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Everything posted by Bilbo_Baggins_Junior

  1. I can give you these from facebook! GSP's Leo "Ch Atorae Da Vinci Code" won BOB and Best In Group 3rd, Sam "Gr Ch Atorae Bedazzled" was Bitch CC & RUBOB and Timer "Atorae Times Square" won Baby Puppy In Group. Judge was Pointer Specialist Mr G Guffanti from Italy! Group 6 Rottweiler Best In Group 3rd. (No idea whos)
  2. Baby in group 2 was a Jack Russell. Puppy in group 5 was a collie rough (Carluke) Group 1 big - min pin (reid) rubig - pug baby - pug minor - cavalier puppy - pug junior - cavalier inter - yorkie aust - cavalier open - big
  3. Group 2 BIG - Bull Terrier RUBIG - Lakeland? Group 3 BIG - ESS RUBIG - Curlycoat Group 4 BIG - PBGV RUBIG - Ridgie (Grand Ch Mieridge Gatsbys Aplawz (AI)) Group 5 BIG - Sheltie (Ch Shelmanna Zulu Moonbeams) RUBIG - Pembroke Corgie (Gr Ch Aberlee Midnight Sequel) Group 6 BIG - Dobe Group 7 BIG - Lhasa RUBIG - Dally Baby - STIX!!!
  4. New VCA/Bulla regulation Group1 is ALWAYS inside! :thumbsup:
  5. I'm keeping an eye out for a second hand one to add to my collection. Why do they always seem to be for sale only in Qld or WA. :D Hi I'm in Melbourne you can buy my c creat second had shez 8 years old in good condition , I want to buy the new lighter one What size is it? Small the normal size I put three basenjis in it no probs , I will be at bulla on Saturday if that helps I'm in Canberra and after a maxi.. thanks anyway. I bet if you put it up on the classies here it will go like ;) Forget classifieds, I am interested! unomee sent you a PM, I will also be at Bulla on Saturday!
  6. That depends. I personally love the C-Crates ones, ours is not actually a c-crates but it is exactly the same. However they are very heavy. after having it for 20 years we are well and truly used to it now. They also last forever. I have never owned any other type of trolley so cant help much with them.
  7. I have checked the profile and the black nose part has been taken off . So so true, sadly many think a blue dog can have a black nose :rolleeyes: No it hasn't!!
  8. Also Huge congratulations to Kurt and Annie! CH Vladimir Anarchy on Group 3rd! ;)
  9. Now puppy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Big 1 and rubis - pug (I think one of Belindas but don't quote me on it) big 3 - flatcoat (bling) big 4 and bis - long hair dacchie big 5 - bearded collie big 6 - Bernese big 6 - kees rubig was a TT
  11. Bis - long hair dacchie rubis - Alaskan mal I was tild baby in show but can't remember. group 1 big - pug (leanne's Tyson) rubig - cavalier minor - havanese open - min pin (shaggy)
  12. Blame sway! She has not told me. I can tell you Matt and Will got both challenges with cavaliers. Bob - Chesney (lorankas spellbinding harana (imp uk)) Rubob - Ivy (ch matmor poison ivy)
  13. And the most exciting news! Baby in Group 7 Swayd Stix N Stones
  14. Group 2 BIG - bull terrier RUBIG - airedale Group 3 BIG - ESS RUBIG - Gsp Group 5 BIG - Border Collie RUBIG - Bearded Collie Group 7 BIG - Standard Poodle ( capanash, Kerry said it was a black intermediate dog owned by Michael.)
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