My 13 week old Cavalier is giving our cats a really hard time. He chases them to the point were they are so scared to come within feet of the house yard or house. They are stressed and losing weight.
I've told the pup off with a firm voice, sprayed water at him, but he just thinks it's a game and won't listen. As soon as he see's a cat he's off like a bullet.
We have 2 other dogs, a 6 year old Cav which we have never had a problem with and a 9 week old pup which is so gentle and doesn't attemp to chase the cats and rather let them approach her and she just rolls over. It's just the 13 week monster.
He has a totally different personality than my other two dogs, he is a real Bloke!!! He likes to bark alot, competing with the neighbors muts, (absolute disgraceful dogs no fault to the dogs, but to the owners)...
Any advice on what we should do??? We do love him dearly and try to keep him amuzed all day,....We currently have separated the cats from the dogs area, but I was hoping that they would eventually feel at home together.