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Everything posted by tikira

  1. If I had my way it would be when there was nowhere left for them to sleep, but truthfully I think 3 has to be my limit- I just don't have enough hands or lap space for any more than that! :D Di
  2. Although we had working dogs always, my first dog as an adult was Tippy, who we got at the age of 40. Before that we were in the Bank, and could not have a pet. What a learning curve this self opininioated Jack Russell was- but I loved him with all my heart. He taught me so much about dogs, and life in geneeral, but mostly he taught me about myself, and taugt me what unconditional love really is, and I thank him so much for the life lessons. Di
  3. Welcome to Dol Skye. Ava is beautiful, and sounds like she is a happy, healthy funloving girl. I too would enjoy seeing more photo's. Di
  4. Jingo is 7 months old, and has started cocking his leg about a month ago. He has also started marking. I have not noticed a voice change yet, but he has always had a big boy bark for such a little boy. Tip was done at 6 months old (because that is when it HAS to be done- so we were told) He never cocked his leg in nearly 10 years. Jingo only humps Kira's front leg, but she is on to that, and just turns in a circle until he stops the behaviour. We are looking at just after easter for Jingo "to get a Gus done". Otherwise he is a totally laid back boy, lazy is a good word for it- It drives us crazy when training him, but we know to do it in very small stages. Wayne ended up instructing half the puppy class on Sunday, there are way too many puppies there for the number of instructors this intake. He had fun, and I am guessing we will have several more people arrive next week armed with lots of treats and toys He used to be a novice instructor about 7 years ago, and we had the best Clicker/food based trainers possible, it is just a matter of him brushing up on his previous training. Di
  5. Good to hear all went well Steph, even though the message would have freaked anyone out. Good luck with the recovery- you do know Gusis going to milk all the sympathy he can, don't you? Poor Brooke, human boys take the "snip" very badly, even if it is only happens to their dog- Maybe you should have asked for fakies- extra large! We didn't need to worry about Tip , as the next morning he was doing zoomies around the house, jumping over furniture etc (pre crate training days) Hope the loser who broke into your car uses the GPS and ends up in front of a police station :laugh: Di
  6. He is a bitsa Lisa, a bit of Ridgeback, Staffy and ACD as far as they were told. He was an RSPCA rescue, and is only just 1 year old. Di
  7. Thanks Pers. I think when we get a new puppy, we should look for these before and after opportunities, they are great. Di
  8. This one shows the size difference, Jingo has grown a little since then, but despite the size difference they play so well together. Barney is the most gentle dog I have ever met, even though he thinks he can fit in your lap for a cuddle :laugh:
  9. Lisa, I love the idea of "Super Nova" It will suit him so well, as he is definitely as "Super" as they come, I think. Steph, good luck with Gus's "right of passage" on Monday, I am thinking of you both, and Jingo will be too, his visit is not too far off now either. It is funny, it never worried me with Tip or Kira, but with Jingo I am. The pic of Laci is gorgeous, I always thought she was white? , but I was obviously wrong. Ezio and all the other pupstars are looking great, and it is good to hear they are all enjoying their puppyhood with thier people. While the reason for our week long visit to Inverell was so sad and emotional for Wayne and I (my Mum passed away), Jingo loved it. He got to have play dates with the ministers poodle, where they shared the love, attention, bones, toys and Bangee's food bowl, to two Maltese terriers in the park who turned out to be Mum's doctors dogs, and especially his best buddy Barney, who stayed by Jingo the whole time, even though Barney was free to roam, and Jingo was on a long lead. My boy is so smart he learned he had to lift the rope knot over obstacles when they got stuck, it was cute to see him taking the excess rope into his crate, for whatever reason :laugh: Di
  10. Kavik, I am really sorry to hear of Zoe's passing. Zoe, enjoy chasing the bunnies with my boy Tip. Di
  11. Tip HATEd the sound of the Smoky BBQ sauce bottle as we squeezed it..... tomato sauce was okay though! Di
  12. Hi Wendy. The years will pass, but the memories will last. I know this is a hard time for you,and the memories will be flooding back. My boy Tippy will have been gone a year in March too, and I understand totally how often you wish Melody and Brianna could have met, I find myself saying that to my Puppy all the time, but I firmly believe Brianna and Melody somehow already "know" one another, and she is happy there are puppy kisses in your house again. Take time to sink into the memories Wendy, cry a little and smile a lot, that is what Brianna would want. Di
  13. Thanks for the smiles. You cannot know how much I needed them after the hardest two weeks of my life (I lost my Mum). It never ceases to amaze me how much our four legged friends can make the sun shine again for a few minutes. so I really thank you for sharing the many moods of Max. Di
  14. The crate is simply the best thing we did with Jingo. Last week was the hardest in my life (I lost my beautiful Mum), and we spent the week at my sisters home. Jingo was required to be on long lead as there is no fencing, and he did not bat an eyelid.... he had his crat which was open during the day. (His HUGE cousin Barney could not understand why he could not get in with Jingo, but his head did fit- just) We bought him inside for naps and overnight, and he settled immediately to sleep. No Fuss, no stress, and my sister, who does not like inside dogs, was happy with this setup. I cannot recommend them highly enough. I agree... "Oh magical Crate" Di
  15. All these are great ideas. Keep them really tiny, and keep trying them. Our boy loves nutri-grain. Bottom line is whatever they go nuts for, and that could be food- or not. Check which your puppy values most highly. Put a different treat in each hand, close it. Hold them out to puppy and see which hand he chooses. Voila- his favourite (on that day!) Di
  16. The only dog I have met that was debarked sounded as though he had the worst sore throat ever. 5 minutes with him and it drove me nuts- I wanted to give him a strepsils! :) Di
  17. Awww, how exciting.... more new puppies for us to watch grow up Monchichi. Breathe deeply and keep researching. It will be fun, but there will be days you are in tears, and thinking you have made a mistake. Like any new parent you will be tired, frustrated at times, and so much in love your heart nearly bursts. Everything will work out, and you will settle into a new way of life! The main thing we underestimated with our first puppy was how much mischief he could get up to. We puppy-proofed, then again, then got on our knees and did it again- it WAS SAFE- or so we thought- mouse bait long forgotten under the fridge, moth balls in an obscure corner in a cupoboard (never thought he would eat moth balls- the "throw up" stench at the vets was awful, and a house guest who forgot to close a door and almost lost some medication. But he got better, and so did we. We armed ourselves with Vicks Vaporub to smear on anything he may chew,he would not go near it, and watched him every second. This time around we have used a crate, and a playpen, and our lives are all so much safer and calmer. We pop him in his "bedroom" when we can't watch him, and know he is safe, and he loves it, in fact when I have a nap, he slides out of bed and goes to his crate, or whimpers until I bring it in- so much for a bed buddy Take something with you when you visit that the puppy can play with that has your scent on it. Then bring it home with puppy, it will have his mum and siblins scent on it and will help soothe him. We took a towel. Good luck, and use DOL as a sounding board, and a bragging board, we love to hear about them all. Di
  18. Oh no,Brake problems on the range would be so scary, no wonder you hate the range, but it is beautiful in Armidale in Autumn, by far the most beautiful time of year here. A better road is something we in Armidale dream about- we all like to escape to the coast. Di
  19. That is shame DotDashdot, we would have gone and had a look if you were going to be there, but totally understand the range thing. I hate it too, but not much choice when you want to get to the coast from here. I am sure you are very excited to meet Nala's family. Good luck with saving your money for it. Di
  20. Jingo does this too, but I can't complain, him gazing adoringly at me the entire time we were chosing which puppy to buy was the reason he came home with us! He is six months old now and still does it. :D Di
  21. awwww, how sweet. Happy birthsday Odie, it looks like you got spoiled Di
  22. Powerlegs, I hope you found the rat or intruder that did that, after all it could not have been one of the dogs- right! Actually I can just imagine the thought process there.... "yeah, that'll do it, can't move without power" Smart dog! Di
  23. Yes Aliwake, it is lucky they are cute- could get messy otherwise And yes "people soup" is the best flavoured water around! Goota love them though, and Jingo makes me smile every day. He has learned that he has to wait for the large iceblock in his bowl to melt until it is a size where he can retrieve it and drop it on my feet. He checks it every few minutes so it is "just right" Di
  24. I am lucky that the broom has them scattering fast!. Kira guards the others from the evil vaccuum, so the boys disappear when that is going too. Jingo is making progress with the "dog eating plastic bags", but the evil dog that sometimes appears at night in the window (his shadow) well, that sends him crazy :laugh: and he has a loud scary growl too, for a tiny Jack Russell. Di
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