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Everything posted by Bilbo_Baggins_Junior

  1. Rubis - dally Rubig grp 7 - Schiperke big 3 - English setter (bowey) rubig - Gordon (beer) minor - flatcoat inter- flatcoat
  2. Whoo!! Go Kaos! And of course Shimmer!! Who's the other Griffon? Oh! And the Iggys! Do you know? the other griff is giggleswick ruffntuff (minor dog)
  3. Best in show mini poodle runner up best in Irish wolfhound
  4. Group 3 big American cocker rubig cocker baby cocker minor golden inter golden open big
  5. Group 7 big mini poodle rubig shih tzu baby toy poodle minor frenchie Aust bred Dane
  6. Group 1 - big - Maltese rubig - pug baby - pug minor - peke puppy - rubig junior - italian inter- big aust - GRIFFON open - cavalier
  7. How is that an different to me. I show the majority of weekends, live in Brunswick it is about 47kms to KCC, we also will go to lancefield, Bendigo, ballarat, Geelong... You have petrol costs each day. The only difference is not having to drive over a bridge.
  8. Was this the show we drowned in mud at last year capanash? If it was they had neuter last year!
  9. Do they include breed breakdown? If thy do can you pretty please tell me how many cavaliers and griffon bruxellios are entered?
  10. As long as they arrive before Thursday morning I will be fine.
  11. BIG 3 - Flatcoat RUBIG - Curky coat (Chris Kelly) MPIG - Flatcoat IIG - BIG
  12. And well done Morsha on RUBIS!!! :D :D You can't just post the results and not have a brag too.
  13. :D :D :D :D WOOHOO GO BLING!!!! (Flatcoat)
  14. Am I blind or can anyone else not see cavaliers on the list. I expected to not see white Swiss shepherds but where are my cavaliers
  15. And BEST IN SHOW was GR CH Borscana Ultima Thule (Imp Sweden) What breed is this? As Posted above by Weisnjac Borzoi. Yep Bullet Shooter Sparkle Janey and I think there were two or three others, I don't have the catalouge on me but from memory there were 3 baby bitches, Janey, her litter sister Annie and Tilka (the Crowley's (who own Annnie) other baby. The Crowley's may or may not have had another in I can't remember. Bullet got Breed today Sparkle got breed yesterday.
  16. And BEST IN SHOW was GR CH Borscana Ultima Thule (Imp Sweden)
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