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Everything posted by twogrs

  1. Thanks for the ideas everyone. Crisovar your idea to remove the blade and run the clipper helped. When I ran it without a blade it sounded fine. I got hubby to take off whole blade part, and then (with the help of some you tube videos) he put it back together. It sounds fine again now. BTW - coat was freshly washed Friday, no sprays etc used and I had oiled the (no. 10) blade before starting each time. So I'm not really sure what it was - perhaps the blade was too tight, not tight enough etc. Hopefully it doesn't happen again! Thank you all again :D
  2. Hi, I tried out my new Wahl KM-SS clippers this weekend. Having never used clippers before I read all instructions, watched the dvd etc before even plugging them in. I tried them out for about 5 minutes (with a few stops) yesterday. At first they were good. Then just before I turned them off they sounded funny. I didn't think much about it, brushed the loose hair out and put them away. Tried again today. Straight away it doesn't sound right. The best way to describe it is that the power is going up and down, like something getting a flat battery. I think the motor is speeding up and down? I've searched around for answers, but cannot find this problem being described by anyone. Has anyone had this happen to them? Have I done something wrong, or is it likely to be a warranty issue? Any help appreciated!
  3. I checked out the Pets Domain at Gepps Cross just after it opened - hoping it would be a 'good' pet shop. But no - the back wall is a glass display of oodles and other DD's. It's a franchise business, based mainly in QLD I think. So I turned round and walked straight back out, vowing never to return
  4. I got the Advance Adult - Large breed bag just before Xmas- it had the larger pieces. I only got it because Petstock had run out of the 20kg bag sizeof the all breeds one. Normally I just get the Adult All breeds chicken one- it has the smaller kibble. The all breeds is suggested for dogs up to 25kg. Large breeds for dogs above 25kg. Hope that helps.
  5. I'm interested in this too as my girl (GR) has always had a lightish nose and recently it has gone almost completely pink. Their inside water bowl is plastic whilst the outside ones are stainless steel or ceramic. I've also read that kelp can help with pigment. I found Value Plus make methionine tablets. Found them at VetnPet direct here and at greyhound products direct here. Also at the greyhound place, they also have it in powder form by Big Dog. Hope that helps. Tomorrow I'm off to find a nice big bowl to replace their inside bowl
  6. I don't know how effective they are but I believe some councils hire out the citronella collars. One of the rangers from the Salisbury council I spoke to mentioned it to me when I was asking about excessive barking and the council regulations. Might be worth contacting your council? Also you could look into keeping them entertained during the day. Filled kongs, frozen treats/food in an ice cream container of water so they have to work on getting their food. Aussie dog toys, a doggy sand pit... Good luck
  7. It's pronounced 'tighter'. Or so my internet dictionary tells me
  8. Other places sell it too. You can buy the Malaseb from pet shops, I know Petstock have it. Also some online stores have it.
  9. I'm afriad I don't know about a 'von willhelms' disease - but Von Willebrand is a blood disease. Basically the blood doesn't clot quickly to heal up cuts and scratches, so you bleed. It is found in humans and in dogs. There are risks for dogs with it having surgery in case of a major bleed. Papillons are on the list of dogs it affects. Bleeding gums as an adolescent is apparantly a symptom. I found this link for disease testing: http://www.gtg.com.au/AnimalDNATesting/ind... Theres a company called VetGen in the US that has the patents on the testing for it. Oh, and Dr W Jean Dodds - specialises in blood disorders of dogs http://www.mdba.net.au/jean_dodds.php I'm afraid I don't know much more than that
  10. sas - the Curash is in supermarkets and chemists - in the baby section. White talcum powder style container. its just the nappy rash powder for babies. Lots of people swear by it. You can sprinkle it on hotspots, dries them out nicely. Oh and also it comes in a cream too - but that doesn't dry out hotspots. So avoid that one
  11. Doing a bit of an internet search, I came up with the following link http://www.vetsearch.com.au/productsGreyhound.asp (Can't you tell I've nothing better to do ) I believe Vetsearch make Neutradex - they also make all sorts of electrolyte supplements for greys and working dogs for dehydration. Hopefully someone with working or racing dogs who knows about this may be able to help you more.. Cheers
  12. From Wikipedia - Giblets are the edible offal of a fowl, typically including the heart, gizzard, liver, and other visceral organs. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giblets This thread is great for those of us wanting to gain the knowledge (and confidence) to go raw. Thanks Amstaff Shane :D
  13. I can sympathise with the dust bowl and two big dogs.... but it hasn't rained here for ages - so I can't remember what the mud is like :rolleyes: My pair would just try and eat the dog rocks - so it didn't bother buying them.. When I had grass - before I killed it off to renovate - I would put a pinch or two of bi-carb soda in the dogs water bowls. Dogs don't notice it, and no burnt patches... supposed to neutralise the pH or something..
  14. LOL - she certainly seems a little obsessed with it ;) I'd take a guess that she's trying to make it shut up.. That noise would certainly make me wanna bury it You should be pleased that you've found her a toy that keeps her amused for so long!
  15. Can't say I've tried them - my two would just eat them I put a small sprinkle of bi-carb in their water - haven't had burn patches since. And it's much cheaper
  16. I can't comment on the fleas as we don't have any. But I thought you might want to be aware of the Pennyroyal oil. If there is anyone pregnant (human) around - it's meant to be toxic. Something about causing early labour.
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