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Everything posted by Bilbo_Baggins_Junior

  1. Yep can't wait! I am borrowing a friends Nikon camera and a really really good lens so will be able to get some awesome shots of your guys, sooooooo much better than the last lot!
  2. If Dunnwarren can bring them to Castlemaine we can deliver them to you Sway, and once christmas is over I might even help out on your chain gang if you want.
  3. I have to have it it is one of the few software requirements for uni. I love it, it is a really great program for initial editing before going on to serious editing in PS. So it is fantastic if all the photo needs is minor adjustments, no massive PS work. I prefer it over ACR (Adobe Camera Raw), not sure why I just do. Best organization program too!
  4. I am the same as LP. In both regards. Would like to come along with Zarah we are still in puppy class (one more week) she is almost 6 months, but would like to talk to people who have trialed before can't hurt to get as much info as early as possible!
  5. Vickie, What editting software do you use? I currently have Apperture but am thinking of moving to either Photoshop or paintshop pro? PS and PSP are both good! Replace Aperture with Lightroom, it is a MUCH MUCH better program.
  6. Make sure she WILL walk on the lead! I showed a cav in baby puppy this weekend who I ended up carrying around the ring because she would not walk for me. Suffice to say we didn't do very well! It was nice to go back into the ring a few classes later with and Aust bred and an Open who behaved perfectly for me!
  7. Overall Yes, but... Feathers are thinned and trimmed, and the hair between the pads is trimmed. Her pads are very crusty with dead skin and I know a professional groomer would be able to help with this better than I could do. She has not been shown for years (it is Wilhelmina I am talking about) she is 13 and only being entered in veterans class at a few upcoming shows. But she will also be much more comfortable with a good groom. She is a bit wild and wooly at the moment so a groomer would also be able to strip the dead fur from her coat better than me as well.
  8. Does anyone know of a good groomer who is experienced in show cuts/trims in the Northern suburbs? (Brunswick, Essendon, Collingwood etc area) Breed is a Cavalier.
  9. Anne, I am happy to do some searching for you, we have quite a few of those chinese stores in Brunswick and Coburg. PM me the name of the product if you want me to have a look for you. Big hugs to Soph from us!
  10. I couldn't resist using the old photo of Lestat he is gorgeous!
  11. I was wondering when you were going to pop in here! I'll get right on it!
  12. Great to see you did end up picking a cav! As the others have said we expect photos over in the cav thread :rolleyes: you know the way there, you have been there before! \ Congratulations BTW!
  13. You may already know of it TB but http://www.amazon.com/Before-After-Getting...y/dp/1577314557 You can download the before getting your puppy section but I can't find the website! I have a copy if you want me to email it to you!
  14. Did it before you posted the second lot I might have another go tomorrow using some of the second lot of pics as well! To upload just download the image and upload to your photobucket. I'm assuming you know the rest of the instructions since you already have a signature showing! But here is the link to the upload guide anyway! (the image is already in the guidelines that troy mentions!) http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=140213
  15. I recommend Northern Obedience Dog Club, http://www.northernobedience.com/ You can start from 8 weeks old, it is not a puppy school per se as the name reads it is an obedience club. We have been going there with Zarah our Shepherd from 8 weeks old.
  16. Let me know if you want anything changed etc.
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