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Everything posted by tikira

  1. Great news Yonjuro, perhaps you can get some proper sleep eonight not worrying about it. Di
  2. We potty trained our puppy in the following way. 1. Never took our eyes off him, if we did, he weed. We soon learned his tell tale "I need a wee or poo" sign (poo was easier, we had more warning there) 2. If we coulddn't watch him, he was in his playpen, which he never soiled. 3. For the first couple of weeks, we slept on the floor next to his crate (which he was locked in at night, and set our alarm for every couple of hours, gradually extending that time. 4.In the day time we took him out every hour or so, as soon as he woke up, after food etc. At nine months old we still sometimes do a refresher with his toilet command, so he is relaible when we need him to be. 5. Huge praise, and special treats that were kept by the door for the first few months. 5. If there was an accident (and there were many), no fuss. If we caught him in the act it was an "uh", and carried outside to finish, then big praise/treats. We then popped in his playpen and cleaned the mess with paper towels, then a mix of biozet, and then vinegar and water. Nights became easy when we made his playpen and crate setup under the dining room table, and put his own doggy door in to his own fenced off area. The problem here was we missed opportunities to toilet train him. I know this seems like overkill, but I know what it is like to have an unreliable adult (sisters dog)and it soon got very very annoying and unsanitary, so overkill it needed to be with us. Good luck as you find the best way for you and your puppy. Oh, and we need photo's! Di
  3. Gorgeous photo's Leanne of some very beautiful subjects. I love the blue backdrop, and the pale green toy in the first does it for me- , my fav colour combo is blue and green. I am so excited to be doing a photoshoot with a Ragdoll Kitten and a beautiful young owner in a couple of weeks when Sunny comes home. Hubby and I can't wait!. Di
  4. It only takes one, when it is such a lovely shot. Di
  5. congrats on the new "Baby", I know you will cherish it. Enjoy getting to know it. Great first photo's . I can't wait to see more, although as we all know it is the photographer, not the equipment that counts most of all, so I don't really expect to see much difference. Di
  6. Happy birthday Nova. Enjoy your Salmon. Gee that year went so quickly, and Nova has grown into a gorgeous dog, it has been fun watching him grow, and I look forward to his next adventure. Di
  7. I echo the advice everyone is giving. We all go through this with our puppies. Cardboard is great, if you are willing to deal with the mess! Toilet rolls with some treats or kibble stuffed in, and the ends folded in are great, or a plastic bottle with the lid removed, and a small hole cut into the side, also with treats, so they can nose it to get the kibble out. What worked for us with the chewing of rugs was vicks Vaporub. Our dogs do not like the smell, and so don't chew things with a smear rubbed on. Of course, make sure he does not consider it to be food! Good luck with this phase, breathe and relax, this too will pass!
  8. We have a Bengo Crate from Ebay, No problems at all for our Jack Russell. They need to be trained to love it, look at u-tube for ideas on crate games, Jingo loves his, and chooses to sleep there with the door open, but when we travel it is invaluable as he can be locked in. Vinegar diluteds is a great cleaner too, and works just as well as custom amde ones, and is way cheaper. Di
  9. You really sound as though you have difficult issues there. We found Vicks Vaporub to be a good deterrant for our Jack Russells, just smear it on. A dog will continue to pee in places he can smell urine, so that is probably a reason he is peeing in the bed. Sadly I think until you can talk to a behaviourist, you need to exclude him from where he pees, and go back to toilet training- big time. A crate or "playpen" will help you to monitor what he is doing. Time out worked for us as well, we chose the hallway, and only for less than a minute. Just long enough for him to calm down, but like a child it takes time, determination, and consistency by everyone in your household. You will need to do this over and over, probably in short succession, until you out stubborn him. The good news is Jack Russells are very intelligent, and usually learn quickly. Interupting bad behaviour with a "uggghhh" sound, or a low growl, helped us too (and still does, As soon as you see him do something, interupt with your "ugghh" sound, and then straight away redirect him to something he IS allowed to do, and then reward the good behaviour. I am sure others will be able to add to this. Good luck with your boy, Jacks are great little dogs, but can have their drawbacks. It is, like any dog, a matter of finding out what works for them. Our first Jack Russell was totally ruled by his tummy and toys.... We used that to train him. Di
  10. Good luck with the off switch. Due to wonderful trainers and training methods, we found our Jack Russell Tip's off switch Sadly very few people got to see it, as he loved company, and would show them how much by jumping on them! Thankfully Jingo is way more laid back, except for jaws of steel that will not release penny Lizards! Di
  11. Dory, they look so comfy, and so innocent :D Aliwake, Nixon looks like he has been on this earth before, his eyes show his soul, but with looks like that it must be hard to cut his food, and I am guessing he does'nt see the advantage of being lean. :) A lovely photo of a stunning boy. Enjoy your new camera, and your trip. Di
  12. If your breeder is experienced, then really listen to their recommendations. We chose our first Jack Russell for his outgoingness. Wayne wanted an agility dog, and while his brother was contaent to snuggle and cuddle with me, We chose the "crazy dog" who was interested in everything. He was very dominant, and wilful (and we loved him so much), but everyone thought he was really hard work, and high energy, and way too intelligent. Our second Jack Russell we chose the one that was confident, but content to sit and stare at me the whole time. His laid back temprament is what we were looking for, and that has not changed. He is such a good boy,and definitely easier than Tip was. So trust your instincts about the way the puppies are interacting, watch their play, take your time, and listen to your breeders thoughts. Do a little research on "puppy aptitude test" on your search engine. It is interesting and may help understand tempraments of individual puppies, and what you should look at or avoid in the various behaviours you will witness in the litter. Good luck with your puppy, and we need pictures when you get him/her Di
  13. Hi Shadrack. Welcome to DOL. Your "kids" are very cute, and I don't mind if that is how you refer to them. Lots of us have mixed breeds, and most don't mind, as long as you call them what they are - "x"s. We enjoy talking about our dogs, looking at photo's, and discussing problems, brags, happiness and tears. Trust me when I say you can and will learn so much that you never even thought about before, and knowledge is power. Hope to see more posts Di
  14. Very nice Leanne, congrats on your new camera. Your dog is a gorgeous subject, and that lens looks really nice. I like the DOF on the web too. It is a small world, as I only saw the picture of your dog on a photography forum I have just joined, this morning. I look forward to seeing more of your work Di
  15. Fritz and Didi are growing so beautifully, thanks for the update. Cheys, our Jack Russell is not much for water either, but he does look like one day he will end up in the spa with us.... just waiting for it to happen! Jingo had the BEST time over easter at the farm with his "cousin", big Barney dog. After about 10 minutes of letting him explore with his leash on, we let him off, (something that would have never happened with Tip. He shadowed Wayne or me for the entire weekend, and was so good. He had his first dip in the creek, accidentally, which he hated, and got spoiled rotten- but the 22 people out there respected the rules, no chocolate, onions, corn cobs etc Di
  16. tikira


    What a lovely thing for your Mum to do Lisa, and such a beautiful rose, perfecttly named too! Di
  17. Welcome to DOL "loony Luna". Luna is gorgeous, I love those ears. I look forward to seeing and hearing more about her as she grows. Di
  18. I have a "gazer" too- Jingo chose me by sitting and gazing into my eyes, and in every picture of the litter when we first met them I can pick him straight away.... He did not take his eyes off me Gotta love the gazers! Di
  19. The "anniversaries" are the hardest thing, so wallow today in the sadness, but think of a few happy memories too. Our treasured dogs spend their entire lives trying to make us happy, and I know Grover wants you to have an "afterglow" moment. "AFTERGLOW" I'd like the memory of me to be a happy one. I'd like to leave an afterglow of smiles when day is done. I'd like to leave an echo whispering softly down the ways, of happy times and laughing times and bright and sunny days. I'd like the tears of those who grieve to dry before the sun, and think of happy memories that I leave when day is done. Helen Lowrie Marshall Hugs to you Di
  20. Very nice, but I think he is asking to play, or is he just gazing lovingly at your phone? Di
  21. Update- The owner had to wait all weekend to pick his puppy up from the shelter, as he could not before today. The puppy is depressed and quiet, and I hope his owner has learned a lesson, but gee, I do feel for him about not even being able to find out for certain if it was indeed his Pup all weekend. I am pleased I was at least able to help by sharing the original ad via Facebook to over 13,000 members, not to mention these peoples own networks. At least he knew there was a little dog at the shelter who may be his, and the puppy was safe- but I know I still would have been searching all weekend- in case! Di
  22. Thanks all. agree with all that has been said, but wanted to know the "ins and outs" before I talk to the people who dropped the puppy into the vets. They are upset that they left him with this vet, and thought they should have left him with another vet or kept him until Monday morning, or until owner was found. (one post on Facebook was enough to locate them) Your comments will help them realise this is the best way, and they did the right thing, even if puppy is at the shelter for a couple of days ( the puppy owner cannot contact the pound, there is no answer) Di
  23. This morning a puppy was found in Armidale. He was wearing two collars and was very friendly. The people who found him took him to a local vet surgery, where I am guessing a microchip was not found? ( :mad ). They left him in care of the vet surgery and advertised on the radio, saying he was safe at the vet clinic. I posted on Facebook and immediately someone who thinks the puppy is theirs responded- but the pup is now at the Animal shelter, and they cannot contact them. My question here is - is this a standard practice for vets to immediately send them to a shelter? (I realise it costs them to house and feed them,so I am not having a go at the vet who did this), but is someone who finds a dog able to get the microchip checked and then leave contact info at vets and the shelter, and then look after the animal at their own house for a couple of days until the owner is found? or is this not allowed? I am just curious, as the person who found the puppy thought the kindest option was to have a vet look after him, or they would have called the shelter immediately. Di
  24. Sounds like a great start. I am so glad he and his sister are getting on- it is so much easier when that happens. sleep- who needs sleep when you have a new puppy ! I am sure you don't want to miss a minute by doing boring stuff like sleeping! Enjoy getting to know your little boy! Di
  25. Oh no, a border Collie Puppy :heart: ..... green eyed monster is going to rear it's head here at my place....I LOVE border puppies, and can't wait to see photo's of your little girl. Di
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