into a promising show dog. She has been very upset about it all and blaming herself, I just feel sad that the breeder decided to keep the puppy instead to show.
My sister purchased a gorgeous purebred pedigree puppy from a local registered breeder. She discussed beforehand at length about the suitability, asthma etc. All was well for a few months, until she began to worry that the puppy may have been causing an asthma reaction to her, she contacted the breeder to discuss it and finally decide reluctantly that it might be the best option to return the puppy/refund. It turned out that it was just a stomach inflammation from the doctor. She contact the breeder (less than a week later) who has decided not to consider returning the puppy as she likes him. I feel sad for her because she had done all the right things and now the breeder is not interested.
Our pomeranian pup was taken out his his cage by the transport company. He broke his leg. The company claimed he was put into a small area to go to the toilet and had fallen over a low brick fence. They took him to the vet and his leg was wrapped, and I agreed to get him across on his flight ASAP (his breeder lived hours away from the airport). Long story short he had actually broken both bones in his front leg. The specialist was adamant he had to have been dropped from a reasonable height for that injury. $4000 surgery later...! The transport company, when pressed, simply said 'little dogs break their bones all the time.' He hates being picked up to this day but happily has not had an injury in the 4 years since then.
This is why you make sure your dog stays on your own property. If the yard was secure, this would never had happened (and the neighbour would never had reason to suspect the kelpie killed his chickens).
I too, think that the dog beach needs to be extended. However I don't think it's right that it should be at the expense of the horse beach! All 4 options provided by council remove 160m that is the horse beach, despite being able to add around 400m by extending the dog beach south rather than north. The Mayor has elected not to inform dog owners that their plans will remove the horse beach. They only want to save money by taking the horse beach parking and converting it to dog beach parking, rather than making another parking lot. As a horse owner I can tell you it sucks to add 3 hours to a return trip just so your can enjoy a stroll on the sand riding your horse. The last rally was last Sunday with 50 people attending and horses. The Mayor did not attend, but did elect to send a rather smirky email to the rally organiser that he was pleased with the low numbers. Of course he failed to realise that there is only so much parking for horse floats so numbers there will be limited at one time We're not going to take over the dog beach car park for a rally nor park on the side of the road and unload horses, that would be selfish and wrong. Apparently there are also no registered horse owners in the city of joondalup, vs 21000 registered dog owners. That there is actually no registration system for horse owners is apparently beside the point Most horse owners (including myself) don't mind sharing the horse beach with dogs on leashes (for their own safety). Most live in the area and keep their horses in agistment outside in more horsey areas, but we all use the horse beach. Now we only have 5 weeks to object... :cry: And then the beach may be taken from us forever.
Akc Compatability With Australian Register
tunagirll replied to tunagirll's topic in General Dog Discussion
I looked on the AKC website and it clearly states that particolour is disqualification? -
Just been in a conversation with a poodle breeder who claims to have particoloured poodles that are purebred and registereable AKC and CKC, however apparently this is not 'transferable to Australia', 'due to their exotic colours'. I know parti doesn't exist in poodles, so what gives?
Get thee hence to a horse saddlery shop and buy a bottle of Glo White shampoo. This is the best shampoo for any colour and does a fab job (and not too expensive). I use Champion Tails for the horses but only for manes and tails, Glo White does everything else!
Dog Fight, What To Put On Punture Wounds?
tunagirll replied to Missymoo's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Jarrah honey is a good alternative to manuka, try to find a local apiarist who sells it. You want the upprocessed stuff that hasn't been heat treated, just spun to produce the honey ;) there's one up in the swan valley that does jarrah honey but that might be a bit too far for you!