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Everything posted by tikira

  1. Carissa. We are happy to give this a try. Can you email a copy with a bit better resolution to Wayne & Di
  2. I am finding that I am thinking a lot about Jae today, and I am cuddling my two dogs just that little bit more. This tragedy has really made me realise that you need to treasure every moment with those you love, because it is true that tomorrow is not promised to anyone, and who knows when there won't be a tomorrow - for us or them.
  3. Jaeger was special. As I posted in another thread Jaeger really did change people's perceptions of GSD's. As a puppy my Jack Russell spent many happy hours in the mouth of this gentle giant as they played so vigorously, yet so gently- and believe me, Tip was a full on puppy, and deserved to be disciplined many, many times- Jae never did! What I didn't know until just now was Jaeger was under two years old himself then- he was so controlled thet I believed he was much older than that! There is one thing I know above all else though, and that Jae was ready to go. I know this because I know Schatzi's Mum and no-one I know can "read" dogs better than she can, and when it comes to her own dogs.... it is uncanny, she is so connected to them. Jae lived life to the fullest, he was not happy having to watch Schatzi and Kato doing things he could no longer do. Now he is pain free and more supple than he ever was, and I know he is shoving his frizbee in the face of anyone he can find while waiting for his mum to join him. Farewell Jaeger, you will be missed by many.
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